
专著推荐 | 批评话语分析Critical Discourse Analysis

通讯君 语言学通讯 2023-03-04


This book provides a comprehensive account of the discipline of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and demonstrates multiple linguistic methods through which it exposes and demystifies ideologies that are present in institutional discourse. The book enables readers to critique the complexities of the relationship between language and power to expose the ideological operation of discourse. Proceeding from a theoretical grounding for CDA in contemporary society, the book comprises analysis of a wide range of discourse examples, including the news media, political speeches, public service leaflets and social media. Readers are guided through a diverse range of models in CDA in order to scrutinise and assess the role of language in society and to consider and challenge the principles of powerful networks, institutions and organisations.


Critical Discourse Analysis

A Practical Introduction to Power in Language

By Simon Statham

Copyright Year 2022

ISBN 9780367133702

Published March 31, 2021 by Routledge

252 Pages 14 B/W Illustrations国际物流8周,下单3天内开具电子发票



Simon Statham

英国贝尔法斯特女王大学英语系讲师,博士生导师。研究方向:批评话语分析,文体学。成果发表在Language and Literature,  International Journal of Literary Linguistics,Journal of Scoail Semiotics


Chapter 1. Power in Language: Principles of Critical Discourse Analysis

Chapter 2. Power in Language: Practice of Critical Discourse Analysis

Chapter 3. Beginning Analysis: Critical Discourse Analysis and Systemic Functional Linguistics 

Chapter 4. Developing Analysis: Evaluation in Text 

Chapter 5. Strengthening Analysis: Cohesion and Coherence in Text

Chapter 6. Voices in Discourse: Media Sources and Institutional Practices

Chapter 7. Social Actors: Representing Participants

Chapter 8. Politics and Power: Analysing Political Language

Chapter 9. Political Rhetoric in a Pandemic

Chapter 10. Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis

Chapter 11 Social Media Language and Power

Chapter 12. Critical Discourse Analysis: Detractors and Defenders 

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本文编辑:王峰 语言学通讯







