
书目推介 | Ten Lectures on the Representation of Events

认知语义学 认知语义学 2022-12-22

· 推荐书目 ·

Zacks, Jeffrey M. (2019). Ten Lectures on the Representation of Events in Language, Perception, Memory, and Action Control. The Netherlands: Brill.

· 01 内容简介 ·

Series: Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Linguistics

Language: English

Lecturer: Jeffrey M. Zacks


Languages and Linguistics; Psycholinguistics & Language and Cognition; Sociolinguistics Philosophy; Philosophy of MindBiology; Psychology

Overview: The representation of events is a central topic for cognitive science. In this series of lectures, Jeffrey M. Zacks situates event representations and their role in language within a theory of perception and memory. Event representations have a distinctive structure and format that result from computational and neural mechanisms operating during perception and language comprehension. A crucial aspect of the mechanisms is that event representations are updated to optimize their predictive utility. This updating has consequences for action control and for long-term memory. Event cognition changes across the adult lifespan and can be impaired by conditions including Alzheimers disease. These mechanisms have broad impact on everyday activity, and have shaped the development of media such as cinema and narrative fiction.  

· 02 本书目录 ·

Note on Supplementary

Material Preface by the Series Editor 

Preface by the Author 

About the Author 

1 The Importance of Events in Conception and Language 

2 The Structure and Format of Event Representations 

3 Event Segmentation Theory and the Segmentation of Visual Events 

4 The Segmentation of Narrative Events 

5 Neural Correlates of Event Segmentation 

6 Prediction in Event Comprehension 

7 Updating Event Models 

8 The Event Horizon Model and Long-Term Memory 

9 Event Cognition in Aging and Early Alzheimer’s Disease 

10 Event Representations from Cinema and Narrative Fiction 


About the Series Editor 

Websites for Cognitive Linguistics and CIFCL Speakers

· 03 本书主讲人简介 ·

Jeffrey M. Zacks received his bachelor’s degree in Cognitive Science from Yale University and his PhD in Cognitive Psychology from Stanford University in 1999. He is Professor and Associate Chair of Psychological & Brain Sciences, and Professor of Radiology, at Washington University in Saint Louis, where he directs the Dynamic Cognition Laboratory (dcl.wustl.edu). Zacks’ research interests lie in perception, cognition, and language in complex, naturalistic domains, including event cognition, spatial reasoning, film perception, and narrative comprehension. His research takes a lifespan development approach and compares the cognitive functioning of healthy adults to that of people with neurological and psychiatric disorders. His laboratory uses behavioral experiments, functional MRI, computational modeling, and eye tracking in these investigations.

Research in the Dynamic Cognition Laboratory has been funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Office of Naval Research, the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and the James S. McDonnell Foundation, whose support is gratefully acknowledged.

Professor Zacks has served as Associate Editor of the journals Cognition, Cognitive Research: Principles & Implications, and Collabra, and as Chair of the governing board of the Psychonomic Society, the leading association of experimental psychologists, and as Chair of the Board of Scientific Affairs of the American Psychological Association. He is the recipient of scientific awards from the American Psychological Association and the American Psychological Foundation and is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Association for Psychological Science, the Midwest Psychological Association, and the Society of Experimental Psychologists. Zacks is the author of two books, Flicker: Your Brain on Movies and Event Cognition (with G. A. Radvansky), and co-editor of Understanding Events (with Thomas F. Shipley) and Representations in Mind and World (with Holly A. Taylor). He has published more than 90 journal articles and also has written for Salon, Aeon, and The New York Times.

· 04 相关资料 ·


· 05 本书编者 ·

· 06 DLCL系列图书简介 ·

The China International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics (http://cifcl.buaa.edu.cn/Speakers.htm) provides a forum for eminent international scholars to give lectures on their original contributions to the field of cognitive linguistics. It is a continuing program organized by several prestigious universities in Beijing.


Fuyin (Thomas) Li: PhD/Professor, Beihang University


Yihong Gao: PhD/Professor, Peking University

Baohui Shi: PhD/Professor, Beijing Forestry University

Yuan Gao: PhD/Professor, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Cong Tian: PhD, Capital Normal University

The text is published, accompanied by its audio disc counterpart, as one of the Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Linguistics (DLCL).


版权方:Cognitive Semantics



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