
微软胜诉!游戏玩家690亿美元反垄断诉讼不予受理;黑莓将以 9 亿美元出售其专利;强生被判赔4000万美元

China IP 国际部 CIPToday 2023-03-29

编辑制作:China IP 国际部





1. ITIF Center for Data Innovation Explains IP issues Related to Generative AI Systems


2. AI Chip Design Base in Japan will be Fully Put into Use on April 1


3. $469M Verdict Against Dish over Streaming Patents Overturned

Dish 4.69亿美元专利侵权判决被推翻

IP Practice

4. US Trade Commission Sides with iRobot, Bans SharkNinja Robot Vacuum Imports


5. Microsoft Wins Dismissal of Gamers' Suit over $69 Billion Deal


6. BlackBerry will Sell Its Mobile Device Patents for $900M

黑莓宣布将以 9 亿美元的价格出售其移动设备专利

7. J&J Ordered to Pay $40M in Antitrust Suit


Case Analysis

8. TBL Licensing LLC v. Zhongshan Tongye Shoes Co., Ltd. et al.




ITIF Center for Data Innovation Explains IP issues Related to Generative AI Systems


On March 20, the Center for Data Innovation, affiliated with the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), released a report explaining the intellectual property issues related to generative AI systems such as ChatGPT and DALL-E. The report says that restricting AI systems from training on legally accessed data would significantly curtail the development and adoption of generative AI across many sectors. Policymakers should focus on strengthening other IP rights to protect creators.

3月20日,美国信息技术与创新基金会(ITIF)下属数据创新中心(Center for Data Innovation)发布报告,解读生成式人工智能相关知识产权问题。报告指出,ChatGPT和DALL-E等生成式人工智能系统开发时,限制其在合法获取数据上进行模型训练将不利于其在众多领域的开发和应用,建议政策制定者侧重其他类型知识产权的加强来保护创作者。


AI Chip Design Base in Japan will be Fully Put into Use on April 1


On March 17, the Japanese National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST)announced that its AI chip design base in cooperation with the University of Tokyo will be fully put into use on April 1, 2023. The chip design base will provide a semiconductor design environment that can be flexibly built according to the users' plan, as well as an intellectual property design and evaluation platform for AI chips. By using this platform, users can obtain a unique development environment for AI accelerator chip design, trial production, assembly, evaluation and test system construction in a shorter time (less than 45% of the original time required) and at a lower cost.



$469M Verdict Against Dish over Streaming Patents Overturned

Dish 4.69亿美元专利侵权判决被推翻

A Utah federal judge on Tuesday overturned a jury's verdict that Dish Network must pay $469 million to ClearPlay Inc for infringing two patents related to filtering material from streaming video. U.S. District Judge David Nuffer reversed the jury's finding that Dish's technology violated ClearPlay's patent rights less than two weeks after the March 10 verdict, according to the court record. A Dish spokesperson said the company "has stood firm in its belief that it did not infringe ClearPlay's patents, and is gratified by the Court's ruling."

周二,犹他州一名联邦法官推翻了陪审团的裁决,即Dish Network必须向ClearPlay公司支付4.69亿美元,因为其侵犯了ClearPlay两项涉及从流媒体视频中过滤材料的专利。根据法庭记录,美国地区法官David Nuffer不到两周就推翻了陪审团3月10日的裁决,即Dish的技术侵犯了ClearPlay的专利权。Dish的一名发言人表示,该公司“一直坚信自己没有侵犯ClearPlay的专利,并对法院的裁决感到满意。”


IP Practice


US Trade Commission Sides with iRobot, Bans SharkNinja Robot Vacuum Imports


US trade commission sides with iRobot, bans SharkNinja robot vacuum imports


The U.S. International Trade Commission said on Tuesday it would ban imports of SharkNinja robot vacuums that infringe a patent owned by Roomba maker iRobot Corp. The full commission upheld part of a trade judge's October decision that SharkNinja violated two of its rival's patents, affirming that SharkNinja's devices mimicked Robot navigation technology. President Joe Biden's administration has 60 days to review the import ban before it takes effect, though bans are rarely reversed. Parties can also appeal ITC decisions to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit after the review period ends.

美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)周二表示,将禁止进口侵犯Roomba制造商iRobot公司专利的 SharkNinja机器人吸尘器。该委员会全体成员维持了一名贸易法官去年10月做出的裁决的部分内容,即SharkNinja侵犯了竞争对手的两项专利,确认SharkNinja的设备模仿了iRobot的导航技术。拜登政府在进口禁令生效前有60天的时间对禁令进行审查,不过禁令很少被撤销。在审查期结束后,当事人还可以向美国联邦巡回上诉法院上诉ITC的决定。


Microsoft Wins Dismissal of Gamers' Suit over $69 billion Deal


According to news on March 22, Microsoft Corp won dismissal of gamers' antitrust lawsuit over its $69 billion proposed purchase of "Call of Duty" maker Activision Blizzard Inc. A federal judge in San Francisco ruled that the lawsuit from a group of video game plaintiffs "lacks allegations" supporting their claim that the proposed acquisition would harm market competition. But the plaintiffs were given 20 days to refine their legal challenge. The decision does not affect the U.S. Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) regulatory challenge to the deal and Microsoft also faces competition scrutiny in the EU and UK, Reuters said.



BlackBerry will Sell Its Mobile Device Patents for $900M

黑莓宣布将以 9 亿美元的价格出售其移动设备专利

BlackBerry said on Tuesday it would sell patents, primarily related to its mobile devices, for up to $900 million after the Canadian software company scrapped an earlier deal with Catapult IP Innovations Inc. Malikie Innovations Ltd will buy the patents and pay $170 million in cash on deal closing, and another $30 million three years later. BlackBerry will also get annual cash royalties from the profits generated from the patents, relating to its messaging and wireless networking among others.

黑莓公司周二表示,在与Catapult IP Innovations公司的交易告吹后,将以高达9亿美元的价格出售其主要涉及移动设备的专利。购买黑莓专利的公司是 Malikie Innovations Ltd。Malikie 将在交易完成时支付 1.7 亿美元现金,并在三年后再支付 3000 万美元。此外,黑莓每年还将从专利所产生的利润中获得许可费,这些专利涉及其消息传递和无线网络等方面。


J&J Ordered to Pay $40M  in Antitrust Suit


Recently, Johnson & Johnson was ordered to pay approximately $40 million in an antitrust suit filed by a group of patients diagnosed with inflammatory diseases. A Pennsylvania federal judge gave final approval last Wednesday to a settlement over accusations that the company blocked healthcare providers from purchasing cheaper competing drugs through its "Biosimilar Readiness Plan." The plaintiffs complained that Johnson & Johnson rolled out its "Biosimilar Readiness Plan" in response to two cheaper biosimilars against its medication "Remicade". The plan suppressed competition and raised prices by forcing health insurers and providers to enter into exclusionary contracts, as well as bundled other products with Remicade.


Case Analysis


TBL Licensing LLC v. Zhongshan Tongye Shoes Co., Ltd. et al.


"Decoration" itself refers to the modification of the appearance of goods, with the role of beautifying goods. A shape which is necessary only for obtaining a technical effect and a shape which gives goods a practical value cannot be protected as a unique packaging or decoration. However, if the decoration has both decorative role and practical value and it can be distinguished from its function physically or conceptually, it is qualified to be protected as "decoration" within the meaning of Anti Unfair Competition Law.




编译:China IP 国际部




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Facebook在37亿美元集体诉讼中取得暂时胜利;FTC: 暂不出手阻止亚马逊收购One Medical

