
2022年日本商业窃密案件再创新高; 创纪录!日本电力公司涉嫌垄断,被处1010亿日元罚款; 苹果或将免于5.03亿美元侵权赔偿

China IP 国际部 CIPToday 2023-04-15

编辑制作:China IP 国际部





1. EPO applications from China hit a new record in 2022, with Huawei ranks first

欧专局2022年中国专利申请量创新高 企业排名华为居首位

2. Trade secret theft cases in Japan hit a record high in 2022


3. South Korea posts IPR trade deficit in 2022


4. Three Japan utilities face ¥101 billion record-high antitrust fines over alleged cartels


IP Practice

5. Apple gets path to escape $503 million patent infringement award


6. Adidas retracts opposition to Black Lives Matter three-stripe design


7. Patent licensing firm IPCom announces settlement with LG


8. US judge rules that Internet Archive's digital book lending violates copyrights


Case Analysis

9. Mascotte Holdings, Inc. v. CNIPA




EPO applications from China hit a new record in 2022, with Huawei ranks first

欧专局2022年中国专利申请量创新高 企业排名华为居首位

European patents filed by country 2022

The European Patent Office received 19,041 patent applications from China in 2022, up 15.1 percent on the precious year and a new record (the largest increase among the 20 major application countries and regions), according to the EPO’s Patent Index 2022 released on Tuesday. The EPO received 193,460 applications in total last year, an increase of 2.5% on the previous year. The top five countries of origin were the United States, followed by Germany, Japan, China and France. In terms of enterprise rankings, Huawei tops with 4,505 patents applied for, a year-on-year increase of more than 27 percent. The report also shows that LG, Qualcomm and Samsung rank second to fourth respectively, with OPPO, ZTE, Tencent, BOE, vivo, Baidu, Xiaomi and CATL also in the top 50 of the list.



Trade secret theft cases in Japan hit a record high in 2022


Japanese police made arrests or conducted other law enforcement procedures in a record number of trade secret theft cases over the course of 2022, according to National Police Agency data released last Thursday. The year saw 29 recorded cases of trade secret theft, an increase of six from the previous year and nearly six times the number of cases recorded in 2013. Across those cases, 45 people became subject to police investigation on suspicion of violating the Unfair Competition Prevention Act. That number was down four from 2021, but up by almost four times the number recorded in 2013. The number of cases and suspects are both trending upward in Japan as companies become more aware of the issue and begin to manage internal information more carefully, according to the report.



South Korea posts IPR trade deficit in 2022


South Korea posted a US$1.33 billion trade deficit in intellectual property rights (IPRs) in 2022, according to the preliminary data from the Bank of Korea (BOK) last Friday. The shortfalls stemmed partly from a rise in deficit from trade of industrial property rights, including patents, which came to $2.62 billion last year. Meanwhile, it posted a surplus of $1.52 billion in copyright trade, including cultural and art contents and software development. The country's manufacturing sector posted an IPR trade surplus of $120 million last year, while the service sector posted a deficit of $1.55 billion, the data showed. By country, South Korea posted deficits with the United States, Britain and Japan of $1.9 billion, $1.73 billion and $370 million, respectively. With Vietnam and China, the country logged surpluses of $1.71 billion and $1.03 billion, according to the data.



Three Japan utilities face ¥101 billion record-high antitrust fines over alleged cartels


Japan’s antitrust watchdog on Thursday ordered three major utilities to pay a total of ¥101 billion ($763 million) in fines for forming cartels over electricity sales in a move that goes against the nation’s efforts to free up the electric power market. The penalty is the highest ever imposed by the Fair Trade Commission for a violation of the anti-monopoly law. Chugoku Electric Power was slapped with about ¥70.7 billion in surcharges, Chubu Electric Power and its subsidiary with about ¥27.56 billion and Kyushu Electric Power with about ¥2.76 billion, the commission said.


IP Practice


Apple gets path to escape $503 million patent infringement award


On Thursday, Apple Inc persuaded the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit to uphold a patent tribunal's ruling that could imperil a $503 million verdict for patent licensing company VirnetX Inc in the companies' long-running patent fight. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed a decision from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office that invalidated the two patents VirnetX had accused Apple of infringing. The two companies have waged a 13-year court battle that has included several trials and appeals. An East Texas jury awarded VirnetX $503 million in 2020 after deciding that Apple infringed the virtual private network (VPN) patents at issue in Thursday's decision.



