
【目录】 《国际经济评论》2017年第5期(总第131期)

2017-09-20 中国社科院世界经济与政治研究所










  本文从国有企业与民营企业在中国的上、下游产业链上的行业分布的变化入手,根据作者所提出的“垂直结构”理论,解释为何中国国企和民企的相对利润率呈现一波三折的态势,并且分析这个过程中国企与民企之间的互动关系。作者认为, 2008年国际金融危机以来,外需相对下降,由民营企业主导的下游部门的出口受到很大抑制,导致下游部门对于某些关键的由国有企业垄断的上游产业的引致需求也随之下降,进而引起上游国企的利润大幅下降,并且导致上游产业中僵尸企业的比重高于下游产业中僵尸企业的比重。基于上述“垂直结构”的逻辑,如果不尽快对上游国企进行改革,那么随着劳动力成本、土地成本的不断提高,人民币的升值,对于下游的民营企业而言,上游国企垄断的金融、能源等中间服务与中间产品的高昂成本将可能会成为压垮下游民营企业的最后一根稻草。如果下游民营企业被压垮,那么上游国企本身的盈利能力也会降低,进而拖垮整体经济的增长。因此,国企改革刻不容缓并且应该循因施策,认清当前国企改革与1990年代国企改革的关键差异,把控好国企改革的速度和次序;应引入竞争机制,降低上游产业进入壁垒,打破国企行政垄断;适应市场环境调整上游国有企业的产能结构,并且需要逐渐剥离国有企业的政策性负担。

  关键词:国有企业  垂直结构  民营企业  新结构经济学


Vertical Structure of State-OwnedEnterprise Reform

Wang Yong 

The global financial crisis in 2008dampened external demand for products of China’s downstream industriesdominated private enterprises. Consequently, demand for products and servicesof the country’s upstream industries, dominated by monopolistic SOEs, alsoplunged, leading to sharp declines in those State firms’ profitability. As aresult, many firms had become zombie enterprises and the proportion of zombiefirms in upstream industries is higher than that in downstream sectors. Givensuch a vertical structure, upstream SOEs must be reformed as soon as possible;otherwise they would eventually choke off growth of downstream private firms ascosts of labor and land keep rising. Stagnation of downstream private sectorswould in turn hurt upstream SOEs and would slow overall growth. Policymakersshould be fully aware of the difference between the current SOE reform and thatcarried out in late 1990s. In the current reform, the key is to put a competition-orientedmechanism in place, break the administrative monopoly of SOEs, and lower thebarriers for entry into upstream industries.







  关键词:土地制度  改革  经济发展  以地谋发展

China’s Two-Stage Land Reform

Liu Shouying

Land tenure system constitutes China’sbasic political and economic institution. Over the past 40 years, the evolutionof China’s unique institutional arrangement of land has propelled

China’s rapid economic growth andstructural transformation. But the ensuing land-dependent growth model has alsobecome an important institutional impediment to the country’s further economictransformation. As China’s economic growth slows, its economic structuraltransformation will increasingly hinge on interaction between the rural andurban areas. The current land system must be reformed to eliminate thecountry’s dependence on land for economic growth. In Particular, China needs tocatalyze economic structural transformation through improving its land usestructure. It also needs to push forward rural land reform centered oncollectively-owned land and homestead.




钟正生   张璐



  关键词:金融改革  经济改革  金融开放


 China’s Financial Reform: Experience,Dilemma and Future Development

Zhong Zhengsheng and Zhang Lu

Based on the economic background of China’sreform and opening up, this article summarizes the country’s historical processof financial reform. Against the backdrop of the global financial crisis in2008, China’s economic reform has fared slowly as the country tried tostabilize economic growth, but much headway has been made in its financial reformthanks to the marketization of interest rates. However, the robust financialreform has gradually brewed some financial risks and the current financialchaos is a constraint for further financial reform. Therefore, to promote"financial deleveraging" and solve the problem of financial chaos,China must focus on economic reform, transform its economic growth pattern,break SOE’s soft budget constraint and foster growth of private investment.Based on China’s experiences in dealing with the problem of external imbalancesince 1978 and its legacy from the Asian financial crisis in the 1990s, webelieve that reform should be carried out gradually in the sequence of economicreform - financial reform - financial openness. Such a reform sequence is amore rational option for China to carry out its reform.







  关键词:中国经济  金融风险  互联网金融  影子银行  宏观审慎监管政策


China’s Prevention of Systemic FinancialRisks

Huang Yiping

In recent years, financial risks have beenapparent in such fields as stock market, real estate sector, bond market,internet finance and foreign exchange market, indicating that China has becomevulnerable to rising financial risks. Meanwhile, its slower growth has led todeclining return on investment of the real economy, produced large numbers of"zombie enterprises", and accumulated more financial risks. Whilerising leverages, ample liquidity and lack of investment opportunities havebrought risks, some financial innovation activities, such as internet financeand shadow banking, have created new financial risks, although they have alsobenefited the real economy. Worse, it has become increasingly difficult for thegovernment to continue to provide guarantee for such risky financialinnovations. As a result, prevention of systemic financial risks has becomeChina’s major economic priority. We suggest that the government should attachutmost importance to financial risks when it carried out its macroeconomicpolicies, especially monetary policies. It should also make it clear that itwould not provide any guarantee for risk takers so that "zombieenterprises" can go bankrupt to resolve potential risks. It should also reformits financial regulatory framework, improve policy coordination, strengthenindependence, professionalism and authority of regulatory bodies, and adopt amixed regulatory mode.




