
中国范儿130 剑川木雕:木本无华,雕琢而成经典

Love English 2 2022-12-23

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Jianchuan wood carving: A woodcarving craft technique to turn wood into classic designs


"Look like a real dragon dancing in the sky and a crowing cock in the morning."--- this typical Bai nationality song shows how vivid the Jianchuan wood sculptures are. Jianchuan, located in Dali, Yunnan Province, is known as the "hometown of wood carving". Since ancient times, the carpenters in Jianchuan traveled across the country and became renowned for their skills. Beijing's Forbidden City, Chengde's summer resort, Kunming's Jinma Biji square and other famous ancient buildings are the handiwork of Jianchuan carpenters and an exquisite presentation of Jianchuan wood carving.


Jianchuan wood carving is a kind of wood carving handicraft technique with a long history which originated in Tang Dynasty and flourished in Qing Dynasty. Featuring reliefs and openwork carvings, the sculptures include all kinds of figures, flowers and birds, landscapes and auspicious patterns of dragons and phoenixes, using fine workmanship and exquisite materials.

1996年,云南省政府想要把中华美术史上的瑰宝《张胜温画卷》用剑川木雕的形式呈现于世,《张胜温画卷》描绘的是南宋时期大理国的繁荣昌盛,有专家将它与同时代的《清明上河图》誉为“南北双绝”。国家非遗传承人段国梁带领30多位雕刻技师 ,用时一年半完成了巨型木雕《张胜温画卷》的巨作,这件木雕巨作长达97.6米,高1.8米,由134块木雕组成,总计176平方米,是中国目前最长的木雕。

In 1996, the Yunnan provincial government recreated in wood Zhang Shengwen’s Painting Scroll , a treasure in the history of Chinese Fine Arts. Zhang Shengwen's Painting Scroll depicts the prosperity of Dali during the Southern Song Dynasty. Along with ‘Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival’ created in the same era, it was hailed as "two wonders of the south and the north". Duan Guoliang, the inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage, led more than 30 carving technicians to complete the giant woodcarving Zhang Shengwen's Painting Scroll in a year and a half. The woodcarving masterpiece is 97.6 meters long and 1.8 meters high. It is composed of 134 woodcarvings, with a total of 176 square meters. It is the longest Woodcarving in China at present.


Jianchuan wood carving sets the essence for all kinds of wood carving in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Compared with other wood carvings, it shows simplicity, elegance and national characteristics. In 2011, Jianchuan woodcarving was listed in the third batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritage List.


Nowadays, Jianchuan wood carving enjoys a reputation at home and overseas. In terms of production, woodcarvers have shown their own creativity in combining woodcarving with marble to create wood carving furniture inlaid with marble, which is popular in Europe and the United States. It’s a national industrial product integrating artistic appreciation, collection and practical value.


For thousands of years, Jianchuan woodcarvers have created exquisite wood carving technology and, with their hammering and chiseling, inherited a piece of history of Chinese civilization.



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