
Canada Extense Copyright Protection; Gamesa was defeated in UK

China IP 知识产权家 2023-04-15

编辑制作:China IP 国际部





1. EU is presenting revised rules on industrial design to the European Parliament and the Council


2. 20 More Years of Copyright Protection in Canada Starting December 30, 2022


3. NetEase Wins 50 Million RMB in Minecraft Infringement Litigation


4. Canadian regulators to review sale of HSBC's Canada business


IP Practice

5. Siemens Gamesa loses UK patent dispute over GE wind turbines


6. Meta loses bid to dismiss Swedish music label's copyright lawsuit


7. J&J sues Amgen over plan to sell drug similar to blockbuster Stelara



8. Google Hit With Patent Suit Over Android Phones


Case Analysis

9. Paula's Choice, LLC v. Chongqing Kaimenhong Trading Co., Ltd.




EU is presenting revised rules on industrial design to the European Parliament and the Council


According to news on Nov 29, the European Commission is presenting revised rules on industrial design to the European Parliament and the Council, aiming to make it cheaper, quicker and more predictable to protect industrial designs across the EU. “The revised rules will help to further improve the conditions for businesses to innovate. At the same time, the rules also introduce a more balanced approach to design protection. This ensures that designs can be reproduced for spare parts, allowing consumers more choice in repairing complex products such as cars in particular,” said the EU.



20 More Years of Copyright Protection in Canada Starting December 30, 2022


According to a recently published Order from the official website of the government of Canada , the extension of general copyright protections from 50 years to 70 years after the life of the author shall come into force on December 30, 2022. The Extension arose in the context of the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), which Canada signed onto in 2018, and better aligns Canada’s copyright protection term with Mexico, the United States of America, and several European countries. However, the Extension will not apply retroactively to works whose copyright protections have already expired on or before December 30, 2022; these works will remain a part of the public domain.



NetEase Wins 50 Million RMB in Minecraft Infringement Litigation


On November 30, the Guangdong Higher People’s Court awarded NetEase 50 million RMB (over $7 million USD), the highest damages award in China for game infringement, and an injunction in an unfair competition case against Shenzhen Mini Play Company (深圳迷你玩公司) involving Minecraft and Mini Play’s similar sandbox game Mini World (迷你世界). NetEase has the exclusive right to operate Minecraft in China since 2016. In 2019, NetEase filed a lawsuit against Mini Play, claiming that Mini World copied several core basic elements of Minecraft, constituting copyright infringement and unfair competition.



Canadian regulators to review sale of HSBC's Canada business


Canadian regulators will review the sale of HSBC's business in Canada to Royal Bank of Canada for C$13.5 billion ($10 billion) in cash, the Canadian government's finance ministry said on Tuesday. "The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions will administer the application process and provide a recommendation to the Minister of Finance. The Competition Bureau, under the Competition Act, will also review the transaction," the finance ministry said in a statement. "Should we determine that the proposed transaction is likely to harm competition, we will take appropriate action," said Canada's Competition Bureau. The finance ministry said that in assessing such a deal, it takes into account the transaction's impact on competition, on the stability and integrity of the financial sector, and on public confidence in it.


IP Practice


Siemens Gamesa loses UK patent dispute over GE wind turbines


General Electric Co has fended off a patent lawsuit over its Haliade-X turbines brought by Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy in a London court. A judge of London's High Court on Wednesday said Siemens, which had sued GE claiming that the Haliade-X infringed its European patent related to its wind turbines, did not have a valid patent. And even if the patent were valid, The judge said that “neither the fully assembled Haliade-X nor its hub” fell within the scope of Siemens’ patent. The case marks the latest round of a legal battle between the two major producers of wind turbines. The High Court’s ruling comes after a Boston federal judge in September barred General Electric Co from making and selling its Haliade-X wind turbines in the U.S.



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Meta loses bid to dismiss Swedish music label's copyright lawsuit


A San Francisco federal judge on Monday denied a request by Meta Platforms Inc to throw out a lawsuit filed by Swedish music label Epidemic Sound AB that claims Meta infringed thousands of its copyrights through Facebook and Instagram. Epidemic said it owns and distributes more than 38,000 pieces of royalty-free music for creators to use in videos, podcasts and other content. Epidemic sued Meta in July for allegedly reproducing at least 950 tracks in its music library for Facebook and Instagram users to download, stream and incorporate into videos without the label's permission. Epidemic requested at least $142 million in damages from Meta. Meta moved in September that the lawsuit should be dismissed. But the judge denied Meta's motion on Monday, finding Epidemic's complaint was detailed enough to justify continuing the case.

