



邹静娴   张斌 


关键词:后中等收入阶段  中等收入陷阱  开放政策  国际经验 

Opening-upin the Upper Middle-Income Phase — Implications from International Experiences

Zou Jingxian and Zhang Bin 

After expanding rapidly for more thanthirty years, China has stepped into the upper middle-income phase in terms ofper capita GDP. Now the country can draw from international experiences to helpit transition from the upper middle-income to the high-income phase.Classifying countries into three groups (i.e. frontier, successful catch-upsand failed catch-ups) in accordance with the durations they stay in themiddle-income stage, this article compares those three groups from the aspectsof foreign trade, investment, exchange rate regime and capital accountopenness, and finds that the successful catch-ups have managed to narrow theirgaps with frontiers, while failed catch-ups have remained at the bottom or evenstagnant in some aspects. The article argues that opening-up policies are beneficialsince they encourage market competition, improve the efficiency of globalresource allocation, and boost industrial upgrading and structuraltransformation; meanwhile, a proper exchange rate regime and prudent capitalaccount opening-up are key to ensuring a country’s macroeconomic stability.



程实   张明   陈兴动   朱海斌   张斌  

钟正生   殷剑峰   肖立晟   姚枝仲   徐奇渊   吴庆 


WorldEconomy and China’s Economy: New or Old Cycle?

ChengShi, Zhang Ming, Chen Xingdong, Zhu Haibin, Zhang Bin,

ZhongZhengsheng, Yin Jianfeng, Xiao Lisheng, Yao Zhizhong,

XuQiyuan and Wu Qing

The China Society of World Economics and the editorial board of the International Economic Review journalco-organized a symposium themed WorldEconomy and China’s Economy: New or Old Cycle? on January 5 in Beijing.Renowned economics scholars and experts participated in the meeting anddiscussed topics related to world economy and the Chinese economy. Their views,after being approved by themselves, are published in this journal. 

人民币国际化的成功标志及其可行路径  —— 一个“有保有压”具有中国特色的推进策略

刘建丰   潘英丽 


关键词:人民币国际化  离岸人民币产业园区  封闭式跨境人民币交易网络


RMB Internationalization: A Strategy with Chinese Characteristics

Liu Jianfengand Pan Yingli

RMBinternationalization is a systematic program. What is a “high-quality RMBinternationalization”? This article argues that indications of successful RMBinternationalization go as follows: First, during each step of the process,whether the RMB exchange rate is dominated by Chinese-funded financialinstitutions in the onshore market rather than by other types of internationalfinancial institutions in the offshore market; and whether the central bank canmaintain a low-cost influence on the market exchange rate’s movements; second,whether the rate of return of the China-held RMB-denominated assets issued byother countries exceeds the yield of similar assets in the onshore market, orat least the rate of return can be kept positive, stable and sustainable. Thepotential target countries for promoting RMB internationalization should mainlybe countries with rich resources, Southeast Asian nations, and Central Asiancountries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative. We can encourage thosecountries to directly use RMB for pricing and settlement of commodities, suchas crude oil and ores, carry out more RMB-denominated outbound directinvestment and financing with higher net yields than in the domestic market,and help them establish and develop more processing trade industrial parks,where the manufactured products will be sold to other countries, includingChina, using RMB for pricing and settlement; at the same time, we should speedup cultivation and development of treasury bond and quasi-government bondmarkets with large scale, high sophistication, good safety and ample liquidity,which should be opened to the outside world at an appropriate time and in anorderly way. To that end, this article proposes a strategy with Chinesecharacteristics for promoting RMB internationalization that adjusts the tempoof the process in accordance with changing situation. 


去产能政策的进展及其影响                                 徐奇渊 


关键词:供给侧结构性改革  去产能政策  行业分化


Developmentand Impact of Overcapacity Reduction Policies


Much headway has been made in China’ssupply-side structural reform, especially overcapacity reduction, since 2016,which is highly commendable. Against the macroeconomic backdrop of favorableexternal demand, China may hopefully make more progress in the reform.Reduction of excessive production capacity is a top priority of the supply-sidestructural reform and achievement in cutting overcapacity can also be reflectedin the improved operation of zombie enterprises, falling leverage levels,declining NPL ratios and increased soundness of the financial system. However,the improvement in the operation of enterprises, mainly SOEs and those inupstream and heavy industries, to a large extent, is a result of redistributionof inter-industrial interests; it has been achieved at the price of risingcosts and declining profits of other industries, mainly concerning downstreamand non-State enterprises and those in light industries. Such a scenario couldmean resource misallocation and, once external demand is disrupted, it wouldbecome a great challenge to keep the sustainability of the overcapacityreduction drive. Therefore, although it has made some headway in cuttingovercapacity, China should further push other fundamental reforms, includingthe supply-side structural reform. 


服务贸易开放与出口附加值                             马弘 李小帆 


关键词:服务业开放  制造业生产率  出口附加值


Liberalizationof Service Trade and Value Added of Export

Ma Hongand Li Xiaofan

Afterexpanding at a fast pace for nearly 40 years, the Chinese economy has graduallystepped into a “new normal” stage that emphasizes quality of growth, whichrequires further economic liberalization to build a higher-level open economy.To achieve industrial upgrading and move up in global value chain, it is a mustfor China to reduce service trade barriers, appropriately open up servicesectors, and encourage foreign investment in producer services. Servicesliberalization will promote the development of services and manufacturingsectors, and help balance the international balance of payments structure.Moreover, with the direct substitution effect and implicit embedded tradeeffect, the opening-up of trade and investment in services will increase thevalue added embedded in manufacturing exports. 


