
专著推荐 | 数字时代如何研究网络语用模因?(5卷本国际前沿著作)

通讯君 语言学通讯 2022-06-09



      2003年,何自然教授和何雪林博士在《现代外语》发表了题为“模因论与社会语用”一文;接着于2005年,何自然在《语言科学》发表了题为“语言中的模因”的另一篇文章,从语用学的角度提出“语言模因论”;2007年,《语用三论:关联论·顺应论·模因论》,收入上海教育出版社的“西方最新语言学理论译介”丛书。这是我国语言模因论研究的三部较早的开篇之作。Blackmore于1999年写的The Meme Machine,我国学者译介Dawkins于1976年写的The Selfish Gene,该书的第11章就谈到模因。以上两部经典论著早已家喻户晓。模因论最初不是专注于研究语言的,它是一种用以解释文化进化的理论,研究范围比较广,涉及社会、文化、心理、认知等领域。模因论者多从有别于基因的非生物性观点解释文化的进化,强调模因是从心智到心智之间的模仿和传递(以上节选自何自然,2020 《语用新论》序)。

      近年来,国际学术界对于模因的语言研究已经与新媒体、网络话语分析等新时代语用特色结合起来。本期通讯君与Routledge, MIT Press,Rowman & Littlefield Publishers出版社合作,推广近5年来的Memes研究新成果。本文获得独家公众号授权。



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ISBN 9780367671174

¥ 462

This book provides a solid, encompassing definition of Internet memes, exploring both the common features of memes around the globe and their particular regional traits. It identifies and explains the roles that these viral texts play in Internet communication: cultural, social and political implications; significance for self-representation and identity formation; promotion of alternative opinion or trending interpretation; and subversive and resistant power in relation to professional media, propaganda, and traditional and digital political campaigning. It also offers unique comparative case studies of Internet memes in Russia and the United States.


Anastasia Denisova is Lecturer in Journalism at the Communication and Media Research Institute at the University of Westminster, UK.



1. Definition and Evolution

2. Before Memes: Tactical Media, Humour and Affective Engagement with Politics Online

3. Many Uses of Memes: From Fast-Food Media to Political Mindbombs

4. Globalisation and Memes

5. Russian Resistance and Propaganda (through Memes) in 2014

6. US memes on Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in 2017

7. Conclusion



ISBN 9780367671174

¥ 462

Shared, posted, tweeted, commented upon, and discussed online as well as off-line, internet memes represent a new genre of online communication, and an understanding of their production, dissemination, and implications in the real world enables an improved ability to navigate digital culture. This book explores cases of cultural, economic, and political critique levied by the purposeful production and consumption of internet memes. Often images, animated GIFs, or videos are remixed in such a way to incorporate intertextual references, quite frequently to popular culture, alongside a joke or critique of some aspect of the human experience. Ideology, semiotics, and intertextuality coalesce in the book’s argument that internet memes represent a new form of meaning-making, and the rapidity by which they are produced and spread underscores their importance.


Dr. Bradley E. Wiggins is an associate professor and head of the media communications department at Webster Vienna Private University. His investigations of digital culture and discourse involve research on internet memes, social media, and fake news. Additional research includes game and simulation-based learning, intercultural and strategic communication.


Part 1: Conceptual Voices  1. The Selfish Gene Revisited: Affordances and Constraints of Dawkins’ Meme  2. Internet Memes in Current and Future Academic Research  3. A New Genre of Online Communication  Part 2: Application and Case Studies  4. Politics  5. Public Relations  6. Consumer Activism  7. Audiences  Part 3: Historical Antecedents  8. Pre-Digital Memetic Counterparts  9. Remix Culture, Past-Present-Future  Part 4: Coda  10. Why Memes Matter and Why They Will Remain Relevant


ISBN-10 ‏: ‎1538115166

¥ 357

Too often our use of language has become lazy, frivolous, and even counterproductive. We rely on clichés and bromides to communicate in such a way that our intentions are lost or misinterpreted. In a culture of “takeaways” and buzzwords, it requires study and cunning to keep language alive.

In Mind over Memes: Passive Listening, Toxic Talk, and Other Modern Language Follies, Diana Senechal examines words, concepts, and phrases that demand reappraisal. Targeting a variety of terms, the author contends that a “good fit” may not always be desirable; delivers a takedown of the adjective “toxic”; and argues that “social justice” must take its place among other justices. This book also includes a critique of our modern emphasis on quick answers and immediate utility.

By scrutinizing words and phrases that serve contemporary fads and follies, this book stands up against the excesses of language and offers engaging alternatives. Drawing on literature, philosophy, social sciences, music, and technology, Senechal offers a rich framework to make fresh connections between topics. Combining sharp criticism, lyricism, and wit, Mind over Memes argues for judicious and imaginative speech.


Diana Senechal holds a Ph.D. in Slavic languages and literatures from Yale; her translations of the Lithuanian poetry of Tomas Venclova have appeared in two books, Winter Dialogue and The Junction. A former New York City public school teacher, she has written for numerous education blogs and magazines. She is the 2011 winner of the Hiett Prize in the Humanities, awarded by the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture.




¥ 383

Communicating with Memes: Consequences in Post-truth Civilization investigates the consequences of memetic communication, the causes of these consequences, and what action—if any—should be taken in response. Communicating with memes across social media networks has become a commonplace activity in today’s world, despite the fact that just years earlier, this mode of communication was a rarity. The rapid adoption of this new mode of communication through ubiquitous social media and device use is resulting in a major transformation of the ways in which we think and behave in our digital world. From the election of Donald Trump, to online harassment and identity theft, to the resurgence of once-eradicated diseases due to the anti-vaxxer movement, Grant Kien analyzes fourteen major consequences of this shift and confronts the question of how to approach these consequences.


Grant Kien is a professor in the Department of Communication at California State University, East Bay.


ISBN-10 ‏: ‎9780262525435

¥ 206

In December 2012, the exuberant video “Gangnam Style” became the first YouTube clip to be viewed more than one billion times. Thousands of its viewers responded by creating and posting their own variations of the video―“Mitt Romney Style,” “NASA Johnson Style,” “Egyptian Style,” and many others. “Gangnam Style” (and its attendant parodies, imitations, and derivations) is one of the most famous examples of an Internet meme: a piece of digital content that spreads quickly around the web in various iterations and becomes a shared cultural experience. In this book, Limor Shifman investigates Internet memes and what they tell us about digital culture.

Shifman discusses a series of well-known Internet memes―including “Leave Britney Alone,” the pepper-spraying cop, LOLCats, Scumbag Steve, and Occupy Wall Street's “We Are the 99 Percent.” She offers a novel definition of Internet memes: digital content units with common characteristics, created with awareness of each other, and circulated, imitated, and transformed via the Internet by many users. She differentiates memes from virals; analyzes what makes memes and virals successful; describes popular meme genres; discusses memes as new modes of political participation in democratic and nondemocratic regimes; and examines memes as agents of globalization.

Memes, Shifman argues, encapsulate some of the most fundamental aspects of the Internet in general and of the participatory Web 2.0 culture in particular. Internet memes may be entertaining, but in this book Limor Shifman makes a compelling argument for taking them seriously.


Limor Shifman is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Communication and Journalism at Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

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