
期刊动态| 国际翻译学刊物Perspective(A&HCI)期刊简介、投稿方式

2017-05-21 上海语言学通讯 语言学通讯


Perspective这本刊物是中国学者非常熟悉的一本国际翻译学刊物,发表了许多中国学者的论文,也有许多中国学者成为编委会成员。该刊物被汤森路透A&HCI检索,一年4期,主要发表翻译研究跨学科研究的最新成果,包括理论研究与实证研究,涉及社会学、传播学等与翻译的跨学科研究、翻译史、后殖民主义、女性主义等。发表文章类型包括研究论文、综述和书评,但是一般不接受自由投稿的综述和书评。文章不超过7000字,摘要大概200字,关键词3-6个。文章体例格式参照APA格式。投稿采用ScholarOne平台 https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/mm-pst

About the Journal

Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice encourages the submission of papers that explore issues concerning all kinds of language and cultural mediation, including but not limited to literary translation, technical and scientific translation, interpreting, audiovisual translation, intralingual mediation and so on. Both empirical and theoretical studies are welcome, but articles should appeal to a wide international readership. 
Perspectives also encourages interdisciplinary studies, with areas such as communication studies, sociology, applied and theoretical linguistics, history, literary theory, postcolonial studies, gender studies and so on. Authors are expected to engage with previous publications which might open up new avenues and directions of research.  
Contributors are reminded that submissions should be written in good academic English and follow the style guide of the journal. 
Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice is published quarterly, each issue consisting of approximately 175 pages. The language of publication is English although the issues discussed may involve all languages and language combinations. Submissions should be circa 7,000 words.

Editorial Borad


Roberto A. Valdeón - University of Oviedo, Spain


Minako O'Hagan - University of Auckland, New Zealand 
Jan-Louis Kruger - Macquarie University, Australia

Wang Ning - Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Jan Pedersen - Stockholm University, Sweden

Kelly Washbourne - Kent State University, USA

Review Editor:

Lindsay Bywood - University of Westminster, UK 


Editorial Board: 
Cecilia Alvstad -  University of Oslo, Norway 

Kyle Conway - University of Ottawa, Canada 
Jorge Díaz-Cintas - University College London, UK 
Rodica Dimitriu - University of Iasi, Romania 
Birgitta Englund Dimitrova - Stockholm University, Sweden

Luc van Doorslaer - University of Leuven, Belgium

Luise von Flotow - University of Ottawa, Canada

Peter Flynn - University of Leuven, Belgium 
Edwin Gentzler - University of Massachusetts, USA  

Henrik Gottlieb - University of Copenhagen, Denmark 
Severine Hubscher-Davidson - The Open University, UK

Riitta Jaaskelainen - University of Eastern Finland

Hanne Jansen - University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Ji-Hae Kang - Ajou University, South Korea

Vladimir Khairoulline - Bashkir State University, Russia

Sara Laviosa - University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy 
Yunxing Li - Tianjin Normal University, China 
Huijuan Ma -  Beijing Foreign Studies University, China 
Mariana Orozco – Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain 
Christine Pagnoulle - Universite de Liege, Belgium

Maria Pavesi - University of Pavia, Italy

Aline Remael - Artesis University College, Belgium 
María Julia Sainz - University of Montevideo, Uruguay 
Christina Schäffner - Aston University, UK

Kristiina Taivalkoski-Shilov - University of Turku, Finland

Carmen Africa Vidal - University of Salamanca, Spain

Luo Xuanmin - Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and Tsinghua University

Meifang Zhang - University of Macau, Macao





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