

2018-01-17 中国社科院世界经济与政治研究所




关键词:外汇储备  适度规模  金融安全  跨境资本流动冲击

Review of Discussions About China’s ForeignExchange Reserves

               Guan Tao

After witnessing the drastic fluctuationsof foreign exchange reserves in recent years, we have reviewed the previousdiscussions about China’s foreign exchange reserves. Our main conclusions areas follows: China’s abundant foreign exchange reserves indeed help fend offcross-border capital flow shocks and bought time for exchange rate reforms andadjustments. The aim of defending the reserves is not to keep a certain scale,but to protect market confidence. Defending the reserves is not an alternativefor defending the renminbi’s exchange rate; they are actually two sides of onecoin. It is not whether the central bank keeps foreign reserves, but how theexchange rate policy is carried out, that constrains the monetary policy.

It’s short-sighted and dangerous to devaluethe renminbi with a view to reducing exchange losses of foreign reserves heldby the central bank.


医疗价格形成机制和医疗保险支付方式的历史演变—— 国际比较及对中国的启示

朱恒鹏   彭晓博 


关键词:医疗保险  医疗服务价格  支付机制

Evolution of the Provider-Payment Systemand Healthcare Pricing: International Comparison and Lessons forChina

Zhu Hengpeng and Peng Xiaobo

Many local healthcare funds have been indebt recently as medical expenditures increase rapidly. Given the new economicnormal state, in which economic growth slows and financial revenues decline, itis better for China to improve management of existing resources than seeking toexpand sources of incomes. Therefore, how to raise the distribution efficiencyof the country’s limited medical resources has become a focus of discussion byChinese scholars and policymakers. To that end, it is indispensible to firstexamine the evolution of healthcare payment methods in other countries. Thisarticle summarizes the evolution of the formation mechanism of healthcareservice prices and mainly discusses how the healthcare payment methods aredetermined and adjusted by medical service providers, patients, and insurancecompanies after the introduction of the healthcare system. The article findsthat under the healthcare system, the health service payment mechanism, or thehealthcare payment mechanism, plays a key role in guiding healthcare resourcedistribution and behavior of medical service providers and patients. Meanwhile,through international comparison, the article also discusses the fundamentalsystematic arrangements that are needed to bring out the role of such ahealthcare payment mechanism. 





关键词:全球化  跨国企业  全球治理  企业管制

The Next Step in Governance: The Need forGlobal Micro-Regulatory Frameworks in the Context of Expanding InternationalProduction

Karl P. Sauvant 

As explicit barriers to internationaltrade, investment, technology, and financial flows have been reducedconsiderably, “macro-liberalization” of international economic transactions haslargely run its course. Attention needs to shift from international rules forgovernments to international rules dealing with the various aspects of theinternational operations of firms (so-called “micro-issues”). Suchinternational rules for the principal actors in international production andmarkets would complement (or replace) the unilateral rules at the nationallevel, hence provide global micro governance for global production and trade.This article exemplifies for a number of areas the state and nature of thisrule-making for micro-issues and suggests a way forward. It concludes thatdeveloping international micro-regulatory frameworks of rules for internationaloperations of firms in the globalizing economy should be new frontier ofinternational commercial diplomacy. 



黄先海   宋学印 


关键词:中等收入陷阱  市场竞争  技术进步  增长收敛

China’s New Growth Strategy for Overcomingthe Potential "Middle-Income Trap"

Huang Xianhai and Song Xueyin  

The fundamental driving force of economicgrowth lies in technological advancement. Why does a country fall into the"middle-income trap"? The deep-rooted cause is that while itstechnological fundamentals have significantly improved, it has failed toupgrade its economic growth drivers and therefore falls into the"technological chasing trap". For developing economies who lag behindthe developed economies only in frontier technologies, they should adopt acompetition-oriented strategy instead of the traditional chasing-orientedstrategy; in other words, they should expand competition in product and factormarket, build a multi-layer intellectual property protection system, attractmore foreign companies to increase competition, and adopt an innovation subsidypolicy so as to bolster fast technological advancement and economic growth toovercome the middle-income trap and catch up with the developed economies.





关键词:经济增长陷阱  国别经验  中国应对措施

How Can China Overcome the Economic GrowthTrap?

