
亚马逊或面临高达数千亿美元的反垄断罚款; 中国电池相关专利领跑全球; 通用电气与西门子歌美飒就风机专利纠纷达成和解

China IP 国际部 CIPToday 2023-04-15

编辑制作:China IP 国际部





1. China leads global battery patent race for post-lithium-ion era


2. KIPO to establish semiconductor patent examination task force


3. Amazon faces hundreds of billions of antitrust fines


4. Intellectual property applications in Philippines up 3.7% in 2022


IP Practice

5. China's top intellectual property court handles 18% more cases in 2022


6. GE settles wind turbine patent disputes with Siemens Gamesa


7. Arbutus files patent lawsuit against Pfizer and BioNTech over COVID vaccines


8. Meta releases AI model that can identify items within images


Case Analysis

9. Wuhan Jianghan District Laowancheng Trading Co., Ltd. v. Wuhan Municipal Administration for Market Regulation et al.




China leads global battery patent race for post-lithium-ion era


China ranked first in battery patents in the post-lithium-ion era, accounting for more than half of the world's total, according to statistics over the past decade published by Nikkei Asia. Nikkei commissioned the Mitsui & Co. Global Strategic Studies Institute for an analysis using the patent analysis tool from LexisNexis. According to the analysis, there were 9,862 global patents in force as of December. In terms of country, China ranked first with 5,486 patents, accounting for more than 50% of the total. Japan was next with 1,192 patents, followed by the U.S.(719), South Korea(595) and France(128). China also stands out in the ranking of patents by organization. It has seven institutions in the top 10, including the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Contemporary Amperex Technology (CATL), the world's largest maker of automotive batteries.



KIPO to establish semiconductor patent examination task force


The Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) has revealed that it will be establishing a Semiconductor Examination Task Force that will be dedicated to reviewing patents related to chip technology. The patent office and the Ministry of the Interior and Safety said Tuesday that the amendment to the former’s organizational structure aimed at establishing the Semiconductor Review Task Force was passed during a cabinet meeting. Once the task force is fully operational, it will help ensure a thorough examination of the entire chip industry, while contributing to establishing a dense patent network for local companies' state-of-the-art semiconductor technologies. With the establishment of the task force, the KIPO's patent review bureau will be expanded from five to six divisions. The task force will consist of six departments and teams.



Amazon faces hundreds of billions of antitrust fines


Amazon could face hundreds of billions of antitrust fines following two court rulings, according to news on March 31. A San Francisco Superior Court judge has refused to dismiss a suit against Amazon by the state of California that accuses the e-commerce giant of abusing its dominant position and violating California's market competition laws by using improper means to suppress third-party sellers, block market competition and drive up online prices. The ruling came a week after a federal judge in Seattle allowed a similar suit to proceed on behalf of consumers in California and 17 other states. The suits, if successful, could force Amazon to pay hundreds of billions of dollars in damages. The suit by consumers in 18 states claims potential damages between $55 billion and $172 billion. California suit calls for refunds to the state's consumers, financial penalties against Amazon, and a court order prohibiting the challenged practices.



Intellectual Property applications in Philippines up 3.7% in 2022


Driven by the strong growth momentum of the country's economy, Intellectual Property applications reached 48,259 in 2022, up 3.7 percent from the previous year, according to the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL). The office reported that trademark and patent filings, as well as copyright registrations, achieved all time-high last year. Trademark applications accounted for the bulk of the filings at 41,235, four percent more than the previous year. Of the total 61 percent were by residents and 39 percent by non-residents. " Bulk of trademark filings were in pharmaceutical, health and cosmetic products (with an 18.4 percent share), followed by agricultural products and services (16.6 percent) and scientific research, information and communication technology (14.9 percent)," the office said.


IP Practice


China's top intellectual property court handles 18% more cases in 2022


The Intellectual Property Court of China's Supreme People's Court (SPC) handled 6,183 cases in 2022, up 18% from 2021, according to a report released by the SPC last Thursday. Of the new cases handled in 2022, 1,338 concerned strategic emerging industries, accounting for 30.4% of the total new cases, 3.5% higher than that in 2021. Among them, cases involving the new generation of information technology, biomedicine, high-end equipment manufacturing, standard essential patents, drug patent linkage, integrated circuit layout design, and new plant varieties, increased markedly, said the report.



