
欧专局:2022年美国申请专利量居首位;魔爪能量胜诉!加州法官下达禁令,禁止VPX 虚假宣传;抖音与腾讯达成视频合作协议

China IP 国际部 CIPToday 2023-04-24

编辑制作:China IP 国际部





1. EPO: U.S. filed the most patent applications in 2022


2. OpenAI CEO considers opening office as Japan government eyes adoption

日本政府或将引入人工智能技术 OpenAI考虑在日开设办公室

3. Australian competition regulator seeks reform of merger laws


4. Baidu sues Apple over fake Ernie bot apps


IP Practice

5. South Korea fines Google $32 mln for blocking unfair competition


6. Monster wins ban on Bang Energy's 'Super Creatine' advertising

魔爪能量胜诉!加州法官下达禁令,禁止VPX 虚假宣传

7. ByteDance's Douyin and Tencent reach video cooperation pact


8. TCL Joins Via Licensing’s Advanced Audio Coding Patent Pool

TCL加入Via Licensing先进音频编码专利池

Case Analysis

9. ANDREAS STIHL AG & CO. KG v. Ningbo Moumou Saw Chains Technology Co., Ltd. et al.




EPO: U.S. filed the most patent applications in 2022


U.S. filed the most patent applications in 2022, up 2.9% compared to 2021, according to the Patent Index 2022 published recently by the European Patent Office(EPO). For the U.S., the three leading technology fields in 2022 were medical technology, computer technology, and digital communication, with patent applications of 5,866, 5,469, and 5,020, respectively. The technology fields with the highest growth by U.S. companies were digital communication and electrical machinery, apparatus, and energy, a field that encompasses inventions in clean energy technologies. In addition, U.S. companies filed 55.5% more applications in semiconductors, making it the top filing country in this field. In terms of enterprise application, Qualcomm advanced to be the top U.S. patent applicant and it also leads patent applications in the digital communication technology field.



OpenAI CEO considers opening office as Japan government eyes adoption

日本政府或将引入人工智能技术 OpenAI考虑在日开设办公室

OpenAI Chief Executive Sam Altman said on Monday he is considering opening an office and expanding services in Japan after a meeting with Japan's prime minister. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Altman exchanged views on the technological progress and merits of AI as well as its risks including privacy and copyright infringement, chief cabinet secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said.

Japan will evaluate the possibility of introducing artificial intelligence-powered technology such as OpenAI's ChatGPT chatbot, as it examines the benefits and risks, Matsuno added. Matsuno said Japan would consider government adoption of artificial intelligence technology such as OpenAI's ChatGPT chatbot if privacy and cybersecurity concerns were resolved.

OpenAI首席执行官Sam Altman周一在与日本首相岸田文雄会晤后表示,他正考虑在日本开设办公室并扩大服务。日本内阁官房长官松野博一表示,岸田文雄和Altman就人工智能(AI)的技术进步和带来的优势,以及包括隐私和版权侵权在内的风险交换了意见。此外,日本将评估引入OpenAI的ChatGPT聊天机器人等AI技术的可能性,同时会研判这些技术带来的利益和风险。松野博一表示,如果隐私和安全问题能得到解决,日本将考虑在政府层面引入OpenAI的ChatGPT聊天机器人等AI技术。


Australian competition regulator seeks reform of merger laws


The Chair of Australia's competition regulator Gina Cass-Gottlieb in a speech on Wednesday called for reforms to the country's merger laws, saying current laws tilted "too much" towards allowing potentially anti-competitive mergers to proceed. While Australia's current laws prohibit mergers likely to lessen competition, they do not require parties to notify the regulator or wait for its clearance before completing the merger, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) said. The regulator proposed a range of changes to the merger laws, including establishing a formal clearance regime in which merger parties would need to convince the ACCC the deal would not substantially impact competition. It would also include notifying the ACCC of mergers, deals be suspended without the regulator's clearance, and a "call in" power for the regulator to examine deals that could threaten competition.

