
【目录】 《国际经济评论》2018年第5期


刘晨   葛顺奇 



关键词:中国企业  对非洲投资  经济增长  结构转型  工业化


ChineseEnterprises Investing in Africa: Economic Growth and Structural Transformation

Liu Chenand Ge Shunqi                                             

Investmentby Chinese enterprises in Africa has grown rapidly in recent years, which hasaroused extensive attention from the international community. This articleexamines the business activities of Chinese enterprises and analyzes their rolein the economic expansion and structural transformation of African countries.We find that Chinese investment has been growing rapidly in increasing numbersof industries and countries in Africa, with private companies becoming themainstay of investment in the continent. China’s investment has raised capitalstock, increased jobs and improved infrastructure in Africa, thus makingimportant contributions to the host economies. At the same time, it has alsoproduced some external effects in terms of market and environment in the hostcountries. Chinese enterprises have also promoted the technological developmentof host countries through technological spillover and pushed the development ofrelated local enterprises, thus promoting the integration of African countriesinto the world market. Chinese enterprises also face such constraints as lowhuman capital, high production costs and volatility of government policies inthe host countries. Therefore, the Chinese government should strengthenconsultation and cooperation with governments of the host countries, helpAfrican countries improve infrastructure and business environment, and providepolicy support for Chinese enterprises. Meanwhile, Chinese enterprises shouldabide by international rules, promote technology transfer and labor training,build local industry chains, and play a positive role in Africa’sindustrialization and inclusive growth.




潘圆圆   张明 



关键词:CFIUS  国家安全  审查机制  应对策略


Reformof the CFIUS amid Rising Chinese Investment

PanYuanyuan and Zhang Ming                                       

China’sgrowing M&A has increased concerns of the US society. The reform of theCFIUS aims to address the failure of the existing review process in dealingwith the "threat" of Chinese investment to US national security. Therationale of the CFIUS regulatory reform is consistent. Our analysis of theCFIUS reviews shows that the US Congress is seriously concerned aboutinvestment by Chinese enterprises. The latest CFIUS reform in 2018 increasedfactors to be considered in its national security reviews, widened thejurisdiction of the CFIUS, adjusted its review process, and expanded itsregulatory authority. The article concludes that the latest CFIUS reform maymean the investment environment for Chinese companies have become moreunfavorable. It provides some policy recommendations for the Chinese governmentand enterprises in accordance with the new changes.




李玉梅   桑百川 



关键词:外商投资  营商环境  吸引力指数  潜力指数


BusinessEnvironment for Foreign Enterprises in China: Evaluation and Solutions

Li Yumeiand Sang Baichuan                                         49

SinceChina started its reform and opening-up forty years ago, it has been activelyencouraging foreign enterprises to invest in the country and become a majordestination for foreign direct investment. In recent years, with thetransformation and upgrading of its economic structure, its businessenvironment for foreign enterprises has also undergone structural changes. Inits Section 301 investigation, the United States criticized China of havingfailed to provide a sound environment for foreign investors. Based to analysisof the motives of foreign investors in China, this article evaluates businessenvironment for the different types of foreign investors and uses theattractiveness and potential indexes of business environment for foreigninvestors to grasp the general conditions of business environment for foreigninvestors. China is quite competitive in terms of overall business environmentbut it also has some room to make improvement. Based on the evaluation results,the article puts forward suggestions for improving the country’s businessenvironment for foreign enterprises.





谭小芬   李源 



关键词:新兴市场国家  非金融企业债务  去杠杆


Non-FinancialCorporate Debt in Emerging Markets: Trends, Causes, Risks and Countermeasures

TanXiaofen and Li Yuan                                          

Therapid accumulation of non-financial corporate debts in the emerging-marketeconomies (EME) in the wake of the global financial crisis and their potentialrisks have aroused attention from, and triggered concerns in, the academic andpolicymaking circles. The rising concerns have come from, apart from thedeteriorating macroeconomic fundamentals and corporate financial conditions ofthe EME, the expectation that the global financial conditions will turn fromextraordinarily easy to tight. As the developed countries, such as the UnitedStates, exit from their quantitative easing monetary policy, the rising globalinterest rates will put more debt repayment pressure on EME enterprises,especially those that have issued dollar-denominated debt. Although most of theEME enterprises currently may not face an imminent danger of falling into adebt crisis, given their deteriorating financial conditions, they have beenpushed onto the brink of bankruptcy. In addition, the rising macro leverageratio and deteriorating corporate financial conditions have served as a timebomb for economic growth and financial stability of the EME. Therefore, it isnecessary to take a series of measures to help the non-financial enterprises inthe EME cut their leverage levels while maintaining their economic andfinancial stability.







