
专著推荐 | Early Language Learning in School Contexts2021年新书

SCRELE 语言学通讯 2022-06-09




通讯君与国际应用语言学旗舰出版社Multilingual Matters合作,近期推广SLA (二语习得系列) 丛书。




二语习得 SLA

Early Language Learning in School Contexts 丛书推荐国际应用语言学旗舰出版社Multilingual Matters2021年新书


Maria Britton (2021). Assessment for Learning in Primary Language Learning and Teaching.  进口原版书:394元(涵盖书费、国际运费、关税、税票等一揽子在内)可刷公务卡、支持对公转账、可以开具电子发票

Annamaria Pinter & Kuchah Kuchah (2021). Ethical and Methodological Issues in Researching Young Language Learners in School Contexts. 进口原版书:402元(涵盖书费、国际运费、关税、税票等一揽子在内)可刷公务卡、支持对公转账、可以开具电子发票

购书联系人:王老师 13501892122 微信同电话


Announcing the publication of two new volumes in the Multilingual Matters Series Early Language Learning in School Contexts. Janet Enever discusses with the authors: Maria Britton, Annamaria Pinter & Kuchah Kuchah (recorded 6th May 2021).


Current developments in the field of assessing young learners’ language skills emphasise the importance of learner-centred approaches. In her monograph Britton emphasises the role that can be played by regular use of assessment techniques by the learner in their progress towards proficiency in a foreign language.  She introduces the concept of Assessment for Learning (AfL), an assessment practice which aims to facilitate learning, not just to evaluate what learners have already achieved, proposing that AfL provides information on how to support the learner in taking their learning forward. She argues that good assessment in primary classes needs to be linked to learning, making it engaging for learners. She proposes that AfL can achieve this. In the discussion Britton explains how her book has looked at the practice of AfL through the eyes of those who have used it – the primary teachers.

Following this, Pinter and Kuchah Kuchah discuss their new edited collection of papers focusing on ethical and methodological issues which arise when researching young language learners.  Pinter draws attention to how little has so far been published on this theme in relation to young learners. She cites a trend away from conducting research on children towards researching with children, explaining how their publication includes papers from a range of researchers providing information on navigating the ethical and methodological dilemmas which arise during the processes of research. Kuchah Kuchah illustrates this further by outlining the substantial investment of time in getting to know the learners in his study in Cameroon - a vital prerequisite in gaining the trust of the children he conducted research with. The discussion continues, covering many related themes, concluding with some questions from the virtual audience – don't miss the discount offer from Multilingual Matters at the end of the video!

本文编辑:SCRELE 英语教学研究基地





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