

李华芳 读品贩子 2019-09-12

这是公管领域的顶级期刊Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory在Twitter上发的一系列关于审稿的tweets,我理了一下,供各位参考。另外因为JPART换了主编,特别问过了,与之前JPART一般仅仅关心政府与非营利组织的关系不一样了,欢迎一切研究非营利组织的投稿。



JPART从审稿人库中选择审稿人,这个库里人很多,所以会根据文章的领域和主题选,从参考文献引用的人里选,从应在参考文献却没有在的人里选(这一点很考验编辑的功力,对领域的熟悉程度,但同时也对作者提出了很高的要求,该引却没有引意味着作者的文献部分恐怕还不到家,比如我最近因为开始进入coproduction的领域,就被Jeff Brudney无情指出你怎么能忽略Ferris的工作呢),从JPART过往的审稿人中选那些一直提供高质量又及时的审稿人,以及试试新审稿人(所以如果是第一次接到顶级期刊的审稿邀请,一定要认真对待,因为这个也是你积累人品和名声的时刻)。

















比如说你想写The author fails to account for...,不妨改成The model doesn‘t account for...;又比如

你想写The authors confuse A and B,不如改成The manuscript confuses A and B。 








如果审稿人Google论文题目,审稿人就违反了双盲评审(但大部分人应该忍不住吧,谁让我手贱呢。但不得不说PA领域不像其他领域一样,保密性还是比较好的,我审过的文章没有一篇是Google搜得到的)。编辑无法阻止你这么做。但编辑希望审稿人简单点,就专注审稿即可 —— 这才是正道。






We attend a lot of conferences to serve on panels where we are asked about the review process. Here we will break it down and also answer a few questions we regularly receive. 

We select reviewers from a database - search by field/topic, select from the reference list, select people who should be in the reference list but are not, select reviewers that have a history with @JPART1991 & consistently provide thorough, timely reviews, & test new reviewers.

We send invitations to review and hope to hear back from potential reviewers quickly. Many of our correspondence get caught in spam filters, so you might receive an email that says "We are following up..." but you never got the first invite. It's not a perfect system.


If you cannot review the paper (or don't want to), please decline the invitation immediately. There's no need to wait - which keeps us waiting, but more important delays the author getting feedback. 

If you decline the invitation to review, PLEASE suggest alternate reviewers. You are an expert (that's why we asked you) and you know experts that we might not know. Your recommendations help diversify the reviewer pool. 

If you agree to do the review, you have about a month to do it. You will then start getting reminders from our system. The first reminds you that it is due in a week. The following reminders are after the due date.

It's OK to be a little late. If you are going to be extra late or need a little more time, please contact the editor. Being late is better than not doing it. So if you need time to do an excellent review, that works for us - and is good for authors.

If you're not able to complete the review, pls contact the editor. It's disappointing, but knowing it isn't coming means we can get a new reviewer or ask an editorial board member to do one quickly. The goal is to get this back to the author, so let us know if you cannot do it.


A good review is thorough, clear, specific, honest, developmental, and timely.

Thorough: covers theory, research design, data collection, method, findings, relevance. 

If you are not able to review some portion (due to lack of expertise), please note that clearly in the review & the note to the editor.

Clear & Specific: Offer clear advice and instruction to the author. if you want more literature, which literature? if you want more theory, which theory? It is not fair to say the author needs to do X, without explaining what you mean by X. Be specific in the advice.

Honest: If you recommend reject to the editor, the text of the review to the author should indicate the reasons why the paper is not publishable. There is no need to be cruel or to insult the author, but the feedback to the author should be consistent with the recommendation.

Developmental: Reviewing is not just gatekeeping & holding standards for the journal, it's developing research for the field. Even when we reject a paper, we want to improve it. Consider reviewing a teaching exercise - offer developmental advice to manuscripts that need more work。

Timely: reviews need to be completed in a timely manner, so the editorial team can make a decision and so the authors can move forward with their scholarship.

Tone - How to be "nicer" in reviews. It can be helpful to frame criticism/advice to be about the research or the paper, rather than the author. 

EX: The author fails to account for...

The model doesn't account for...

EX: The authors confuse A and B. 

The manuscript confuses A&B


The process is double blind, not anonymous. 

1. Reviewers sometimes think they know the author (they are often wrong)

2. PA is a small field, we often know authors b/c of dataset, topic, location, etc

3. We often see drafts presented at conferences

If you know the author, but can be objective, it is still blind. You should do the review. 

If you cannot be objective, don’t do the review. But recommend someone else who can do it. 

If a reviewer googles the title of a paper, the reviewer has broken the blind review process. There is nothing the editorial team can do to prevent this. But we hope reviewers simply review the blind manuscript - it's the ethical thing to do. 

Conference papers: Draft papers on conference websites, SSRN or ResearchGate etc. which are not "published" papers can be submitted to JPART. The submitted paper is the version under review - reviewers should not seek out other versions.

Reviewers review the content of the manuscript, based on their expertise related to the topic or method. Editors make decisions about publication. Editors often make decisions that don't appear to align with your review. 

Editorial decisions take into account 3 reviews, cohesion across the reviews, journal mission, what else is in the pipeline, other work in that area, relevance, and so on. There's a bigger picture than what the reviewer sees.

关于审稿的几篇文章 Angrist:学界新手如何应对残酷评论 | 愿你被世界温柔相待 | 在经历了第5轮修改后,绝望的作者暴起反击

更多学术边角料:学术会议参会基本礼仪 | 开会指南 | 找工作的核心挑战:如何建立信任 | 谈谈美国找教职过程中的面试问题 | 如何在美国公共管理学界找一份教职 | 读博士 | 怎样在四年内拿到博士