关键词:西巴尔干  一带一路  欧盟


WestBalkans: How to Coordinate the Belt and Road Initiative with EU’s EnlargementPlan


Againstthe backdrop of intensifying global protectionism, a stable China-EU relationshipserves as the precondition for the steady development of the Belt and RoadInitiative (BRI) in Europe. When China and the EU meet in the West Balkans,whether they will engage in regional competition or deepen cooperation willhave a great bearing on the future evolution of their relations. Based onanalysis of the EU’s strategy in West Balkans and China’s BRI projects in thesame region, the article argues that China’s investment and China-financedinfrastructure projects play a positive role in pushing West Balkans to jointhe EU. Chinese funds and technologies not only promote the livelihood of thepeople in the region, but help integrate the region’s transport and energynetworks into the existing Trans-European Networks and Pan-European Corridors.In addition, there exists ample room for China and the EU to further theircooperation in terms of rule-setting, standards, funding and planning.




徐忠  纪敏 李宏瑾



关键词:收益率曲线控制  扭曲操作  中期政策利率  货币价格调控


YieldCurve as the Operational Target of the Monetary PolicyHistory andPolicy Retrospects

XuZhong, Ji Min and Li Hongjin                                  

Thisarticle draws on the historical lessons of three of the US’ yield curve-basedmonetary policy adjustments as well as Japan’s yield curve control policy sinceSeptember, 2016. Analysis of backgrounds, policy implementation processes andpolicy effects of those adjustments shows that the yield curve-based monetarypolicy faces many challenges. For instance, policies that suit times of war andcrisis do not necessarily work in normal times; the fiscal dominance ofmonetary policy jeopardizes policy coordination and threatens independence ofcentral banks; private enterprises may be squeezed out, and it will become moredifficult for unconventional policies to gradually exit. The yield curve-basedmonetary policy can be used in times of crisis, but it does not fit China’ssituation. The overnight market rate should be fixed as the new policy targetrate of the price-based monetary policy, interest rate policymaking rules thatfit China’s situation should be explored, and the smooth transition of themonetary framework should be promoted to achieve healthy economic and financialdevelopment.



从权利限制到权利开放 —— 美国银行业开放的政治经济史




关键词:银行业开放  精英  政治竞争  权利限制  权利开放


FromRestriction of Rights to Liberalization of Rights: A Political-Economic Historyof the Opening-up of US Banking Industry


Inhistory, why have the elites that had monopoly privileges and were protected bya set of economic and political institutions become willing to dismantle thoseinstitutions and give up their privileges? This article provides an explanationbased on analysis of the history of banking opening-up in the early 19th centuryin Massachusetts. In regimes with closely interrelated political and economicprivileges, political competition among elites leads to instability of bankcharters and rent dissipation, forcing bank charters to be extended to allelites. Meanwhile, taxes on bank capital have led to exemption of property taxof the elites and provided incentives for bank charters. When benefits ofopening up bank access overweigh those of access restriction, the elites wouldbecome willing to agree to extend banking privileges to ordinary citizens. 







关键词:OECD  国有企业  公司治理  国家所有权


Revisionof OECD Guidelines on SOE CorporateGovernance and Implications for SOE Reform in China

LuTong                                                          119

The OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance ofState-Owned Enterprises was first published in 2005 and revised in 2015.The revised version emphasizes national ownership, reaffirms the principlesthat the state as the owner of SOEs should follow, advocates fair marketcompetition among SOEs and equal treatment of all shareholders to protectshareholder interests. Meanwhile, the SOEs should meet higher-leveltransparency and information disclosure requirements and the board of directorsshould shoulder their fiduciary responsibility. The guidelines can serve as animportant reference for China’s SOE reform in terms of corporate governance,transparency, accountability mechanism and the effective exercise of thestate’s ownership.








关键词:产业赶超  寡头竞争  竞争合作  并购重组  产业政策


OligopolyCoopetition, M&A and Restructuring: Catch-up Logic of Global SemiconductorIndustry


Japanand South Korea, among the late-comer countries, boast highly effectiveindustrial organization systems. As an important way to engage in corporateM&A and restructuring activities, the R&D consortia formed by largeenterprises and coordinated by industrial policies played an important role inJapan’s technological innovation. One of the most successful cases is thedevelopment of very large scale integration (VLSI) by Japanese semiconductorR&D consortia based on joint investment and cooperative research. Similarto Japan, Korea’s large enterprises always participate in market competition byoligopoly competition, to promote economies of scale and technologicalinnovation in semiconductor industry. The technological catching-up of Japanesesemiconductor enterprises triggered a global trade war and industrialrestructuring. In response to catching-up of Japanese enterprises, the US tookvarious measures to save its declining semiconductor industry in the 1990sthrough industrial policies and industrial restructuring. The history of thesemiconductor industry shows that R&D consortia, technology acquisition andcorporate mergers that are promoted by industrial policies and co-financed byleading enterprises will be very effective so long as the M&A andrestructuring tally with the characteristics of economy of scale and cater tothe requirements of technological innovation.






【目录】 《国际经济评论》2018年第4期







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