
Art / Lab 马丙 - 游园惊梦

Dudu Du Laboratory 2023-05-03







Ma Bing 

A man born in 1984 and currently living in Changsha, Hunan Province.


大卫手提哥利亚的头 120x120cm 高密度板油画2017

David Held Goliath's head in his hand 120x120cm High density board oil painting 2017


严肃点报 39x54cmx4 纸本打印 2019

Serious newspaper 39x54cmx4 Paper printing2019

十个有身份证号码的人 150x150cm 布面丙烯2018

Ten people with ID numbers 150x150cm Cloth propylene 2018



可以发财的经文 30x50cm 纸本水墨 2020

Scriptures that can make a fortune 30x50cm Paper ink 2020



利玛窦游园惊梦50x70cm 绢本设色2020年

Ricci's garden dream 50x70cm​Silk coloring 2020

射马图20x50cm 绢本设色2020年

Painting of shooting horse 20x50cm​Silk coloring 2020


黄公望跟赵孟頫学过画画,杨维桢特别恶心,喜欢吐痰,倪瓒说的!刘备喜欢花衣服,彭铿宣称自己活了八百岁,可他的49任老婆和237个子女都死了,一个青衣书生在蓬莱岛上下跳棋,王母娘娘痛经,超验主义文学类似宗教,圣奥古 斯丁是个黑人或是阿拉伯人,琼瑶都是玉器,晁错很孝顺,一个球旋转到 360 圈的 时候会叹一口气,胸口碎大石必须要砸碎,元始天尊的师傅是老子,元始天尊有几 十万岁而老子只有两千五百岁,插入的方式不重要,关键是角度,窗户小,屋子容 易感冒,西王母有个干儿子,一座漂浮的岛,水分子是 H2O,明天还是下雨,竹林 里的雨比较大,长征还是逃难,村姑的美感只在第一夜,力量不均衡,草是红的地 底有黄金,恐龙肉很好吃比如鳄鱼肉,最便宜的布是蓝色的,下跪来源于第一个腿 软的人,丁字裤必须每天换,报告政府,高尚的人都是保守主义者,莎士比亚是目 前唯一确定的上帝,画禅室随笔放着各种颜色的肚兜,长安城一个房顶上两个高手 在决斗,大火带走了几只飞鸟,刀!一把可以杀人的刀,观世音披头散发来见孙悟 空,价值观崩溃了,大隐隐于市,顾顺章在武汉变戏法,吕洞宾是山西人爱喝醋, 机车修理厂里住着一只蜥蜴,楼兰在一排玻璃墙下,踩气球不能停,长头发的鄂伦 春女人喝着烈酒跳舞,哭泣,从血与火中走出来再走回去会变成碳,淬火可以把碳 分子留在表面,南下干部都说普通话,胆子很小但是可以吃,更正,猪尿泡是最早 的气球,巴洛克时期的工匠最伟大,和尚练武术流氓挡不住,马车的轨道就是火车 的轨道,冰女拍电影,流线型的气压变量是速度决定的,噹!噹!噹!叮!叮!叮!

Huang Gongwang learned painting from Zhao Mengfu. Yang Weizhen is very disgusting and likes spitting, Ni Zan said! Liu Bei likes flower clothes. Peng Keng claims that he lived 800 years, but his 49 wives and 237 children died. A scholar in blue played checkers on Penglai Island. The Queen Mother dysmenorrhea. Transcendentalism literature is similar to religion. St. Augustine is black or Arab, Qiongyao is jade, and Chao CuO is very filial. When a ball rotates to 360 circles, he will sigh, and the big stone in his chest must be smashed, The master of Yuanshi Tianzun is Lao Tzu. Yuanshi Tianzun is hundreds of thousands of years old, but Lao Tzu is only 2500 years old. The way of inserting is not important. The key is the angle. The window is small, and the house is easy to catch a cold. The queen mother of the West has a dry son, a floating island. The water molecule is H2O. It will still rain tomorrow, the rain in the bamboo forest is relatively heavy, the long march is still a refugee, the beauty of the village girl is only on the first night, the power is uneven, the grass is red, and there is gold under the ground, Dinosaur meat is delicious, such as crocodile meat. The cheapest cloth is blue. Kneeling comes from the first person with soft legs. Thongs must be changed every day. Report to the government. Noble people are conservatives. Shakespeare is the only God identified at present. There are belly pockets of various colors in the sketches of the Zen room. Two masters are dueling on the roof of a house in Chang'an city. The fire took away several birds and knives! A knife that can kill people. GuanShiYin came to see the monkey king with her hair on her head. Her values collapsed and she was hidden in the city. Gu Shunzhang performed magic tricks in Wuhan. LV Dongbin was a Shanxi man who loved vinegar. There lived a lizard in the locomotive repair shop. Loulan was under a row of glass walls and couldn't stop stepping on balloons. The long haired Oroqen woman drank spirits, danced, cried, and walked out of blood and fire and back into carbon, Quenching can leave carbon molecules on the surface. Cadres who go south speak Mandarin. They are very timid but can eat. Correct. Pig urine bubbles are the earliest balloons. Craftsmen in the Baroque period are the greatest. Monks practicing martial arts can't stop them. The track of carriages is the track of trains. Ice women shoot movies. The streamlined pressure variable is determined by speed, Dang! Dang! Dang! Ding! Ding! Ding!

