
三星加入Avanci 4G专利池; 2022年全国共登记计算机软件著作权183.5万件; 利多赢得了对乐购的商标诉讼

China IP 国际部 CIPToday 2023-04-24

编辑制作:China IP 国际部





1. Samsung joins Avanci 4G patent pool

三星加入Avanci 4G专利池

2. China’s computer software copyright registrations increases to 1.835 million


3. EU simplifies procedures for merger reviews


4. INTA releases white papers on Trademarks in the Metaverse and Non-Fungible Tokens


IP Practice

5. Google wins appeal of $20 mln US patent verdict over Chrome technology


6. Qingtian Truck lodges counterclaim against its Chinese rival Pony.ai over trade secret dispute


7. Lidl wins trademark lawsuit against Tesco


8. Ravgen settles patent fight with Illumina over genetic testing


Case Analysis

9. Pudong New Area People's Procuratorate of Shanghai v. Fang * et al.




Samsung joins Avanci 4G patent pool

三星加入Avanci 4G专利池

Samsung has joined Avanci’s 4G automotive patent pool as a licensor, the parties announced on April 18. The South Korea-based electronics company will also license its patents via Avanci’s new Broadcast pool and Aftermarket, an Avanci statement said. Avanci Broadcast, announced last month, was created to license patents essential to the ATSC 3.0 television standard. Aftermarket, launched in February, covers vehicle parts using 2G, 3G, and 4G cellular technologies. Samsung is the 56th standard-essential patent owner to sign up as a licensor to Avanci's automotive pools. "This announcement reinforces the broad industry enthusiasm for the Avanci model and adds value for existing and future licensees at no additional cost to them," said Kasim Alfalahi, Avanci CEO. Avanci has also confirmed it will launch a 5G automotive pool but has not yet confirmed any licensors or pricing details.

4月18日三星和Avanci宣布,三星作为许可方加入了Avanci的4G汽车专利池。Avanci在一份声明中称,三星还将通过Avanci新推出的广播专利池和售后市场授权其专利。Avanci于上个月宣布推出广播专利池,以授权对ATSC 3.0电视的标准必要专利。其售后市场是在今年2月推出,涵盖了使用2G、3G和4G蜂窝技术的汽车零部件。三星是第56个加入Avanci汽车专利池的标准必要专利许可方。Avanci首席执行官 Kasim Alfalahi表示:“这一声明增强了行业对Avanci模式的热情,并为现有和未来的授权方增加了价值而无需付出额外的成本。”Avanci同时证实,将推出5G汽车专利池,但尚未确认任何许可方或定价细节。


China’s computer software copyright registrations increases to 1.835 million


A total of 1.835 million computer software copyrights were registered across China in 2022, above one million for the fifth consecutive year and making the total number of software registrations in the past decade rising to 10 million, according to the 2022 National Computer Software Copyright Registration Analysis Report published by the Copyright Protection Center of China (CPCC) on Wednesday. The report also pointed out that compared with 2012, the number of annual registered software has increased by 12 times. In addition, in 2022, the annual average growth rate of the registrations of artificial intelligence and big data software in the country increased by more than 50 percent and exceeded 35,000, an increase of 32 times and 45 times respectively compared with the initial registrations of the two types of software.



EU simplifies procedures for merger reviews


The European Commission on Thursday said it would simplify its procedures for reviewing mergers, in a bid to reduce reporting requirements for companies by 25%. The new procedures will allow the Commission to treat more mergers under the so-called simplified procedure. It will also streamline the review of cases and optimise the transmission of documents to the Commission, it said in a statement. "The new rules make the notification process significantly easier for the parties, to the benefit not only of companies and advisors but also of the Commission, which will be able to focus its resources on the most complex cases," EU competition commissioner Margrethe Vestager said. The new rules will be applicable from Sep 1.

欧盟委员会周四表示,将简化审查合并的程序,以便将对公司的报告要求降低25%。新的程序将允许欧盟的反垄断监管机构欧盟委员会根据简化程序处理更多的合并。欧盟委员会在一份声明中表示,欧盟委员会还将简化对案件的审查,并优化向欧盟委员会提交文件的方式。欧盟竞争事务专员Margrethe Vestager也表示,新规则使合并方的通知过程大大简化,不仅有利于公司和顾问,也有利于欧盟委员会,使欧盟委员会能够将其资源集中在最复杂的案件上。据悉,新规定将于9月1日起生效。


INTA releases white papers on Trademarks in the Metaverse and Non-Fungible Tokens


The International Trademark Association (INTA) announced on Tuesday that it has published two white papers, Trademarks in the Metaverse and Non-Fungible Tokens, which focus on the future and what are largely uncharted waters with regard to intellectual property. Co-written by more than 13 INTA committees, both papers are among the first to examine these new technologies specifically from a trademark perspective. They approach the topics with the goal of making recommendations around the challenges posed by new digital ecosystems throughout the lifecycle of trademarks, particularly for decentralized virtual worlds that have yet to interpolate with each other. In addition, both papers begin with calls for harmonization of the classification of trademarks in the metaverse and of NFTs, respectively.