本周三,澳大利亚竞争监管机构主席Gina Cass-Gottlieb呼吁改革澳大利亚的企业合并法。Gina Cass-Gottlieb称,目前的法律过于倾向于潜在的反竞争合并。澳大利亚竞争和消费者委员会(ACCC)表示,尽管澳大利亚现行法律禁止可能减少竞争的合并,但并不要求各方在合并完成前通知监管机构或等待监管机构的批准。该监管机构提议对合并法进行一系列修改,包括建立一个正式的许可制度。在此制度下,合并方需要说服ACCC其交易不会对竞争产生重大影响。此外还包括合并方需要通知ACCC其合并,在未经监管机构批准的情况下暂停交易,以及赋予监管机构“传唤”权力以审查可能威胁竞争的交易。


Baidu sues Apple over fake Ernie bot apps


Chinese search engine giant Baidu has filed lawsuits against Apple over fake copies of its Ernie bot app available on Apple's app store. The company's artificial intelligence powered Ernie bot, launched last month, has been regarded as China's closest answer to the U.S.-developed chatbot ChatGPT. Baidu said it had lodged lawsuits in Beijing Haidian People's Court against the developers behind the counterfeit applications of its Ernie bot, including Apple company. "At present, Ernie does not have any official app," Baidu said in a statement late last Friday posted on its official "Baidu AI" WeChat account. "Until our company's official announcement, any Ernie app you see from App Store or other stores are fake," it said.


IP Practice


South Korea fines Google $32 mln for blocking unfair competition


South Korea's antitrust regulator has fined Google 42.1 billion won ($31.88 million) for blocking the release of mobile video games on a competitor's platform. The Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) said on Tuesday that Google bolstered its market dominance, and hurt local app market One Store's revenue and value as a platform, by requiring video game makers to exclusively release their titles on Google Play in exchange for providing in-app exposure between June 2016 and April 2018. The KFTC said the move against the U.S. technology giant is part of efforts by the government to ensure fair markets.

韩国反垄断监管机构对谷歌处以421亿韩元(约合3188万美元)的罚款,原因是谷歌限制视频游戏制作商在谷歌竞争对手平台上投放手机游戏产品。韩国公平贸易委员会(KFTC)周二表示,从2016年6月至2018年4月,谷歌要求希望获得在Google Play重点展示机会的视频游戏制作商承诺在谷歌平台独家投放游戏,不得同时向韩国本土应用商店One Store等平台投放产品。谷歌借此巩固其在韩国应用市场的垄断地位,与此同时损害了One Store平台的收入和价值。韩国公平贸易委员会称,处罚谷歌是韩国政府维护市场公平竞争的举措之一。


Monster wins ban on Bang Energy's 'Super Creatine' advertising

魔爪能量胜诉!加州法官下达禁令,禁止VPX 虚假宣传

On Wednesday, Monster Energy persuaded a California federal court to ban rival Vital Pharmaceuticals(VPX) from marketing its Bang Energy drinks as containing "Super Creatine." The decision follows a jury verdict in September that awarded Monster $293 million in its lawsuit against Bang for false advertising and other alleged misconduct. U.S. District Judge Jesus Bernal said the order of a permanent injunction was necessary to keep Monster from continuing to lose prospective customers and market share because of Bang's "Super Creatine" labeling.

本周三,魔爪能量成功说服加州联邦法院禁止其竞争对手 Vital Pharmaceuticals(简称VPX)公司宣传其Bang能量饮料含有“超级肌酸”成分。去年9月,在魔爪能量对Bang的虚假广告宣传和其他不当行为提起诉讼后,陪审团裁定VPX需向魔爪能量支付2.93亿美元。本周,加州联邦地区法院法官Jesus Bernal称,为保护魔爪能量不因Bang的“超级肌酸”虚假宣传而继续失去潜在的客户和市场份额,颁布永久禁令是必要的。




VPX超范围使用“Bang”商标 在美被判赔1.75亿美金


ByteDance's Douyin and Tencent reach video cooperation pact


According to news on Apr 7, Douyin, the Chinese counterpart of TikTok, and internet giant Tencent have reached video cooperation pact to explore the joint promotion of short and long videos. Douyin, which like TikTok is owned by ByteDance, said in a statement it is now authorised to use Tencent Video content and rules about how secondary content can be generated have been clarified. Users of platforms in the Douyin Group including Douyin, Xigua Video and Toutiao will be able to create short videos using the content in long videos on Tencent platforms, it said.



