

2017-11-20 中国社科院世界经济与政治研究所

人类命运共同体的构建与中国战略机遇期的存续         丁工


  关键词:人类命运共同体  合作共赢  战略机遇期  一带一路  新型国际关系

Building of Community of Common Destiny forMankind and China’s Strategic pportunities                   Ding Gong       As the connectivity of the world deepens,there have been increasing numbers of transnational and global challenges thatrequire all countries to work together to tackle.  China also needs to rethink its strategicopportunities and take a more pro-active approach to create strategicopportunities. At present, while it benefits from its strategic opportunities,China can also use its strategic opportunities to contribute to global wisdomand, together with other countries, find solutions to global challenges topromote common interests of the world. If it wants to benefit more from itsstrategic opportunities, China needs to adopt a new approach in tackling risksand challenges; it needs to look at global issues from the perspective ofcommunity of common destiny and carry out cooperation with other countries toachieve a win-win result, which should become an inevitable part of its foreignstrategic roadmap. China should stick to the main task of building humancommunity of common destiny and match its strategic opportunities with thedevelopment prospects of the world so that ultimately, both objectives can bepromoted.

 世界银行在全球发展进程中的角色、优势和主要挑战       宋锦


  关键词:世界银行  发展融资  发展政策

World Bank in Global Development: Role,Advantage and Main Challenges                      Song Jin                    The World Bank, one of the most influentialinternational organizations that provide development aid, has helped implementglobal development agenda through in-depth policy discussion, provision oftechnical support and sharing of knowledge products. In pushing forward globaldevelopment, it has had three significant advantages, including wide globalvision and rich international experiences, strong influence on policymaking,and mature project management and impact evaluation methodology. In recentyears, the bank’s leadership and authority in development policy discussion hasweakened. The main problems include reduced influence in development aidprovision, unclear effect of funding and knowledge support for pushing forwardthe long-term development of recipient countries, low efficiency of internalcoordination and inconsistent policy assertion of different departments, andreduced average quality of research products. The bank should make more effortsto provide innovative development financing models and help private sector tohave access to development financing in global development negotiationmechanism in the future; it should also focus on promotion of mid- andlong-term global economic growth, strengthen coordination and cooperationbetween developed and developing countries, deepen frontier research on majorglobal issues, and lead relevant policy discussion.  

中日美人口世代的界定与对宏观经济的启示       周晓波   杨华磊


  关键词:人口世代  婴儿潮  婴儿谷  宏观经济  人口诅咒

Definition and Macroeconomic Implicationsof Generation Group in China, Japan and the US            Zhou Xiaobo and Yang Hualei      This article analyzes the impacts of babyboom and baby bust on economic growth and offers suggestions on how to breakpopulation curse. It first defines and compares baby boom and baby bust in theUS, Japan and China through analysis of birth statistics. Further researchfinds that, along with baby boom in the US and Japan entering the labor market,there is a corresponding emergence of demographic dividend and disappearance ofdemographic dividend in history. After 1990, however, the US economy broke thedemography curse while the Japanese economy had been strictly governed bydemography law; at the same time, empirical results show that the Chineseeconomy had been strictly governed by demographic law before the post-1990sentered the labor market. The article provides an explanation for China’seconomic downturn after 2008, arguing that it may be related to baby bust.

 共享经济:本质、机制、模式与风险             郑联盛


  关键词:共享经济  内在机制  业务模式  风险 

Sharing Economy: Essence, Mechanism, Modelsand Risks                    Zheng Liansheng                       The sharing economy is a new paradigm oftechnology to promote utilization efficiency of "idle" resourcesbased on efficient, open and decentralized platforms. Through integratingvarieties of elements and resource allocation mechanisms, the sharing economyhas become a major way to revitalize stocks, raise allocation efficiency andimprove services. Based on separation of ownership and right of use, itutilizes information disembodying and new credit mechanism to integrate demand,supply and matching mechanism based on multiple market platforms, lowertransaction costs, achieve the long-tail effect and promote economy of scale.Covering main living scenes, the sharing economy has four major businessmodels: goods redistribution, sharing of tangible products, sharing ofintangible resources, and open and collaborative sharing. However, the sharingeconomy has very complicated legal relationship structures that challenge thesuitability of the existing regulatory system. Meanwhile, there are some newchallenges to be tackled, such as principal agent problem, new monopoly modeand information security. In the future, the sharing economy may evolve in thedirection of scenes-based service and service-driven technology. It needs tofocus on the separation of ownership and right of use, stability of connectionmechanisms, and regulatory framework relationships. The government shouldactively encourage the development of sharing economy, adhere to inclusiveregulatory principles, and establish an effective, efficient and long-termregulatory system.


货币寻锚的历史回顾与当下困局        张广斌   张绍宗   王源昌


  关键词:货币寻锚  政府信用  主要储备货币

Currency Anchor Options: Historical Reviewand Current Predicament

Zhang Guangbin, Zhang Shaozong and WangYuanchang                 

  In the era of metal currency, it was not abig challenge to search for a currency anchor. However, with the emergence ofpaper money, the unconstrained government credit had led to the distortion ofthe global monetary system, and it had become a major challenge to find ananchor. Against that backdrop, the US, supported by its large gold reserves andstrong economic performance, led other countries to establish the Bretton Woodssystem. Unfortunately, the Bretton Woods system collapsed, but fortunately, theUS economy remained sound, and the dollar remained a major reserve currency.Worried about their loss of reserves and rise in debt costs, many countrieshave chosen to peg their currencies to the dollar while the US managed to putits inflation under control to minimize externalities. With the establishmentof the euro zone and the rapid economic growth of East Asia, the trend ofregional monetary zone has become more and more obvious, which poses achallenge to the dollar’s role as an external anchor. In addition, the slow andcontinuous expansion of money supply has also fatally affected the anchoringeffect of inflation. In conclusion, the article suggests that the world shouldre-shape an SDR-centered external anchor and make use of interest rates toestablish an internal anchor based on government credit.


