
中国范儿125 雨水:春雨至 万物生

Love English 2 2022-12-23

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雨水:春雨至  万物生
Rain: When Life Wakes up in Spring


In China, there is a well-known saying: “Spring rain is as expensive as oil”.This describes the importance rainfall held for Chinese agriculture after a long and severe winter in ancient times.


Rain,after Beginning of Spring is the second solar term of China’s 24 solar terms that usually falls around February 19.The arrival of the rain solar term brings significant changes.During this solar term,the temperature begins to rise,the precipitation increases and the ice melts With the rise of temperature in the north,geese begin to move north and the grass and trees also sprout in the spring rain.All things on land seem to be recovering after a cold spell.


Rain is a romantic solar term.Han Yu,a famous poet in ancient China,has a beautiful poem that reads:“The sky street moisturized in a crisp rain and the grass looks close but not close enough". The rain moistens the grass and the green grass looks never ending,but from close enough one can tell that’s not the case.This just reflects the recovering vegetation during the rain solar term.


At the same time, rain is also a practical solar term.Suitable precipitation plays an important role in crop growth.In the northern part of China,winter wheat needs a lot of water to turn green after severe cold.On the other hand, agricultural production activities such as spring ploughing, grafting fruit trees and so on have also been carried out in agricultural greenhouses.In the south of China,the scene is different.During the rainy season,it is the first spring tea picking season for tea farmers in the south.he temperature in most areas of South China is over 10℃.Suitable temperature and sufficient precipitation make spring tea green and soft, the secret behind its popularity in the market. 

During the rainy season,some parts of China also have some distinctive folk customs.For example, in the west of Sichuan,the Han nationality has a festival tradition where a married daughter will visit her mother’s house in this period.The woman who has given birth to a child must bring a can of meat,a chair or other gifts to thank her parents for their upbringing.

Rain is a very vigorous solar term,spreading warmth and cheer.Spring and rain are tied in the joy that they provide.Rain not only represents the rhythm of life when everything recovers and prospers,but also carries the Chinese people’s yearning to create a beautiful life.



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