
期刊动态| A&HCI期刊Translation Review简介及投稿方式

2017-05-11 上海语言学通讯 语言学通讯


Translation Review


Print ISSN: 0737-4836 

Online ISSN: 2164-0564

3 issue per year

Send submissions to:https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/translationreview

【编者注】:温馨提示对书评热衷的作者,TR不接受unsolicited book review

About the Journal

Started in 1978,  Translation Review is unique in the English-speaking world. While many literary journals publish translations of the works of international authors in English translation,  Translation Review focuses on the re-creative, cultural, practical, theoretical, and critical aspects of translation.  

Translation Review provides translators, scholars, and readers a forum to cultivate a dialogue about the importance of translation in a globalized world, to illuminate the challenges and difficulties involved in transplanting a text from a foreign culture into English, and to increase the visibility and status of the translator in our contemporary world.Translation Review serves as a major critical and scholarly journal to facilitate cross-cultural communication through the refined art and craft of literary translations. 

Editorial Board

Rainer Schulte, University of Texas at Dallas, USA

Charles Hatfield, University of Texas at Dallas, USA

Managing Editor 
Shelby Vincent, University of Texas at Dallas, USA

Editorial Board

Ignacio Infante

Steven G. Kellman

Denis Scheck 
Jonathan Stalling

Lawrence Venuti

Sergio Waisman

Kelly Washbourne


Advisory Board

John Biguenet 
Samuel Hazo

Thomas Hoeksema

Kent Johnson

Elizabeth Gamble Miller 
Breon Mitchell 

Margaret Sayers Peden

James P. White


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科研助力| 上海语言学通讯博士文库书稿征集

