

FOSI 腾讯研究院 2022-07-03

近期,FOSI(国际家庭在线安全协会, Family Online Safety Institute)发布了成为优秀的数字时代家长的十大指南。

FOSI成立于2007年,是一个致力于推广在线责任文化,加强网上青少年保护的国际性非盈利组织。腾讯于2018年成为FOSI会员,是第一家加入网上青少年保护“国际俱乐部”的中国企业。腾讯研究院第一时间翻译了十大指南,并将在近期于腾讯研究院公众号上发布,此为系列第八篇《管理屏幕时间 Managing Screen Time 》。



There are important differences between monitoring screen time and content. While parents may be concerned about kids being watching YouTube or being on social media all night, they are less likely to worry about a device used for video chatting with grandma. Many scenarios involve screens, but also differ greatly in terms of creativity, communication, or educational value.


Finding Your Family’s Screen Time Balance 


The 7 Steps to Good Digital Parenting encourages parents to talk with their kids. Use Step #1 to see what your kids think about their own screen time.

• 签署“家庭网络安全协议”,制定关于您的家庭屏幕时间的正式规则。每个家庭成员都将进行合作并提出最佳组合。

Make a formal rule about screen time you’re your household by signing a Family Online Safety Agreement. Each family member will get to collaborate and come up with the best mix.

• 考虑按照工作日、周末、假期和学年来限制屏幕时间。

Consider limiting screen time by weekday and weekend, during school vacation and in the school year.


Recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics      


Each family is unique, and the best approach to screen time may depend on the different ages and needs of children in the household. While it may be appropriate for your child to use their devices more or less than these guidelines, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests:

0至18个月 - 除视频聊天外,不要使用屏幕。

0 to 18 months - Refrain from the use of screens unless for video chatting.

18至24个月 - 家长可以介绍高质量的节目,并与孩子一起观看,以帮助解释他们正在观看的内容。

18 to 24 months - Parents can introduce high-quality programming and co-view it with their children to help explain what they are viewing.

2至5岁 - 将屏幕时间限制为每天1小时的高质量节目。通过共同观看,父母可以帮助孩子将他们看到的内容应用到现实世界。

2 to 5 years - Limit screen time to 1 hour per day of high-quality programming. Using co-viewing, parents can help their child apply what they are viewing to the world they live in.

6岁以上 - 对屏幕时间和社交媒体类型设置一致的限制。确保社交媒体不会干扰睡眠、身体活动和其他基本行为。

6+ - Set consistent limits on screen time and the types of media being viewed. Ensure that media does not interfere with sleep, physical activity, and other essential behaviors.

“屏幕时间多长?”是一个广受讨论的、有许多不同答案的问题。 在某个家庭效果良好的方法也许对另一个家庭并不奏效,所以一定要花时间建立适合自身家庭的屏幕平衡。

“How much screen time?” is a popular question with many different answers. What works well for one family might not work for another, so be sure to spend proper time establishing the right screen balance for your use.






FOSI数字时代家长指南(四):数字时代 声誉清单




