
专著推荐 | Translation Revision and Post-editing

通讯君 语言学通讯 2022-06-09

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通讯君与Routledge合作推广翻译学著作Translation Revision and Post-editing 




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Translation Revision and Post-editing looks at the apparently dissolving boundary between correcting translations generated by human brains and those generated by machines. It presents new research on post-editing and revision in government and corporate translation departments, translation agencies, the literary publishing sector and the volunteer sector, as well as on training in both types of translation checking work.

This collection includes empirical studies based on surveys, interviews and keystroke logging, as well as more theoretical contributions questioning such traditional distinctions as translating versus editing. The chapters discuss revision and post-editing involving eight languages: Afrikaans, Catalan, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German and Spanish. Among the topics covered are translator/reviser relations and revising/post-editing by non-professionals.

The book is key reading for researchers, instructors and advanced students in Translation Studies as well as for professional translators with a special interest in checking translations.

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Part 1: Post-editing versus revision

1. Preferential changes in revision and post-editing

Jean Nitzke and Anne-Kathrin Gros

2. Differentiating editing, post-editing, and revision

Félix do Carmo and Joss Moorkens

3. Post-editing human translations and revising machine translations: impact on efficiency and quality

Joke Daems and Lieve Macken

Part 2: Non-professional revision and post-editing

4. Non-professional editing in the workplace: examples from the Canadian context

Matthieu LeBlanc

5. When the post-editor is not a translator: can machine translation be post-edited by academics to prepare their publications in English?

Carla Parra Escartín and Marie-Josée Goulet

Part 3: Professional revision in various contexts

6. Revision and quality standards: do Translation Service Providers follow recommendations in practice?

Madeleine Schnierer

7. From language check to creative editing: exploring variation in the revision stage of the LSP workflow

Annamari Korhonen

8. Exploring a two-way street: Revisers’ and translators' attitudes and expectations about each other in biomedical translation

Susana Valdez and Sonia Vandepitte

9. Another look at revision in literary translation

Ilse Feinauer and Amanda Lourens

Part 4: Training

10. Revision and post-editing competences in translator education

Kalle Konttinen, Leena Salmi and Maarit Koponen

11. Improving revision quality in translator training with translationQ

Gys-Walt Van Egdom

12. The MT post-editing skill set: course descriptions and educators' thoughts

Clara Ginovart Cid and Carme Colominas Ventura


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