Adidas retracts opposition to Black Lives Matter three-stripe design


According to news on Wednesday, Adidas AG reversed course 48 hours after asking the U.S. Trademark Office to reject a Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation application for a trademark featuring three parallel stripes. A source said the rapid about-turn was triggered by concern that people could misinterpret Adidas' trademark objection as criticism of Black Lives Matter's mission. Adidas had told the trademark office in a Monday filing that the Foundation's yellow-stripe design so closely resembles its own famous three-stripe mark that it is "likely to cause confusion". It sought to block the Foundation's application to use the design on goods that the German sportswear maker also sells, such as shirts, hats and bags. Adidas has filed over 90 lawsuits and signed more than 200 settlement agreements related to the three-stripe trademark since 2008, according to the report.



Patent licensing firm IPCom announces settlement with LG


IPCom, a well-known patent licensing firm based in Munich, announced Tuesday on its website a settlement agreement with South Korea's LG Electronics. All infringement cases and validity challenges pending between the two have been withdrawn, according to the report. IPCom's managing director is quoted in the press release as "confirming that LG and IPCom have finally reached a resolution that also includes all of IPCom's assets." IPCom said it holds over 200 patent families in the field of mobile communications, with more than 1,000 patents registered in Europe, the US and Asia, most of which have been granted.



US judge rules that Internet Archive's digital book lending violates copyrights


A U.S. judge has ruled that an online library operated by the nonprofit organization Internet Archive infringed the copyrights of four major U.S. publishers by lending out digitally scanned copies of their books. The San Francisco-based non-profit over the past decade has scanned millions of print books and lent out the digital copies for free. While many are in the public domain, 3.6 million are protected by valid copyrights. That includes 33,000 titles belonging to the four publishers, Hachette Book Group, HarperCollins Publishers, John Wiley & Sons Inc and Penguin Random House.

美国曼哈顿联邦法院法官上周五裁定,由互联网档案馆(Internet Archive)运营的一家在线图书馆借出美国四大出版商的数字扫描图书,侵犯了这些出版商的版权。互联网档案馆是一家总部位于旧金山的非营利组织,在过去十年里已经扫描了数百万本纸质图书,并免费借出了这些数字图书。据悉,尽管其中多数图书已经进入公共领域,但仍有360万本图书在版权有效期内。其中包括属于四大主要出版商——阿歇特出版集团(Hachette)、企鹅兰登书屋(Penguin Random House)、哈珀柯林斯出版集团(HarperCollins)和约翰·威利父子出版公司(John Wiley & Sons)的33000本图书。

Case Analysis


 Mascotte Holdings, Inc. v. CNIPA


This case not only involves the protection of the name right of Mr. Kanye West, a well-known American figure, but also the protection of signs in the new business model of joint-branded products. Co-branded products are products that are cooperated by different brands, or products that a certain brand cooperates with a celebrity. Co-branded products rely on the advantages and influence of both parties in their respective fields to expand consumer groups and achieve a win-win situation for both parties. Co-branded products usually adopt a limited-release sales model. Although they cannot be compared with ordinary products in terms of pure sales volume, they are often more well-known due to their specific business models. The name of the co-branded product is generally a combination of the signs that refer to the two parties. Therefore, the market popularity and reputation of the product should be attributed to the two parties. When the well-known of the co-branded product is sufficiently high, the logo on behalf of the partners can be used to identify the source of the product. The role of. The situation in which one of the co-branded parties claimed rights on the mark representing his name in the joint-branded goods did not appear in previous cases.

本案既涉及美国知名人物Kanye West先生的姓名权保护问题,同时也涉及联名款商品新型商业模式中标志的保护问题。联名款商品系由不同品牌合作的商品,或某品牌与某知名人士合作的商品。联名款商品凭借合作双方在各自领域的优势及影响力,能拓展消费群体进而实现双方共赢。联名款商品通常采取限量发行销售模式,虽在单纯销售数量上不能与普通商品相比,但往往因其特定商业模式而知名度更高。联名款商品名称一般由指代合作双方的标志组合而成,故商品的市场知名度和美誉度应归于合作双方,当联名款商品知名度足够高时,代表合作各方的标志均可发挥识别商品来源的作用。联名方之一就联名款商品中代表其名义的标志主张权利的情形,在之前案件中并未出现。



编译:China IP 国际部





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