
专著推荐 | 人际语用学国际前沿著作(6卷本)

通讯君 语言学通讯 2022-06-09




冉永平在《我国的人际语用学前沿研究》一文中指出:“近年来, 语用学研究所涉议题的广泛性和多样性已逐步成为共识, 且与社会现实、人文交往、关系网络等密切联系, 且更加关注如何实现语言实践与社会实践之间的有效结合, 日益体现出“现实世界中的语用学研究” (2017年第十五届国际语用学大会主题) 的特点, 表明语用学已超越针对语言使用的语用语言研究, 也即, 不再仅仅关注语言信息的产出、传递、理解等方面的语用能力, 越来越多的研究开始关注并探究语言使用的社会性与人文性特征。作为语用学新兴领域, 人际语用学 (interpersonal pragmatics) 研究社交场合中人们如何使用语言来建立和处理人际关系 (Locher&Graham 2010) , 为此人际语用能力研究得到高度重视。在人际语用学看来, 语言使用就是社会语境下的一种语言实践和语言生活。因此, 语用学研究需要密切关注语言信息传递以外的社会实践功能, 以及其中的人际因素, 比如人际关系的建构与维护、交际者的身份建构、交际者的权势、地位、利益等因素的利用与表现。从人际语用学的视角出发, 语用学研究更加重视研究人际交往过程中针对人际关系建构与维护的语用方式和语用策略, 以及所实现的人际语用效果和人际交往语用功能, 比如如何建构社会生态环境下的人际和谐关系。类似问题的研究, 就是人际语用学的探究范围, 体现了语言研究与人际交际、社会实践等之间的内在联系与统一”。

通讯君与Lambert, De Gruyter, Equinox, PeterLang四家出版社合作推广人际语用学、跨文化语用学著作6本(包括Book, Edited Book)。价格涵盖书费、国际物流、国内物流、报关、税票等费用一揽子在内。支持对公转账,开具电子发票。欢迎联系购书负责人13501892122 王老师 (添加微信请注明:原版书购买) 到货周期8-12周左右



Metapragmatics of Attentiveness: A Study in Interpersonal and Cross-cultural Pragmatics  精装版¥767

内容简:This book examines attentiveness, which is briefly defined as a demonstrator’s pre-emptive responses to a recipient’s verbal or non-verbal cues or situations surrounding a recipient and a demonstrator, which takes the form of offering. It elucidates what attentiveness is, and addresses the importance of attentiveness in im/politeness research. It also suggests the importance of taking an interdisciplinary perspective in im/politeness research, the importance of non-linguistically manifested politeness and the heart perspective.

Evaluation by a recipient of attentiveness is considered since recent research suggests that im/politeness resides in evaluation. Thus, both demonstration and evaluation of attentiveness are investigated in the book. Attentiveness may be demonstrated or evaluated differently within different cultures. Generation can be considered as one of the sub-groups of culture. Therefore, cross-cultural and cross-generational comparisons on demonstration and evaluation of attentiveness are included.

Although some differences in demonstration or evaluation of attentiveness are found cross-culturally, similarities outweigh differences. This suggests that attentiveness, which is thought to be a virtue in Japanese culture, is not unique to Japanese culture, and that attentiveness is an important interpersonal notion elsewhere, too. It is also shown that attentiveness is one of the constituents of politeness, which indicates that attentiveness is closely related to politeness.



List of figures and tables

Foreword | Dániel Z. Kádár

Acknowledgments| Saeko Fukushima

Chapter 1 Introduction | Saeko Fukushima

Chapter 2 What is Attentiveness?| Saeko Fukushima

Chapter 3 Cross-cultural and Cross-generational Comparisons of Attentiveness | Saeko Fukushima

Chapter 4 Attentiveness in Japanese Relational Networks | Saeko Fukushima

Chapter 5 Conclusion| Saeko Fukushima


Transcription Conventions

End Matter





Disagreeing among Power-Unequals in English and Vietnamese: A Cross-Cultural Pragmatics Study 平装版¥558

内容简介:This is a study of pragmatic transfer by Vietnamese learners of English as well as cross-cultural differences between the Vietnamese native speakers and Australian native speakers in their use of disagreeing politeness strategies under the influence of relative power in the investigated situations. The speech act under study is disagreeing; the socio-cultural variable primarily focused is relative power; the languages investigated are English and Vietnamese; the subjects of study are Australian native speakers, Vietnamese learners of English, and Vietnamese native speakers. This study is conducted in light of interlanguage pragmatics. The theoretical background for this study comprises speech act theory and politeness theory. It is primarily a quantitative study in combination with certain aspects of the qualitative approach. The results show that negative pragmatic transfer in using disagreeing strategies in English is a common phenomenon among the Vietnamese learners surveyed. Similarly, cross-cultural differences between the Vietnamese native speakers and Australian native speakers are also noteworthy as they appear in all cases.


