
专著推荐 | 外语教材研究国际著作(3卷本)

通讯君 语言学通讯 2022-06-09




Understanding Language Use in the Classroom: Including Teaching Materials for College Educators《理解语言在课堂上的使用:包括大学教育者的教材》

作者:Susan J. Behrens



It is clear that a proper understanding of what academic English is and how to use it is crucial for success in college, and yet students face multiple obstacles in acquiring this new 'code', not least that their professors often cannot agree among themselves on a definition and a set of rules. Understanding Language Use in the Classroom aims to bring the latest findings in linguistics research on academic English to educators from a range of disciplines, and to help them help their students learn and achieve. In this expanded edition of the original text, college educators will find PowerPoint presentations and instructor materials to enhance the topics covered in the text. Using these additional resources in the classroom will help educators to engage their students with this crucial, but frequently neglected, area of their college education; and to inform students about the unexamined linguistic assumptions we all hold, and that hold us back. You can find additional materials on the Resources tab of our website.



Author Biography
Part 1: The Role of Academic English in Higher Education
1. Linguistic Obstacles to Better Teaching and Learning
2. Examining Academic English: Form and Function Definitions
3. Linguistics and Pedagogy
Part 2: The Linguistic Conversations (Including Lesson Plans)
4. Introducing the Conversations: Linguistic Principles
5. Word Formation/Morphology
6. Word Meaning/Semantics
7. Grammatical Markers/Morphosyntax
8. Grammar and Punctuation/Syntax
9. Narrative Structure/Discourse
10. Pronunciation/Phonology
11. Voice Quality and Speech Melody/Prosody
Part 3: Study Sheets: Review Materials for More Conversations

Creativity and Innovations in ELT Materials Development: Looking Beyond the Current Design《英语教材开发中的创新与创新:超越当前教材设计》

主编:Dat Bao



This book brings together renowned scholars and new voices to challenge current practices in ELT materials design in order to work towards optimal learning conditions. It proposes ideas and principles to improve second language task design through novel resources such as drama, poetry, literature and online resources; and it maps out a number of unusual connections between theory and practice in the field of ELT materials development. The first section of the book discusses how innovative task-writing ideas can stretch materials beyond the current quality to make them more original and inspiring; the second part examines how different arts and technologies can drive innovation in coursebooks; the third section describes how teachers and learners can participate in materials writing and negotiate ways to personalize learning.



List of Contributors

Authors' Bio Data


1. Dat Bao: Expanding the Discourse in ELT Materials Development through Creativity and Innovations

Part A - Improving In ELT Materials Through Creative Pedagogies

2. Brian Tomlinson: Making Typical Coursebook Activities More Beneficial For the Learner

3. Alan Maley: Creative Materials: An Oxymoron?

4. Dat Bao: Materials for Creativity: A Constructivist Perspective

5. Dat Bao and Ranran Liu: Incorporating Creativity in Primary English Coursebooks

6. Tan Bee Tin: Promoting Autonomy through Creative Tasks: Broadening Possibilities within Constraints

Part B - Improving In ELT Materials through Specific Resources

7. Hae-Ok Park: ELT Materials Using Process Drama

8. Paul Hullah: Living in the Materials World: Why Literature Has A Place Here

9. Dat Bao and Xiaofang Shang: ICT Integration in Second Language Materials: Challenges and Insights

10. Flora D. Floris, Willy A. Renandya and Dat Bao: Mining Online L2 Learning Resources: From SLA Principles to Innovative Task Design

Part C – Improving In ELT Materials through Teacher and Learner Involvement

11. Rajeevnath Ramnath: Localizing the Genre-Based Approach: Materials Developing Lessons from Thailand

12. Dat Bao: Fostering Self-Expression: Learners Create Their Own Visuals

13. Mohammod Moninoor Roshid, Md Zulfeqar Haider and Hosne Ara Begum: Bangladeshi EFL Teachers' Views On The English For Today Textbook: What Do They Have To Offer Inside The Classroom?


Representations Of The World In Language Textbooks《世界在语言教科书中的表现》

作者:Karen Risager



This book presents a new and comprehensive framework for the analysis of representations of culture, society and the world in textbooks for foreign and second language learning. The framework is transferable to other kinds of learning materials and to other subjects. The framework distinguishes between five approaches: national studies, citizenship education studies, cultural studies, postcolonial studies and transnational studies. In a series of concrete analyses, the book illustrates how one can describe and uncover representations of the world in textbooks for English, German, French, Spanish, Danish and Esperanto. Each analysis is accompanied by suggestions of possible supplements and changes. The book points to the need for language learning materials to deal seriously with knowledge about the world, including its diversities and problems.




Chapter 1. Representations of the World

Chapter 2. Culture in Textbook Analyses around the World

Chapter 3. National Studies

Chapter 4. Citizenship Education Studies

Chapter 5. Cultural Studies

Chapter 6. Postcolonial Studies

Chapter 7. Transnational Studies


Appendix 1: Textbooks Selected

Appendix 2: Survey Corpus

Appendix 3: List of Photos from Textbooks


Author Index

Subject Index

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