GE settles wind turbine patent disputes with Siemens Gamesa


General Electric has settled all its outstanding wind turbine technology patent disputes in the United States and Europe with Siemens Gamesa, the companies said last Friday. Terms of the settlement, which was described as amicable, were not disclosed. Under the deal, the companies and their subsidiaries will receive cross licenses for the patents in question. Siemens Gamesa had sued GE for patent infringement in 2020 over the latter's Haliade-X turbines. Last year, a Boston federal judge barred GE from making and selling its Haliade-X wind turbines in the United States, after a jury found they infringed a patent owned by Siemens Gamesa. But GE was allowed to continue making and operating the turbines for existing projects off the coasts of Massachusetts and New Jersey with royalty payments to Siemens Gamesa.






! ! ! 3万美元/兆瓦:通用电气侵犯西门子风机专利,按授权费率计算赔偿额


Arbutus files patent lawsuit against Pfizer and BioNTech over COVID vaccines


On Tuesday, Canadian biotech Arbutus Biopharma sued U.S. drugmaker Pfizer Inc and its German partner BioNTech SE in a New Jersey district court, claiming their mRNA COVID-19 vaccines infringe five of Arbutus' patents related to the use of lipid nanoparticle (LNP) delivery technology to carry and transfer genetic material into the body. Arbutus, along with its licensee Genevant Sciences, is seeking damages, including reasonable royalties. The lawsuit by Arbutus and Genevant says Pfizer and BioNTech engaged in licensing discussions for the technology but they did not "result in a settlement". Arbutus Biopharma had also sued Moderna Inc in the Delaware federal court last year, claiming the latter's mRNA COVID-19 vaccine also infringes its patents.

本周二,加拿大生物制药公司Arbutus Biopharma 在新泽西州地方法院对美国制药商辉瑞公司及其德国合作伙伴 BioNTech SE提起了诉讼,称两家公司的 mRNA COVID-19 疫苗侵犯了 Arbutus 的5项专利,这些专利涉及使用脂质纳米颗粒 (LNP) 递送技术将遗传物质携带和转移到体内。Arbutus 及其被许可方 Genevant Sciences 要求获得损害赔偿,包括合理的专利使用费。Arbutus 和 Genevant 在起诉书书中称,他们与辉瑞和BioNTech就该技术的许可问题进行过谈判,但双方最终没有达成和解。据悉,Arbutus Biopharma去年还在特拉华州联邦法院起诉了莫德纳公司,声称其 mRNA COVID-19 疫苗也侵犯了其专利。


Meta releases AI model that can identify items within images


Meta published an artificial intelligence model on Wednesday that can pick out individual objects from within an image, along with a dataset of image annotations that it said was the largest ever of its kind. The company's research division said in a blog post that its Segment Anything Model, or SAM, could identify objects in images and videos even in cases where it had not encountered those items in its training. Using SAM, objects can be selected by clicking on them or writing text prompts. In one demonstration, writing the word "cat" prompted the tool to draw boxes around each of several cats in a photo. The SAM model and dataset will be available for download under a non-commercial license. Users uploading their own images to an accompanying prototype likewise must agree to use it only for research purposes.

本周三,Meta发布了一款人工智能(AI)模型,能够从图像中识别单个物体,该公司同时发布了一个据称是同类产品中最大的图像注释数据集。在一篇博文中,Meta研究部门介绍了该AI模型“Segment Anything Model (简称SAM)”。SAM可以识别图像和视频中的物体,即使在训练过程中没有遇到这些物体。通过使用SAM,用户可以通过点击物体或输入文字提示来选择物体。例如,当输入“猫”这个词提示后,该工具会在照片中的猫周围绘制方框。SAM模型和数据集可供下载,但不允许商业使用。用户将图像上传到附带的原型时,必须同意仅用于研究目的。

Case Analysis


Wuhan Jianghan District Laowancheng Trading Co., Ltd. v. Wuhan Municipal Administration for Market Regulation et al.


Administrative complaints may form an administrative legal relationship, which should be highly concerned by the administrative authorities. They cannot be replied simply by letter; otherwise they may cause administrative charges against administrative omission. Where the administrative organ does not have a comprehensive understanding of the content of a complaint, resulting in the obvious difference of its specific administrative actions and the content of the administrative complainant's complaint, and the disconnection of the administrative counterpart's complaint request, it is administrative inaction. Where the administrative reconsideration organ knows of an omission in the administrative decision made by the complaining administrative organ but fails to correct it according to law, and rejects the reconsideration application of the applicant, it is administrative inaction that fails to fully perform its reconsideration duties, and the administrative reconsideration decision(s) it has made shall be revoked.




编译:China IP 国际部




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