
中国范儿108 新中国70年印记——“中国航天”谱写星空探索传奇

Love English 2 2022-12-23

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70 Years’ Imprint of New China --China’s legacy of Space Exploration


The universe presents various opportunities for exploration. Since the People’s Republic of China was founded 70 years ago, our space industry, starting from scratch and relying on several generations of space scientists and technologists’ persistent and innovative efforts, has made remarkable achievements represented by "human spaceflights" and "lunar exploration" over the past 63 years.

The establishment of China's first Rocket and Missile Research Institute on October 8, 1956, raised the curtain on the country’s space exploration.

On April 24, 1970, China successfully launched its first satellite, Dongfanghong-1, becoming the fifth country after Soviet Union, the United States, France and Japan to send its domestic satellite into orbit with a self-made rocket.

On November 20, 1999, China's first unmanned spacecraft, Shenzhou I, was put into orbit. The name Shenzhou means “Divine Vessel” in Chinese. 
On October 15, 2003, Shenzhou V blast into orbit, carrying China’s first man in space, Yang Liwei. China became the third country after the Soviet Union and the U.S. to send an astronaut into space.

On September 15, 2016, China's first spacelab, Tiangong II, was launched successfully. On October 17 that year, Shenzhou Ⅺ carrying astronauts successfully docked with Tiangong II. This longest manned mission in China lasted 33 days. 

Over the past half-century, China has successfully launched more than 200 satellites, 11 spacecrafts and a spacelab. From unmanned to manned flights, a single-astronaut one-day space journey to multiple-astronaut multi-day ones, cabin experiments to spacewalks, and single-spacecraft flight to the stable operation of spacecrafts combination, China has been going steadily one step after another towards its goal of setting up its space station to explore deep space.

China’s moon mission follows a three-phase strategy of "orbiting", "landing" and "returning". In 2007, it launched its first lunar orbiting satellite, Chang'e 1, becoming one of the few countries in the world capable of doing deep space exploration. This was followed by "Chang'e 2" in 2010 and "Chang'e 3" in 2013. In 2019, Chang'e 4 lunar probe successfully landed on the far side of the moon, realizing the first soft landing of a human spacecraft on the far side of the moon.

Over the past 70 years, China has made great strides in human space exploration, satellite communications, rocket technology and other fields. "Beidou", "Long March", "Wukong", "Mozi" are all remarkable achievements. While exploring the mysteries of the universe, space technology has also contributed to improving our daily life. In the future, China's space industry hopes to make greater contribution to the development of the world's space industry and the peaceful use of outer space.



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