
专著推荐 | 多语社会的语言生态与语言规划

通讯君 语言学通讯 2022-06-09

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通讯君与Springer和PolityPress合作推广语言学学著作(注:“专著推荐”栏目包括books与edited volumes)。如果需要有以下书籍业务欢迎联系我们:

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 推荐语:本期主题是“多语生态研究”,推荐两本书1是Macau’s Languages in Society and Education:Planning in a Multilingual Ecology这本书834.58元。2是Towards an Ecology of World Languages 415元,国际物流8周



Towards an Ecology of World Languages

ISBN-13: 978-0745629568

Louis-Jean Calvet  (Author),

Andrew Brown (Translator)

出版社 ‏ : ‎ Polity (2006年6月23日)

语言 ‏ : ‎ 英语

平装 ‏ : ‎ 304页



There are around 5,000 languages spoken across the world today, but the languages that coexist in our multilingual world have varied functions and fulfil various roles. Some are spoken by small groups, a village or a tribe; others, much less numerous, are spoken by hundreds of millions of speakers. Certain languages, like English, French and Chinese, are highly valued, while others are largely ignored. Even if all languages are equal in the eyes of the linguist, the world’s languages are in fact fundamentally unequal. All languages do not have the same value, and their inequality is at the heart of the way they are organized across the world.

In this major book Louis-Jean Calvet, one of the foremost sociolinguists working today, develops an ecological approach to language in order to analyse the changing structure of the world language system. The ecological approach to language begins from actual linguistic practices and studies the relations between these practices and their social, political and economic environment. The practices which constitute languages, on the one hand, and their environment, on the other, form a linguistic ecosystem in which languages coexist, multiply and influence one another. Using a rich panoply of examples from across the world, Calvet elaborates the ecological approach and shows how it can shed light on the changing forms of language use in the world today.

This path-breaking book will be of great value to students and scholars in linguistics and sociolinguistics and to anyone concerned with the fate of languages in our increasingly globalized world.



Introduction: Practices and Representations 

1 The Ecology of Languages 

The need for identity and its linguistic manifestations: endogenous and exogenous relexifications

The graphic environment

Dramatic change in a specific linguistic ecology: the example of Australia

The political frontier and the ecolinguistic system

The influence of the horse on European languages

A false conception of linguistic ecology: Bickerton's simulation project


2 The Galaxy of Languages 

Constellations of languages

The galactic model and linguistic policy: the example of the European Community

The Hindi constellation

The Bambara constellation

The galaxy of writing systems


3 Regulation and Change: The Homeostatic Model

An example of internal regulation: vernacular variants of French

Of ships and languages: from Christopher Columbus to lingua franca

Vernacularization as ecological acclimatization: varieties of French in Africa

African argots and the ecolinguistic niche: the example of Bukavu

Conclusions: acclimatization and acclimatation

4 Linguistic Representations and Change 

Linguistic insecurity and representations: a historical approach

Some theoretical problems: a first approach

Some problems of description


5 Transmission and Change

The transmission of first languages and the myth of the mother tongue

The case of creoles: upheaval in the ecolinguistic niche and linguistic change

The transmission of gravitational systems

Conclusion: evolution and revolution

6 Five Case Studies 

One name for several languages: Arabic schizoglossia

Several names for one language: the example of Kituba

One, two or three languages? The example of Serbo-Croat

Kraemer: the invention of French in the socio-professional context

An ecological niche: the island of Saint-Barthelémy

Conclusion: Inventing Language, Giving it a Name 






Macau’s Languages in Society and Education:Planning in a Multilingual Ecology

ISBN: 978-3-030-68265-1

By Andrew J. Moody

Copyright Year 2018

ISBN 9781032093659

Published June 30, 2021 by Chapman and Hall/CRC

212 Pages 50 B/W Illustrations



This book examines the role of English within education and society in the quickly changing city of Macau. Macau’s multilingual language ecology offers the unique opportunity to examine language planning and policy issues within a small speech community. The languages within the ecology include several Chinese varieties, such as Cantonese, Putonghua and Hokkien, European languages like Portuguese and English, and a number of Asian languages that include, among others, Burmese, Filipino languages, Japanese, Timorese, etc. As the smallest city in South China's Pearl River Delta, Macau has sought to maintain cultural and linguistic independence from its larger neighbours, and independence has been built upon an historic commitment to multilingualism and cultural plurality. As economic development and globalisation offer new opportunities to a growing middle class, the sociolinguistics of a small society constrain and influence the language policies that the territory seeks to implement. Macau's multilingual and pluralistic response to language needs within the territory echoes historical responses to similar challenges and suggests that small communities function sociolinguistically in ways that differ from larger communities.


The Linguistic Ecology of Multilingual Communities

Andrew J. Moody

Pages 1-16

The Sociolinguistics of Size: How Multilingualism in a Small Society Differs from a Large One

Andrew J. Moody

Pages 17-33

Historical Contexts of Multilingualism: Chinese Languages of Macau (1500–1999)

Andrew J. Moody

Pages 35-58

Historical Contexts of Multilingualism: Non-Chinese Languages of Macau (1500–1999)

Andrew J. Moody

Pages 59-95

Overview of Social and Educational Changes to Macau: Twenty Years After the 1999 Handover

Andrew J. Moody

Pages 97-140

Language and Educational Language Policy in Childhood Education: Pre-primary and Primary Education

Andrew J. Moody

Pages 141-176

Language and Educational Language Policy in Youth Education: Junior and Senior Secondary Education

Andrew J. Moody

Pages 177-220

Language in Higher Education: Local Needs and Global Desires

Andrew J. Moody

Pages 221-258

Future Directions and Prospects for the Macau Language Ecology

Andrew J. Moody

Pages 259-265

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