
中国范儿113 甲骨文:中华文明律动数千年的脉搏

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!


Oracle Bone Script: Feeling the Pulse of the Time-honored Chinese Civilization

  Oracle bone script is the oldest recognizable script ever found in China. As the earliest prototype of today's Chinese characters, it was carved on ox scapula or turtle plastrons. Oracle bone script gives us a sketch of the Chinese civilization nearly 4000 years ago. It is a testament to the consistent and vigorous Chinese civilization in thousands of years.

位于殷墟遗址内的一处甲骨窟穴(资料照片)。新华社记者 王颂 摄

  Where is my origin? This is a question that every civilization in this world will ask. Before the modern era, the Chinese history books only vaguely stated that the Chinese civilization originates from the Era of Three Emperors and Five Kings, which was immediately followed by the three dynasties of Xia, Shang and Zhou and then by later dynasties of Qin, Han, Wei and Jin. Nevertheless, the real image of the early Chinese civilization has faded away in thousands of years. A limited number of inscriptions carved on unearthed bronze vessels did not bring too much information about it.

河南安阳殷墟宫殿宗庙遗址。新华社记者李安 摄

  It was until 1899 that Chinese researchers first discovered the oracle bone script. After consistent and painstaking efforts, they rediscovered Yinxu, the former capital of Shang Dynasty that has long been lost in history, near Xiaotun of Anyang City, Henan Province. Here, they unearthed more oracle bones, which presented us a much clearer picture of the early Chinese civilization.
  People of the Shang Dynasty nearly 4000 years ago (c. 1600-1000 BCE) were fascinated with fortune telling. They usually placed turtle plastrons or animals’scapula near fire until they cracked. Then they would interpret the direction of the cracks through their inscriptions to predict the future. Eventually, these inscriptions became the oracle bone script we know today. Oracle bone scripts recorded events from engaging in agricultural production to waging wars 4000 years ago in great details. Thanks to these inscriptions, the faded image of this remote past was gradually fleshed out.

  Scripts on the oracle bones generally have neat and sharp lines, which can be linear or curved and thin or thick. They tend to have many turning strokes. As the earliest version of the Chinese characters, they were a crucial bridge that linked the carved symbols in the prehistory era and the inscription of the Bronze Era. Oracle bone script is the prototype of modern Chinese characters.

  The information an oral language carries is transient while a civilization recorded by written accounts can last for thousands of years. On the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations, a permanent exhibition on the oracle bone script brought visitors closer to oracle bones and the history behind them. Simply by deciphering and reading the scripts, we can get a clear glimpse on the thinking of our ancestors when they were carving the ox scapula or turtle plastrons with their swords. Even 4000 years later, we can still feel their emotions.

  China's writing system is a vehicle for the Chinese, through which they can trace the real origin of their civilization and confidently know who they are.

  Whether it is a simple stroke of the oracle bone script, an elegant and free-style Chinese character or a jumping byte on the computer screen, what has changed is merely the form. What will never change, however, is China's writing system and the glorious and time-honored civilization it inherits.



Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!



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