
期刊动态| 美国口笔译研究会会刊Translation and Interpreting Studies

2017-06-01 三万学者都在看 语言学通讯


Translation and Interpreting Studies

John Benjamins

ISSN 1932-2798 | E-ISSN 1876-2700 


TIS《口笔译研究》是美国口笔译研究会(ATISA)的会刊。2015年以前是半年刊,2016年起开始1年3期,特别是2016年有两期special issue:Issue 1. Contexts of Russian Literary Translation和 Issue 3. Beyond transfiction: Translators and (their) authors;2015年的special issue是Issue 1. T&I pedagogy in dialogue with other disciplines;2014年的special issue是Issue 1. The Development of Professional Competence。重要提示:所有稿件必须英文书写(芝加哥,16版),由母语者润色校对后方可投稿。接受稿件类型:学术论文(5000-6500),口笔译技艺谈(5000-6500),综述短文(1000-3000)。《口笔译研究》不接受书评,综述文章一般不接受自由投稿。

About the Journal

Translation and Interpreting Studies (TIS) is a peer-reviewed journal designed to disseminate knowledge and research relevant to all areas of language mediation.TIS seeks to address broad, common concerns among scholars working in various areas of Translation and Interpreting Studies, while encouraging sound empirical research that could serve as a bridge between academics and practitioners. The journal is also dedicated to facilitating communication among those who may be working on related subjects in other fields, from Comparative Literature to Information Science. Finally, TIS is a forum for the dissemination in English translation of relevant scholarly research originally published in languages other than English. TIS is the official journal of the American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association (ATISA).


Impact Factor: 0.214 (5-year: 0.403)
CiteScore: 0.770
SNIP: 0.444   SJR: 0.201

期刊收录:汤森路透SSCI, A&HCI双检索

This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: Arts & Humanities Citation Index ; CNKI ; Current Contents/Arts & Humanities ; Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences ; ERIH PLUS ; IBR/IBZ ;Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique ; Linguistics Abstracts Online ; Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) ; MLA Bibliography ; Scopus ; Social Sciences Citation Index ; Translation Studies Bibliography (TSB)


Editorial Borad


Brian James Baer | Kent State University

Review Editor

Carol Maier | Kent State University

Editorial Board

Claudia V. Angelelli | Heriot-Watt University

Rosemary Arrojo | Binghamton University

Sonia Colina | The University of Arizona

Marilyn Gaddis Rose † | Binghamton University

Edwin Gentzler | University of Massachussetts at Amherst

Douglas Robinson | Hong Kong Baptist University

Gregory M. Shreve | Kent State University

James St. André | Chinese University of Hong Kong

Maria Tymoczko | University of Massachussetts at Amherst

Judy Wakabayashi | Kent State University

Sue Ellen Wright | Kent State University

Managing Editor

Christopher D. Mellinger | Walsh University

Submission Guidelines

Three types of submissions will be considered for publication in TIS:
•    Scholarly articles
•    Translation scholarship in translation
•    Review essays

All submissions should be in English.

Article Submissions

1. Submissions should be between 5000 and 6500 words, exclusive of bibliography. Please contact the editor concerning submissions that do not fit within these word limits.

2. All submissions should conform to the journal style sheet. 

3. Submissions can be delivered electronically as a Word file attachment (to: bbaer(at)kent.edu) or as a hard copy. Hard copies can be sent to: Brian James Baer, TIS, 109 Satterfield Hall, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242.

4. Receipt of submissions will be confirmed via email.

5. The review process will take from 6 months. If a disagreement among the reviewers requires that the submission be sent out to a third reviewer, the author will be notified of any delay.

Translation Scholarship in Translation  

1. Translations of scholarly works into English should be submitted with a copy of the source text, a short introduction (100-500 words) by the translator, explaining the importance of the source author’s work to Translation and Interpreting Studies, as well as permission to publish;

2. Submissions should be between 5000 and 6500 words, exclusive of bibliography. Please contact the editor concerning submissions that do not fit within these words limits;

3. All submissions of this kind should conform to the journal style sheet. See below.

Review Essays

1. Review essays should consider three or more scholarly works in a single field or in related fields of Translation and Interpreting Studies and situate them within a disciplinary context;

2. The length of review essays should be between 1000 and 3000 words;

3. All review essays should conform to the journal style sheet.

Formatting Guidelines

For the benefit of production efficiency, the publisher and the editor ask you to follow the following submission guidelines strictly. Papers that do not follow these guidelines will be returned to the author.

Contributions should be consistent in their use of language and spelling. If you are not a native speaker of the language in which you have written your contribution, it is advised to have your text checked by a native speaker.

When submitting the final manuscript to the journal, please include: a one-paragraph abstract, approximately five keywords, a short professional biography of the author, and a current mailing address.




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科研助力| 上海语言学通讯博士文库书稿征集