TCL Joins Via Licensing’s Advanced Audio Coding Patent Pool

TCL加入Via Licensing先进音频编码专利池

On Wednesday, Via Licensing Corporation and TCL® announced that TCL has secured a license to Via’s Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) patent pool. Advanced Audio Coding is defined by a set of International Standards from ISO/IEC. It specifies a coding method that allows consumers to enjoy high-quality audio with high compression efficiency, reducing the amount of data to be transmitted and the processing power required for playback. Nearly 1,000 companies around the world are licensed to this audio compression standard through the patent pool administered by Via Licensing. “Via’s AAC patent pool is delighted to welcome TCL...” said Heath Hoglund, President of Via Licensing. This agreement reinforces the value and efficiency this established patent pool continues to deliver to the industry.” 

本周三,Via Licensing公司与TCL®宣布,TCL已获得了Via先进音频编码专利池(ACC)的许可证。先进音频编码是根据ISO/IEC提供的一套国际标准来定义。先进音频编码指定了一种编码方法,允许消费者享受高压缩效率的高质量音频,减少了待传输的数据量和回放所需的处理能力。全球有近1000家公司通过Via Licensing管理的专利池获得了该音频压缩标准的许可。Via Licensing总裁Heath Hoglund表示,Via非常欢迎TCL加入AAC专利池.....此举强化了AAC专利池持续为行业提供的价值和效率。

Case Analysis


ANDREAS STIHL AG & CO. KG v. Ningbo Moumou Saw Chains Technology Co., Ltd. et al.


The comprehensive strengthening of the protection of intellectual property rights has become the state's will. The General Office of the Central Committee of the CPC and the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Strengthening Reform and Innovation in Intellectual Property Rights Trials on February 27, 2018, and the Opinions on Strengthening the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights on November 24, 2019, which require to "improve the litigation system of intellectual property rights, enhance punishment for intellectual property rights infringement and violations, reduce the cost of rights protection, strengthen institutional constraints, and establish the policy guidance of strict protection of intellectual property rights." The Supreme People's Court of the PRC and regional high people's courts also issued timely judicial opinions to actively implement the national policy of strong protection of intellectual property rights. On April 15, 2020, the Supreme People's Court of the PRC issued the Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening the Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, which requires "the in-depth implementation of the 'three-in-one' trial mechanism, the proper handling of criminal, administrative and civil crossover cases of intellectual property rights, and the improvement of the overall effectiveness of judicial protection of intellectual property rights." On January 18, 2021, the High People's Court of Zhejiang Province issued the Implementation Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening the Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, emphasizing to "guide rights holders to file civil suits collateral to criminal proceedings in accordance with the law." Under such context of strict protection of intellectual property rights, Wanhuida Law Firm represented STIHL to defend the company's rights and successfully facilitated the civil suit collateral to criminal proceedings, which not only enhanced the punishment of the infringers, secured timely economic compensation for STIHL, effectively controlled and reduced the cost of rights defense for the right holder, and saved valuable judicial resources.


In this case, the procuratorate and the court proceeded with the civil suit collateral to criminal proceedings according to the specific circumstances of the case, not only holding Lu *jun and the others criminally liable in the same case, but also making Ningbo Moumou controlled by Lu *jun bear the civil liability for the loss of the right holder, STIHL, and realized the comprehensive protection of the intellectual property rights involved. This case has been selected as a "Typical Case of Intellectual Property Protection" by Zhejiang Provincial Procuratorate and a "Typical Criminal Case of Intellectual Property Rights" by Yuyao Court.







2022年日本商业窃密案件再创新高; 创纪录!日本电力公司涉嫌垄断,被处1010亿日元罚款; 苹果或将免于5.03亿美元侵权赔偿

微软胜诉!游戏玩家690亿美元反垄断诉讼不予受理;黑莓将以 9 亿美元出售其专利;强生被判赔4000万美元

亚马逊或面临高达数千亿美元的反垄断罚款; 中国电池相关专利领跑全球; 通用电气与西门子歌美飒就风机专利纠纷达成和解