本周一,旧金山一名联邦法官驳回了Meta提出的驳回一家瑞典音乐唱片公司Epidemic Sound AB诉讼的请求,该唱片公司声称Meta通过Facebook和Instagram侵犯了其数千项版权Epidemic称其拥有并发布了超过3.8万首免费音乐,供创作者在视频、播客和其他内容中使用。今年7月,Epidemic 起诉了Meta,称Meta未经许可在其音乐库中复制了至少950首歌曲,供Facebook及Instagram用户下载、传播或融合到视频中。Epidemic要求Meta赔偿至少1.42亿美元。Meta在9月提出动议,要求驳回该诉讼,但法官周一驳回了Meta的动议,认为Epidemic的起诉足够详细,法院有理由继续审理此案。


J&J sues Amgen over plan to sell drug similar to blockbuster Stelara


Johnson & Johnson's Janssen unit has sued Amgen Inc over its plan to market a drug for ulcerative colitis and other conditions similar to J&J's top-selling Stelara, saying it would infringe two patents in a lawsuit made public on Wednesday. Stelara accounted for $9.1 billion of J&J's $52 billion in global drug sales last year. If Amgen launches its drug, J&J said it would infringe J&J's patent on the drug's active ingredient and on its use for treating ulcerative colitis. J&J told the court that an Amgen filing indicates the U.S. Food and Drug Administration could approve its biosimilar in the second or third quarter of 2023, and that Amgen intends to start selling it as early as next May.

强生公司子公司杨森起诉安进公司,称杨森计划销售一种用于治疗溃疡性结肠炎等症状的药物,该药物类似于强生最畅销的Stelara。强生周三公开了一起诉讼,称该药物将侵犯其两项专利。强生去年的全球药品销售额为520亿美元,其中Stelara 的销售额占91亿美元。强生表示,如果安进推出该药物,它将侵犯强生关于该药物活性成分和用于治疗溃疡性结肠炎的专利。强生向法庭表示,安进的一份文件表明,美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)可能会在2023年第二或第三季度批准其生物仿制药,安进计划最早于明年5月开始销售其仿制药。


Google hit with patent suit over android phones


On Monday, Google was hit in Texas federal court with a complaint from Texas-based Grus Tech LLC alleging some of the tech giant's Pixel and Nexus smartphones infringe four of its patents related to messaging. According to the complaint, the four patents were all issued between 2019 and 2021 and that Google's devices utilize the patents without a license or permission from Grus. Grus is seeking unspecified damages and a judgment that Google infringed the patents. According to the report, Grus also filed two similar suits in 2020 against LG Electronics and Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. alleging the companies infringed two of the four patents at issue in the Google suit, but voluntarily dismissed the suits later that year.


Case Analysis


Paula's Choice, LLC v. Chongqing Kaimenhong Trading Co., Ltd.



In 2006, Liu X, a party not involved in this case, registered “PAULA’S CHOICE宝拉之选” in China in respect of soap, perfume for cosmetics, cosmetics and other goods in Class 3, and later assigned the trademark to the Defendant Chongqing Kaimenhong Trading Co., Ltd. (“Kaimenhong”). In 2017, Kaimenhong submitted an IP complaint to Tmall platform, claiming that the PAULA’S CHOICE flagship store operated through Tmall platform infringed its trademark rights. The complaint led to the removal of a variety of goods from the PAULA’S CHOICE flagship store, and forced the PAULA’S CHOICE distributor to stop or decrease its distributing activities.

2006年,案外人刘某在我国注册“P A U L A’S C H O I C E宝拉之选”商标,指定使用在第3类的肥皂、化妆品用香料、化妆品等商品上,并随后将该商标转让给被告开门红公司。2017年,开门红公司向天猫平台提起知识产权投诉,主张上述天猫平台的宝拉珍选旗舰店侵犯其商标权。该投诉导致宝拉珍选天猫旗舰店多款商品被下架,宝拉珍选的分销商被迫停止或减少分销活动。