果如所料还是迟迟未到:全球流动性步入拐点了吗?   张天顶      


  关键词:全球流动性  拐点  数量指标  价格指标  政策调适

Expected or Delayed: Is Global Liquidity’sTurning Point Coming?

Zhang Tianding and Long Xin                                     

  The global liquidity dynamics has made theheadlines and drawn much attention of various market players. Whether anunprecedented turning point has come is debated intensively. This article providesanalysis of the different concepts of global liquidity frequently used in newsmedia reports and argues that in analyzing the global liquidity dynamics,researchers should clarify the connotation of global liquidity and analyze thedifferences of short-term and mid- and long-term effects. Based on economicstatistics and market data, the article measures the dynamics of globalliquidity from the dimensions of quantity and price. The results indicate thatthe turning point of global liquidity has not come as a result of the US Fed’sinterest rate hikes and the dynamics of global liquidity is not decided by thepolicy stance of the US Federal Reserve alone. Rather, it is a result ofinteractions among multiple factors, such as macroeconomic conditions, monetarypolicy stance, exchange rate regime, capital account opening-up policy,financial regulation, and behavior of financial market players andintermediaries of major economies. The article also provides advices forpolicymakers.


 美国经济活力下降:事实、原因及后果            曹永福


  关键词:经济活力创业精神 创造性破坏 政府规制 知识经济

Declining Business Dynamism in the US:Facts, Causes and Implications

                           Cao Yongfu              The declining dynamism of US businesses,which has aroused much attention from the academic circle, is mainly reflectedby the declining growth of corporate start-ups, falling numbers of IPO,weakening growth potential of SMEs, aging of firms, and declining of labormarket mobility. The declining business dynamism is not a short-term cyclicalphenomenon; it has been caused by some long-term and institutional factors. Itmeans the market dominance of large firms has been on the rise while newentrants are put at a disadvantage; its impact on technological innovation,however, is controversial, but anyway, the declining "creative destructioneffect" on the whole dampens technological innovation. The fallingbusiness dynamism can also affect the mid- and long-term economic growthpotential of the US.


关于设立亚洲基础设施投资银行投资争端解决中心的探讨  黄进   孔庆江


  关键词:亚洲基础设施投资银行  ACSID  仲裁

Establishment of AIIB Centre for Settlementof International Disputes: A Preliminary Feasibility Study     Huang Jin and Kong Qingjiang                As the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB) unfolds its business, more and more disputes are expected to arisebetween the bank and its clients. While competing with other multilateraldevelopment banks, the AIIB must find a way to have such disputes resolvedeffectively, independently and fairly to sustain its development. This articleoffers a preliminary feasibility study of establishing the AIIB Centre for theSettlement of Investment Disputes.

委内瑞拉超级通货膨胀和经济衰退探源          贺力平   马伟


  关键词:委内瑞拉  超级通货膨胀  外汇管制  平行汇率

Venezuela’s Hyperinflation and EconomicWoes: Causes and Implications                 He Liping and Ma Wei                The Venezuelan economy has deterioratedrapidly since 2015 and has been trapped in hyperinflation and economicrecession since last year. Analysts have generally attributed the deterioratingVenezuelan economy to the so-called "Dutch disease" and abnormaltrade relations. Our analysis shows that "Dutch disease", at most,may be accountable for Venezuela’s economic downturn since 2014,when world oil prices began to fall, but it has little relevance to thecountry’s deep recession and hyperinflation. Study of Venezuela’s bilateraltrade relations with China and the US shows that the main culprit of the itseconomic deterioration is its domestic economic problems. The article arguesthat Venezuela’s current economic problems are rooted in its economic policymaking, especially the Venezuelan government’s incessant pursuit ofexpansionary fiscal spending and blatant foreign exchange controls. The latterhas resulted in unstoppable currency devaluation expectations and domesticinflation expectation, both of which have further driven up currencydevaluation and inflation surges. In turn, the rising inflation aggravates theeconomy and public finance in Venezuela. A hard choice facing Venezuela iseither to further tighten foreign exchange controls, or deregulate the economywith aids from the international community. There could not be any "thirdway" that would work.


非洲银行业竞争格局及中非银行业合作空间               黄梅波   沈婧


    关键词:中非银行业合作  中非金融合作  人民币国际化

Competition of Banks in Africa andChina-Africa Banking Cooperation

Huang Meibo and Shen Jing  

      African countries have actively promotedthe development and reform of their financial industry in recent years and thecontinent’s banking industry has shown great potential of development. Underthe strategic framework of the Ten China-Africa Major Cooperation Plans, thefinancial cooperation between China and Africa, especially in the bankingindustry, has been increasingly strengthened. This article analyzes the currentconditions of the banking industry in Africa. The overall development momentumof the banking industry in Africa is strong, and electronic banking andmultinational banks have expanded rapidly. Problems include low penetrationrate and over-concentration. The article analyzes the competitiveness of majorbanks in Africa based on such indicators as Tier 1 capital growth, returns oninvestment, and cost-benefit ratio. Finally, the article analyzes bankingcooperation model, fields of cooperation and RMB internationalization involvedin China-Africa banking cooperation before putting forward some suggestionsregarding the trends of China-Africa banking cooperation in the future.


