
中国范儿123 鼠年话鼠:十二生肖“鼠”它灵

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!


'China Style' The Chinese Zodiac: Rat OR

As an ancient folk tradition, the knowledge of Chinese zodiac is an integral part of Chinese culture.

Rat is the first of the twelve traditional Chinese zodiac animals. According to legend, the Jade Emperor decided to choose twelve kinds of animals to represent the human zodiac. On the day he was appointed to the heavenly palace, a little rat had gotten up early, sat on the old ox and entered the gate of the heavenly palace. The rat jumped out from the horn of the ox, thus becoming the first of the twelve zodiac. 

The first symbolic meaning of rat is intelligence. A classic animation ‘The Chinese Zodiac’ shot and produced in China in the 90s gave the rat the tag of a ‘smart rat’. It was a brave animal, quick to help human beings and when it finally defeated the demons. The story touched hearts.

The second symbolic meaning of rat is vitality. The survival rate of a rat is high and lifespan long. The rat in the folk paper-cut and woodblock New Year’s painting ‘Rats Marry Their Daughters’ are all gods from the time of Zi. Rats marry their daughters on the seventh day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar every year, that is to say, to reproduce human beings and other creatures. 

The rat also made frequent appearances on the stage. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, one could see rats pushing the mill and swinging rats performing among the people. A play during the Song Dynasty titled ‘Five Rats Mess Dongjing upside down’ left a deep impression on people.
中国还有很多歇后语与鼠有关,如 “老鼠掉进米缸里——因祸得福”、“老鼠钻书箱——咬文嚼字”、“老鼠逗猫——没事找事”等,这些歇后语诙谐风趣,令人过目难忘。
In local parlance as well, rats have found space. There are many humorous sayings associated with rats —‘Rats Fall into Rice Bowls — Good Luck in Misfortune’, ‘Rats Drill into Study Boxes — Chew Words’, ‘Rats Tickle Cats - Have Nothing to Do with’.

Nowadays, there is a custom of putting up new year pictures or paper-cut in north and south of China. The New Year pictures and paper-cut of ‘Rats Marry Daughters’ and ‘Rats’ Wedding’ serve as mascots. They are pasted on walls and windows during the new year, which not only enlivens the atmosphere of the new spring festival, but also places people’s expectation for the new year. 

‪On January 25, 2020, China ushered in the year of Gengzi rat in the lunar calendar. Because this is a ‘leap April’, which has a total of 384 days, this also means that the year of the rat will spell an extra month of work. But on the bright side, people born in April can have two lunar birthdays. In addition, the year of the rat will have two "beginnings of spring". Amazing, isn’t it?



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