余永定   肖立晟



  关键词:资本外逃  国际收支平衡表  国际投资头寸表  误差与遗漏账户


 Estimation of China’s Capital Flight

Yu Yongding and Xiao Lisheng

Since 2014, China’s capital flight hasaccelerated, but there have been no official statistics of capital flightavailable. By analyzing China’s Balance of Payments (BoP) and InternationalInvestment Position (IIP) tables, this article tries to gauge the scale ofChina’s capital flight. In literature, the difference between current accountsurplus and the increase in net overseas assets over the same period of time isused as a proxy for capital flight. In reality, statistical errors andomissions also contribute to the difference. The difference between currentaccount surplus and increase in net foreign assets (NFA), which, in theory,represents total capital flight, can be divided into two parts. One is thedifference between current account surplus and net capital outflow (NCO), representedby Errors and Omissions (E&O) account in the balance of payments table. Theother is difference between NCO and the changes in NFA. The article argues thaterrors and omissions in the BoP table are mainly caused by capital flightrather than statistical inaccuracies. Compared with advanced economies, China’sE&O is not only large but also closely related to exchange rateexpectations. This implies that the errors and omissions are not white noise,but that they are mainly a result of capital flight. Besides, although thereare capitals that flow out of China legally and are not captured by errors andomissions account in the balance of payments table, they are capital flight innature and hence have failed to translate into overseas assets owned by Chineseresidents in the IIP table. The article discusses the “errors and omissions” inIIP table that are attributable to either statistical failures or capitalflight.

Now the Chinese government has taken aseries of actions to curb capital flight, which is certainly correct andhelpful. However, the fundamental solution lies in the deepening of reforms ofChina’s economic system, financial system and exchange rate regime.




何帆   朱鹤   张骞 



  关键词:“一带一路”倡议  21世纪海上丝绸之路  基础设施  金融支持 


The 21s tCentury Maritime Silk Road

CurrentSituationOpportunitiesChallenges and Solutions

He Fan, Zhu He and Zhang Qian

The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is animportant part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative to build a new pattern ofall-round opening-up; it caters to the common appeals of China and countries inSoutheast Asia, South Asia, and Africa. This article analyzes the economicstatus quo of countries involved in the maritime initiative, opportunities forcooperation among China and those countries, and challenges that could affecttheir cooperation. It finds that China and those countries can carry outdeeper-level cooperation in five areas: industrial investment, infrastructureinvestment, resource development and cooperation, overseas economic and tradeparks, and ocean economy. But it also finds that such cooperation faces somemajor challenges, such as lack of coordination, inadequate financial support,and lack of high-caliber personnel. It puts forward some suggestions for betterimplementing the initiative.




徐奇渊  杨盼盼 肖立晟



  关键词:一带一路  投融资机制  投资需求  风险


Investment and Financing Mechanism for theBelt and Road Initiative: China’s Role

Xu Qiyuan, Yang Panpan and XiaoLisheng

The Belt and Road Initiative has enteredthe stage of implementation. In the process, the financing needs of countriesinvolved in the initiative are very large. Meanwhile, attention must be paid tothe potential risks in carrying out the initiative. This article provides threedimensions for rethinking how China can play a more effective role in theinvestment and financing mechanism of the initiative. First, Chinese banks cantake advantage of the competition among existing international financialcenters to expand their foothold in Africa or other regions. Second, interestsof investors and partners should be bundled together to facilitate bilateraland trilateral cooperation. Third, investee countries must obey certaindisciplines. They must tighten their fiscal discipline, improve theirbusiness-doing environment and foster internationally competitive industries.




刘东民   李远芳   熊爱宗   高蓓



  关键词:多边开发银行  亚投行  全球金融治理 


Strategic Targets and Business Innovationof the AIIB

Liu Dongmin, Li Yuanfang, Xiong Aizong andGao Bei

This article analyses the strategictargets, business focuses, successful experiences and existing problems of the world’smajor multilateral development banks before suggesting four strategic targetsfor the AIIB: respecting needs of developing countries, maintaining soundfinancial sustainability, sticking to international high standards, andattaching importance to international cooperation. The article also put forwardsix suggestions for the business model of the AIIB. First, it should makeurbanization a priority in its infrastructure investment; second, it shouldadopt the international infrastructure investment company model to facilitateits project construction; third, it should set up offshore RMB overseasinvestment fund; fourth, it should adopt the special economic zone model topromote urbanization and construction of cross-border economic and trade park projects;last but not least, it should set up an Asian finance corporation to pursuemarket-oriented operation.



