

交大外语 2019-08-06







本书主要研究两个问题。首先,探索言语接受者是如何辨别一个问句并非是真正问句,而是不需回答的旨在传达一个命题的修辞问句,又是如何推断出言者的话语意图,隐含之意的,论证了主张人类交流是通过对言语进行赋码与解码来实现的话码模式不足以解析修辞问句的隐含之意:修辞问句的分析必须引入推理模式。而1986 年法国学者斯波伯(Sperber)和英国学者威尔逊(Wilson)提出的关联理论作为推理模式的重要代表,能够成功揭开修辞问句使用及理解的神秘面纱。其次,本书通过语料库数据,探讨了修辞问句有哪些不同的类型,又是如何分别在独白式文本语境下帮助言者实现其说服的意图的。




在本书的第一部分,基于关联理论中的“隐含之意”(implicature)、“互明”(mutual manifestness)和“最佳关联”(optimal relevance)这三个核心概念,建构了鉴别修辞问句的基本步骤。在之后的论述中,这个鉴别准则被应用于两个独白式语域中用来提取和解析其中的修辞问句,并论证了修辞问句在这两个语域中的共有及独有特征。





Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research back ground

1.2 Research objectives

1.3 Outlines of the current study


Chapter 2 Literature review

2.1 Previous definitions and features of RQs

2.2 Previous distinction between RQs and other question types

2.3 Previous identification of RQs by linguistic indicators and context

2.4 Previous studies on functions of RQs

2.5 Previous studies on the two genres involved in the current study

 2.6 Summary


Chapter 3 Theoretical framework— Relevance Theory

3.1 Speech Act Theory

3.2 Gricean Maxims vs. neo-Griceans and post-Griceans

3.3 The major concepts in Relevance Theory

3.4 Summary of claims in Relevance Theory

3.5 Interpretation of interrogatives in Relevance Theory

3.6 Interpretation of ‘figurative’ language in Relevance Theory

3.7 Interpretation process of an utterance in Relevance Theory


Chapter 4 Methodology in the current study

4.1 Methodological procedure of the current study

4.2 Brief introduction to corpus linguistics and the corpora used in the current study

4.3 Extracting questions from the two genres

4.4 Criterion for identifying and interpreting an RQ in the current study

4.5 Summary


Chapter 5 Applying analysis categories:question types for inclusion or exclusion

5.1 Cases excluded from the current study

5.2 Distinguishing RQs from other question types in the data

5.3 Analysis of RQ categories

5.4 Summary


Chapter 6 Analysis of RQs in American and British campaign speeches

6.1 Theoretical considerations of Speech Act Theory and Gricean Principle in accounting for political RQs

6.2 Use of RQs rather than direct assertions in political speeches

6.3 Identification and interpretation of political RQs with linguistic indicators in terms of Relevance Theory

6.4 Identification and interpretation of political RQs without linguistic indicators in terms of Relevance Theory

6.5 RQs with explicit answers provided in political speeches

6.6 RQs not observing polarity shift in political speeches

6.7 RQs containing other rhetorical devices in political speeches

6.8 Summary


Chapter 7 Analysis of RQs in newspaper editorials

7.1 Theoretical considerations of Speech Act Theory and Gricean Principle in accounting for editorial RQs

7.2 Mode-related differences between RQs in political speeches and newspaper editorials

7.3 Identification and interpretation of editorial RQs with linguistic indicators in terms of Relevance Theory

7.4 Identification and interpretation of editorial RQs without linguistic indicators in terms of Relevance Theory

7.5 RQs with explicit answers provided in editorials

7.6 RQs not observing polarity shift in editorials

7.7 RQs containing other rhetorical devices in editorials

7.8 RQs serving as titles or subtitles in newspaper editorials

7.9 Summary

Chapter 8 Conclusions

8.1 Background to the current study

8.2 Summary of the discussion throughout the current study

8.3 Summary of contributions to the field of RQ study

8.4 Limitations,applications and avenues for future research






