五代时后晋东陆县小西屯二道梁的一次抢劫200×200cm 布面油画 2020年

A robbery in erdaoliang, xiaoxitun, Donglu County, Late Jin Dynasty in the Five Dynasties

200×200cm Oil on canvas 2020

众神建造的房子被野草遮盖 200×200cm 布面油画2020 年

The house built by the gods is covered by weeds 200×200cm Oil on canvas 2020

林冲夜奔 36×80cm 纸本水墨 2021年

Lin Chong runs at night 36×80cm Paper ink 2020


滚!滚!滚!耍赖皮,南阳黄牛肉,东北乌拉草,高跟鞋,黑丝袜,超短裙,大波 浪,隋炀帝坐镇杭州,新经验还是老经验,方生方死方死方生,后现 代状况,没有状况,三千烦恼丝,电风扇很可疑,天空一无所 有依然给我安慰,城里米店的大门有时开着有时关上,战争与爱抚同时进行,克尔凯郭尔的存在是不是存在。

Get out! Get out! Get out! Playing cheeky, Nanyang Yellow beef, northeast uraga grass, high-heeled shoes, black silk stockings, miniskirts, big waves, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty sits in Hangzhou, new experience or old experience, Fang Sheng Fang dead Fang Sheng, postmodern situation, no situation, 3000 worry silk, the electric fan is suspicious, the sky is still comforting me, the door of the rice store in the city is sometimes open and sometimes closed, War and caress are going on at the same time. Does Kierkegaard exist.


人类的自我神化来自日常练习 200x250cm 布面丙烯 2019

Human deification comes from daily practice200x250cm Cloth propylene  2019


人型大卡车的社会情怀 200x250cm 布面丙烯2019

Social feelings of human truck  200x250cm Cloth propylene  2019

老虎下山 40x60cm 纸本水墨 2021

Tiger down the mountain 40x60cm Paper ink 2021

老树发芽 50x60cm 纸本水墨 2021

Old trees sprout  50x60cm Paper ink 2021




临摹高中生的一幅静物 60x60cm 高密度板油画2021

Copy a still life of a high school student  60x60cm High density board oil painting 2021

夜宴 100x100cm 高密度板油画 2021

Dinner party 100x100cm High density board oil painting 2021

仓颉 30x30cm 高密度板油画 2021

Cangjie 30x30cm High density board oil painting 2021


王后爱上了杂技团的小丑,最后一场大雨过后蟋蟀开始 叫,EK=mg△h=250J,浏阳河在长沙福区汇入湘江,老人与海的前身是白鲸,黑 格尔的小老婆,喝墨水可以净化内脏,士大夫都是黑社会,草原上的蚂蚱和奶牛, 喜马拉雅山上的跳蚤,蒲松龄喜欢早起,齐人一妻一妾,后湖的鱼塘涨水了,鱼爬 上了岸,四只鸡流连忘返,高铁提速到 400 公里,很久没有吃过蜂蜜了,虽千万人 吾往矣,蚕子是芝麻变成的,乞丐夜观天象,哈!哈!哈!香樟路根本没有樟树,曙光路也并没有曙光。

The queen fell in love with the clown of the acrobatic troupe. After the last heavy rain, crickets began to cry, ek=mg△h=250j. The Liuyang River merged into the Xiangjiang River in Changsha Fu District. The predecessor of the old man and the sea was beluga whale. Hegel's wife could purify internal organs by drinking ink. Scholar bureaucrats were underworld, grasshoppers and cows on the grassland, fleas on the Himalayas, Pu Songling liked to get up early, married and concubined. The fish pond in the Houhu Lake rose, and the fish climbed onto the bank, Four chickens linger and forget to return. The high-speed railway speeds up to 400 kilometers. I haven't eaten honey for a long time. Although thousands of people are gone, silkworms are turned into sesame seeds. Beggars watch the sky at night, ha! Ha! Ha! There is no camphor tree on Xiangzhang Road, and there is no dawn on Shuguang Road.