IP Practice


Google wins appeal of $20 mln US patent verdict over Chrome technology


On Tuesday, Google convinced a U.S. appeals court to cancel three anti-malware patents at the heart of a Texas jury's $20 million infringement verdict against the company. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit said that Alfonso Cioffi and Allen Rozman's patents were invalid because they contained inventions that were not included in an earlier version of the patents. Cioffi and the late Rozman's daughters sued Google in East Texas federal court in 2013, alleging anti-malware functions in Google's Chrome web browser infringed their patents for technology that prevents malware from accessing critical files on a computer. A jury decided in 2017 that Google infringed the patents and awarded the plaintiffs $20 million plus ongoing royalties, which their attorney said at the time were expected to total about $7 million per year for the next nine years.

本周二,谷歌说服美国联邦巡回上诉法院取消了三项反恶意软件专利,此前德州陪审团判决谷歌侵犯这三项专利,需赔偿2000万美元。美国联邦巡回上诉法院表示,Alfonso Cioffi 及Allen Rozman的专利是无效的,因为它们涵盖的发明没有包括在这些专利的早期版本中。2013年,Cioffi和已故Rozman的女儿们在德克萨斯州东区联邦地区法院起诉谷歌,指控谷歌Chrome浏览器中的反恶意软件功能侵犯了他们阻止恶意软件访问电脑中关键文件的技术专利。2017年,陪审团裁定谷歌侵犯了专利,并判给原告2000万美元,外加支付专利使用费。原告的律师当时表示,预计未来9年每年的总额约为700万美元。


Qingtian Truck lodges counterclaim against its Chinese rival Pony.ai over trade secret dispute


Chinese self-driving solution provider Qingtian Truck has lodged a counterclaim against its rival Pony.ai over a trade secret dispute, according to an announcement released by the company on Wednesday. Qingtian Truck said in the announcement that Pony.ai's trade secret claim against Qingtian is groundless and Qingtian has filed a lawsuit against Pony.ai's unfair practice. Pony.ai sued Qingtian at the Beijing Intellectual Property Court last July, accusing Pan Zhenhao and Sun Youhan, former employees of Pony.ai who founded Qingtian later, of infringing its trade secret related to the developing, testing and application of autonomous driving technology. Pony.ai sought RMB 60 million from Qingtian for the alleged infringement.



Lidl wins trademark lawsuit against Tesco


German discount supermarket Lidl on Wednesday won a trademark lawsuit against Britain's biggest retailer Tesco at London's High Court over the use of a yellow circle on a square blue background. Lidl sued Tesco in 2020 shortly after Tesco adopted a yellow circle against a blue background to promote its "Clubcard Prices" discount scheme. Judge Joanna Smith said in a written ruling on Wednesday that Tesco had "taken unfair advantage of the distinctive reputation" for low prices held by Lidl's trademarks. However, the judge rejected Lidl's argument that Tesco had the deliberate subjective intention.

本周三,德国折扣超市利多在伦敦高等法院赢得了对英国最大零售商乐购超市的商标诉讼。争议商标涉及在蓝色方形背景上使用黄色圆圈。2020年利多起诉了乐购,因为乐购采用了蓝色背景中包含黄色圆圈的设计来推广其Clubcard会员价格折扣计划。法官 Joanna Smith 周三在一份书面裁决中表示,乐购不公平地利用了利多商标的低价声誉。但法官驳回了利多关于乐购有故意主观意图的指控。


Ravgen settles patent fight with Illumina over genetic testing


According to news on Apr 17, Gene-sequencing giant Illumina Inc has settled a patent lawsuit brought by Maryland biotech company Ravgen Inc, which accused Illumina's genetic tests of infringing its patents. The companies told a Delaware federal court last Friday that they settled the case. Ravgen attorney on Monday called it "a mutually satisfactory settlement between the two parties" but did not disclose terms of the deal, which are confidential. Ravgen has filed a series of lawsuits against companies including Illumina, Natera and Roche's Ariosa Diagnostics over DNA-testing technology. It won a $272 million jury verdict against Labcorp in Texas last September and settled a lawsuit against Quest Diagnostics shortly before a trial was set to begin in October.

4月17日消息,基因测序巨头Illumina已经解决了马里兰州生物技术公司Ravgen对其提起的专利诉讼。此前,Ravgen指控Illumina的基因检测侵犯了其专利。两家公司上周五向特拉华州联邦法院表示双方已达成和解。Ravgen的律师周一称双方对和解结果都很满意,但没有披露具体的保密交易条款。据悉,Ravgen已经对Illumina、Natera和Roche的Ariosa Diagnostics等公司提起了一系列诉讼。去年9月,Ravgen在德克萨斯州针对Labcorp的诉讼中获胜,陪审团判给其2.72亿美元。10月,Ravgen又在审判开始前不久与Quest Diagnostics达成了和解。

Case Analysis


Pudong New Area People's Procuratorate of Shanghai v. Fang * et al.


In this case, the counterfeited goods are common household hair dryers in people's daily life, and if they cause personal injuries or property damages to the end-use consumers due to their hidden quality hazards, the social harm would be great, so it reflects the great subjective criminal malice of the defendants, and their punishments should not be reduced or probated.




编译:China IP 国际部






亚马逊或面临高达数千亿美元的反垄断罚款; 中国电池相关专利领跑全球; 通用电气与西门子歌美飒就风机专利纠纷达成和解

2022年日本商业窃密案件再创新高; 创纪录!日本电力公司涉嫌垄断,被处1010亿日元罚款; 苹果或将免于5.03亿美元侵权赔偿

