
中国范儿109 新中国70年印迹——“中国工程”助推经济发展和社会进步

Love English 2 2022-12-23

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70 Years’ Imprint of New China --Mega Projects Boost Economic and Social Progress

The past seven decades have witnessed several engineering marvels in China. In October 1952, Chairman Mao Zedong proposed the idea of “south-to-north water diversion” which means diverting water from the Yangtze River in southern China to the drought-prone north. The idea, after extensive research, planning and discussion, was put into action on December 27, 2002 when the mega project, spanning four major river basins in the country, was officially commenced. 

This massive scheme is the largest of its kind ever undertaken in the world. The first phase of its Eastern Route was completed in 2013, bringing water from the Yangtze River near Yangzhou in Jiangsu province to the eastern and northern parts of Shandong province. The first phase of the central route, accomplished in 2014, diverts water from the Danjiangkou reservoir via canals to flow through Henan and Hebei to Beijing and Tianjin, and has benefited some 100 million people. A nationwide water supply network linking the four west-east rivers and the three south-to-north diversion routes to regulate water resources between different parts of the country is taking shape. The diversion project has many firsts to its name. It created the world’s largest aqueduct, the first tunnel across the Yellow River and the world’s first large-tube tunnel traversing under an operating subway. Researchers and engineers working on the project have also set milestones by developing 63 new materials and techniques and obtained 110 domestic patents. 

The Three Gorges Dam project on the Yangtze River is the world’s largest hydropower complex approved in 1992, and its construction commenced in 1994. Power generation started in June 2003, and the entire project was completed in 2009. As of December 21, 2018, the Three Gorges Dam project had generated 100 billion kilowatt-hours of green electricity in addition to its impressive roles in flood control, shipping and water resources utilization. The clean electricity generated by the Three Gorges Power Station each year contributes to the creation of wealth worth some 1 trillion yuan for China. 

In February 2000, the State Council approved the launch of the West-East Gas Pipelines project, another massive investment project after the Three Gorges Dam project and a landmark construction for the development of western regions of China. The pipelines start at Lunnan of Tarim Basin in Xinjiang and travel a total of 4,200 kilometers to Shanghai in the east. It is the longest natural gas transmission system with the largest transmission capacity in China. Its builders had to overcame various complicated conditions during the construction. Now the annual amount of natural gas transported by the first and second pipelines could lead to a reduction of coal consumption by 120 million tons, and a cut of 200 million tons in carbon dioxide emissions. The implementation of the West-East Gas Pipelines Project has obviously contributed to China’s energy and industrial restructuring, and promoted the common economic development of the eastern, central and western regions. It has also improved the quality of people’s lives along the pipelines and effectively controlled air pollution.

President Xi Jinping said, “Every major breakthrough in engineering may inject new vitality into world development and trigger new industrial and social changes.” Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, major projects including those as aforesaid have provided important support for boosting China’s economic development and social progress.”



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