▲ 点击关注 Du Laboratory 更多国内外艺术资讯

Du/Laboratory is a comprehensive experimental platform, involving creative media spanning all levels of contemporary art, maintaining a vigilance against the international contemporary art trend that airs everywhere, and at the same time committing to the full and in-depth excavation of the artist's own system, continuously  Focus on practices that hover in the "middle state" on the fringes of art and non-art.



孙策 —— 行动绘画中的酒神精神


『DU.现实镜像』闫珩 作品

欧美艺术家工作室系列精选 >


Hilde Overbergh’ Studio

Via Lewandowsky维亚•莱万多夫斯

走入欧洲艺术家工作室-亚历山德拉·N·温特伯格 Alexandra N. Winterberg

走入欧洲艺术家工作室- 马蒂亚斯·肖韦克 Mathias Schauwecker

Brice Marden 布赖斯·马登- Inner Space (内空间) 

Shannon Finnegan 香农芬尼根

Art / Lab >

刘香林 - 万种可能

夏国 - 绘画与机器

Art / Lab  马永峰的图像实践:从生成景观到悬空记

Art / Lab 宋卓然-在图像创作中捕捉灵光

Art / Lab“他们+”  TAMEN(赖圣予、杨晓钢)

【变奏】 -----"会画小组"第二回群展

策展人:沉  默
艺术家:孙策  黄佳  徐赫 尹朝辉               尹朝宇  戈子馀  任惠   何玲  史新骥  吕岩








[策展 · 中少年] 宋振熙 - 行者自明

欧美展览系列精选 >

艺术家:彭小佳、黄佳、黄梅、于幸泽、蓝镜、朱贤魏、艺术展在 Art@Berlin (柏林)柏林展览现场:抵抗要点 Points of Resistance

德国柏林展览:Humanity - Artistic Stance - ChinaPOINTS of RESISTANCE IV: SKILLS FOR PEACE 柏林画廊周隆重推出

Poppy and recollection—黄佳、夏鹏、王凯凡、Clara Broermann抽象联展


CY • TWOMBLY -赛•托姆布雷

展览现场:变奏 - 新千年以来的青年艺术


德国柏林展览:Königs Galerie

ART 22 条 >

ART 22 条 —— 孙策篇

ART 22 条 —— 沉默篇

ART 22 条 —— 杨重光篇

ART 22 条 —— 刘峰篇

ART 22 条——廖廖篇

ART 22 条—— 孙晓枫篇

ART 22 条—— 王艾 篇

ART 22 条—— 阿 改 篇

ART 22 条—— 聂力 篇

ART 22 条—— 雷徕 篇

ART 22 条—— 蔡八风 篇

ART 22条—— 王波 篇

ART 22条—— 于艾君 篇

收藏&生活系列精选 >


德意志归来兮系列精选 >

德意志归来-夏鹏 XiaPeng


德意志归来—吴霜 Wu Shuang

德意志归来-张博夫 Zhang BoFu

德意志归来 - 徐升Xu Sheng

绘画艺术中的理性与情感 >

石磊 - 绘画的巴洛克本质


直线的意志 | 庄卫美

于林汉 - “ 大于人”和“小于人 ”

李浩 - 意志的表象

王剑 - 提纯萃取

陈若冰 - 光·空·虚

李永庚 - 缝+

廖渊 - 即刻的印迹

郝云 - “形”与形的双重的含义

何镒 - 日常“物”(悟)

李浩 - 意志的表象

刘冠辰 - 视角漫步

廖建华 - “迹象”纯化

胡昤 - 抽象空间里的叙述力量

王海川 - 集体记忆重构

『绘画艺术中的理性与情感』任惠 - 为要让光进入



新艺术生产者 >

艺术粮仓创始人 - 张涛

吴桐禹 - 以艺术家视角和藏家共情

顾博:20年起了近万个标题后,不想再    琢磨了,直接唠嗑吧



徐伟 - 好好做画材,为画家好好服务!




毕业十年 >

毕业十年-太平 Tai Ping

毕业十年-施翔 Shi Xiang

毕业十年-陈镜宇 Chen JingYu

毕业十年-袁乐 Yuan Le

毕业十年-李佳美 Li Jiamei



▲ 延伸关注<有艺思>了解更多艺术发声