经济因素、普京的政治支持及2018年大选                        曲文轶 


关键词:政治支持  经济因素  2018年俄罗斯大选

Economy,Political Support for Putin and the 2018 Presidential Election

Qu Wenyi

Surveyresults show that Vladimir Putin has broad political support and there is nosuspense that he will win Russia’s presidential election in March 2018. Despitethe political support he has, the weak Russian economy still has some impact onhis election. Lower income and reduced welfare will seriously affect people’spolitical assessment of Putin. However, the negative effect only exists in thehorizontal comparison between different groups; within groups with varying income levels and professions,support for Putin still prevails. More importantly, with the background ofRussia-West confrontation, the consideration for Russia’s international statushas had a larger, positive effect that overweighs the negative effect ofeconomic factors. In addition, trust in Putin, especially confidence that Putinwill lead the country to achieve sound development in the future, has largelyreduced the negative impact of welfare deterioration. On the other hand,inadequate economic governance will, in the long term, drag on politicalsupport Putin has. If the economy continues to deteriorate in the future, orthe outside hostility eases, appeal for economic development may become a keyfactor in the formation of people’s political attitude. Economic factors,therefore, will have a significant bearing on Putin’s policy direction in hisnext presidential term even if they won't be a drag on Putin’s victory in thepresidential election in 2018. Considering the next term may also be Putin’slast term, his performance, in terms of economic governance, will determinewhether he can retire unscathed. Therefore, Putin should make efforts to winsupport from businesspeople and entrepreneurs through improving the businessenvironment, which is the key to achieving innovation-based development andgetting more political support to achieve a real "miracle". There isno doubt that he will do his best in that respect in his new term. 


国际金融危机以来美国制造业回流政策评述       胡鞍钢   任皓   高宇宁 


关键词:制造业回流  经济规律  政治目标  共赢


Reviewof the US' Manufacturing Reshoring Policy in Post-Crisis Era

Hu Angang, Ren Hao and Gao Yuning

Themanufacturing reshoring policy is on top of the Donald Trump’s agenda. Byanalyzing the development of the US manufacturing after the global financialcrisis in 2008, this article summarizes the new development trend of the USmanufacturing, and, based on empirical evidence and economics theories, arguesthat the US manufacturing is mainly driven by high-tech industries andtechnological progress is the main cause of the loss of manufacturing jobs.Manufacturing reshoring, especially reshoring of manufacturing jobs, is notsupported by any economics theory. Further analysis of the politicalconnotation of the manufacturing reshoring policy shows that against thebackdrop of the current anti-globalization tide, manufacturing reshorting onlyreflects the country’s attempt to strengthen its global leadership and itsanxiety over the changing international political and economic landscape.Finally, based on analysis of the relationship between Chinese and US manufacturing,the article refutes accusation that China is the main culprit for the loss ofUS manufacturing jobs. It also proposes that in the future, the two countriesshould further promote trade and investment liberalization and jointly promoteglobal manufacturing innovation and development to facilitate their cooperationin manufacturing. 


美国流通业对外直接投资的特征、经验及启示           袁平红 荆林波 


关键词:流通业  对外直接投资  投资收益  无店铺零售  全球价值链 

OutboundDirect Investment of US Distribution Industry: Features,

Experiencesand Implications

Yuan Pinghong and Jing Linbo

Chinacan strengthen its economic and trade prowess through expanding the outbounddirect investment of its distribution industry, which will promote the role ofsuch industry in bridging global production and consumption. The country canlearn from experiences of the developed countries in making outbound directinvestment in the distribution industry so that it can improve the quality ofits own outbound direct investment in this sector. Drawing from experiences ofthe US, China should expand its outbound direct investment in the distributionindustry during the 13th Five-year Plan period (2016-20) and carry out thefollowing tasks: It should make sure the indigenous distribution enterprisescan fully dominate the domestic market, which will provide a solid foundationfor the country’s outbound direct investment in the distribution industry; itshould make a national strategy and devise relevant policies to guide thedirection of such investment to ensure safety and returns of investment; and itshould promote the coordination between the distribution industry and otherindustries in making such investment to build a global value chain dominated byChinese enterprises. 


非传统货币政策的理论、效果及启示             巴曙松   曾智   王昌耀 


关键词:负利率  量化宽松  结构性  非传统货币政策  金融稳定


Theory,Effect and Implications of Unconventional Monetary Policies

Ba Shusong, Zeng Zhi and Wang Changyao  

Forwardguidance, quantitative easing, negative interest rate — China’s adoption ofstructural monetary policy and other non-traditional monetary policies hasexpanded the theoretical boundaries of monetary policy. Monetary policy can notonly increase total demand and reduce systemic financial risks but also solvethe structural macroeconomic problems. This article makes a systematic analysisof non-traditional monetary policies from three perspectives: theoreticalbasis, tool classification and transmission channel. On the basis of theanalysis, it adopts the event study method to evaluate the effect of suchpolicies by European Central Bank and People’s Bank of China and finds thatnon-traditional monetary policies can significantly reduce the interest rate ofthe money and bond markets to ensure financial stability. With the continualuse of the tool, the effect diminishes, and in China, structural monetarypolicy tools are significantly stronger than others. Finally, this articleprovides advices on improving

China’sstructural monetary policy from the perspectives of drawbacks of the tool,emphasis on market mechanism, spillover and exit risks, market mechanism andtool innovation.









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