Hua Min

From the perspective of country comparison,this article analyzes the causes, consequences and countermeasures of threeeconomic growth traps (Malthusian trap, middle-income trap andinter-generational poverty trap). On the basis of summing up internationalexperiences, the article explores how China can smoothly overcome themiddle-income trap. It argues that only when it conducts institutional reformand land ownership reform and makes full use of its demographic advantage canChina smoothly overcome the middle-income trap and become a high-incomedeveloped country. 





关键词:经济增长  地区差距  基础设施  国际投资贸易  金融体制改革

Theory and Strategy of China Overcoming theMiddle Income Trap

Yao Shujie

Since it initiated the reform and openingup drive in late 1970s, China has experienced nearly forty years of unbrokenhigh economic growth. It has been transformed from a poor and backward economyinto a prosperous and dynamic industrialized nation, constituting a greatmiracle in the world economic development history. However, when per capitaincome reaches the middle-income level, how to overcome the so-called middleincome trap has become an important theoretical and practical challenge forChina. To handle the challenge, China needs to learn from the experiences ofother countries, and also exploit its unique advantages in natural resources,political system, culture and history, particularly its own economic and othercapacities that it has accumulated over the last four decades of economicreform and opening up. In the 19th National Congress of the Chinese CommunistParty (CPC), Xi Jinping, general secretary of CPC Central Committee, did noteven mention the challenge of middle income trap; instead, he suggested thatafter successfully building an all-round well-off society in 2020, China wouldspend 30 years to pursue a two-stage development (each stage taking 15 years)in an attempt to achieve modernization by 2050. In the new era, China will notonly try to overcome the middle income trap, but also maintain a long period ofstable and healthy social and economic development to realize the Chinese dreamof national rejuvenation. This article reviews the development history of theChinese economy in the past forty years and discusses the challenges andconstraints that China faces today. It then provides policy suggestions forChina to overcome the middle income trap and become a high-income economy. 






关键词:“一带一路”建设  金融合作 开发性金融  丝路基金  公私合营

China’s Financial Support for the Belt andRoad Initiative: Characteristics,

Challenges and Policy Implications

Song Shuang and Wang Yongzhong

Since the Belt and Road Initiative wasraised in 2013, China has provided considerable financial support for countriesalong the Belt and Road routes through State-owned banks, investment funds andbond markets. Meanwhile, it has faced increasing challenges, including greatfinancing pressure and risk-taking, low participation of private capital,underdeveloped capital market, and imbalanced regional and industrialdistribution. To smoothly implement the Belt and Road Initiative, China shouldlead relevant countries to build a financial cooperation framework, andpriorities should be put on strengthening capital cooperation between domesticand overseas investors, enhancing public-private partnerships, improvingcapital market connection, and establishing a financial service system. 





关键词:不良资产处置  不良资产证券化  银行体系不良贷款

Disposal and Securitization ofNon-performing Assets: International

Experiences and Prospects in China

Gao Bei and Zhang Ming

China’s economic growth has slowed, whichwill not be reversed in the short term; its corporate sector has started to cutleverages; and its real estate market is cooling. They will combine to lead tosurging non-performing loans in the banking system. Considering the backgroundof the accumulation of non-performing loans, the banks’ operating environment,as well as the government's debt burden, China cannot repeat its old practiceof non-performing asset disposal. China has had no other choices but relying onmarket forces to handle its non-performing assets. From a historicalperspective, asset securitization has played an important role in all countriesrelying on market forces to handle non-performing assets. In China, it hasbecome appropriate to develop non-performing asset securitization. In thefuture, as relevant systems improve, China is set to witness the rapiddevelopment of non-performing asset securitization. 




李应博   殷存毅 


关键词:制度质量  地区创新能力  创新能力提升

Institutional Quality and RegionalInnovation Capability: Taiwan’s Case

Li Yingbo and Yin Cunyi

The evolution of regional innovationcapability, seen from the institutional perspective, is a complexmulti-dimensional process. Based on existing literatures of the effect ofinstitution and institutional quality on innovation capacity, this articlediscusses Taiwan’s institutional arrangements and its influence on itsinnovation capability against the backdrop of global industrial innovation andevolution. Based on the GCI’s data, the article finds that there is a positivecorrelation between Taiwan’s institutional quality and its long-term innovationcapability. It then identifies key institutional factors that influenceTaiwan’s innovation capability, before providing some suggestions on how Taiwancan take measures to improve its innovation capability.







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