Cross-cultural Pragmatics in Speech Acts Involving Written Requests 平装版¥809

内容简介:This study sets out to examine the pragmatic competence of Cantonese adult learners of English possessing different levels of proficiency when performing the speech act of requesting for a formal purpose in writing. Pragmatic judgment – one of the two aspects of pragmatic competence – was examined by studying the most proficient group (i.e., native Cantonese-speaking EFL teachers at university), whereas pragmatic performance – the other aspect of pragmatic competence – was examined by studying the two weaker groups (i.e., university students at two language proficiency levels). Both pragmatic judgment and pragmatic performance were examined by investigating the same four dependent variables (i.e., politeness, directness, formality and amount of information). Teacher data, collected through a Pragmatic Judgment Questionnaire (completed by eight native Cantonese speakers and eight native English speakers) and through individual interviews, were analyzed quantitatively for responses to twelve questions and qualitatively for responses to two additional questions. Student data, consisting of both experimental and authentic letters and e-mails, were analyzed quantitatively.


Human Communication Across Cultures: A Cross-Cultural Introduction to Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics 平装版¥333/精装版¥767

内容简介:Human Communication Across Cultures is a highly interactive textbook and workbook on how human communication takes place. Unlike other textbooks which focus only on sociolinguistics this book employs both sociolinguistics and pragmatics. Sociolinguistics explores how language is used in social interactions. There are differences in the way we speak due to where we live, gender, age, race/ethnicity, religious background and our social class and level of education. Pragmatics shows how we speak differently and understand one another in each situation we encounter. Each section of the book includes a brief introduction, a discussion of the topic, references for further research and an extensive collection of activities designed for both in-class usage and homework assignments. The book features numerous examples from a variety of current world cultures.


Chapter 1 Language, Communication and Culture

Chapter 2 The Structural Features of Language

Chapter 3 Pragmatics

Chapter 4 Speech Acts 

Chapter 5 Routines

Chapter 6 Cooperative Principle and Implicature

Chapter 7 Politeness Strategies

Chapter 8 Conversational Organization

Chapter 9 Social Factors 

Chapter 10 Dialects 

Chapter 11 Language and Ethnicity

Chapter 12 Gender

Chapter 13 Bilingualism

End Matter





Pragmatic and Cross-Cultural Competences; Focus on Politeness 精装版¥465

内容简介:The L2 speaker is able to function in the target culture only when s/he is able to understand, anticipate and produce the choices that the said society makes. Being polite therefore means: knowing how to draw on the conventions of a society, taking into account the expectations of an interlocutor regarding social relations at any given point, and is based on the appropriate language register to the communication situation; being able to balance standard and non-standard features and to adjust one’s speech by moving it towards more or less familiarity, or formality. The learner therefore needs to be aware of the pragmatic flexibility of speakers – native and experts – who move from one register to another and juggle between respect and caution, first degree meaning and irony, exuberance and excess, with difference in levels, nature and degrees of politeness.

This volume contains contributions whose theoretical reflections, field work experiences and authentic data from diverse African, Asian and European languages, literatures and cultures as well as a variety of corpora shed new light on politeness as a central phenomenon in pragmatics, and on what is at stake when teaching or learning the subject. It also opens up a conceptual dialogue with a whole range of domains likely to enrich the debate: sociolinguistics, literature, translation studies, semiotics, cultural anthropology, social psychology, etc. 



Cross-Cultural Pragmatics: The Semantics of Human Interaction(2020版)平装版¥410/精装版¥1230

内容简介:This book, which can be seen as both a research monograph and a text book, challenges the approaches to human interaction based on supposedly universal "maxims of conversation" and "principles of politeness", which fly in the face of reality as experienced by millions of people - refugees, immigrants, crosscultural families, and so on. By contrast to such approaches, which can be of no use in crosscultural communication and education, this book is both theoretical and practical: it shows that in different societies, norms of human interaction are different and reflect different cultural attitudes and values; and it offers a framework within which different cultural norms and different ways of speaking can be effectively explored, explained, and taught. The book discusses data from a wide range of languages, including English, Italian, Russian, Polish, Yiddish, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, and Walmatjari (an Australian Aboriginal language), and it shows that the meanings expressed in human interaction and the different "cultural scripts" prevailing in different speech communities can be described and compared in a way that is clear, simple, rigorous, and free of ethnocentric bias by using a "natural semantic metalanguage", based on empirically established universal human concepts. As the book shows, this metalanguage can be used as a basis for teaching successful cross-cultural communication and education, including the teaching of languages in a cultural context.




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