
书目推介 | Ten Lectures on Corpus Linguistics with R

认知语义学 认知语义学 2022-12-22

· 推荐书目 ·

Gries, Stefan Th. (2019). Ten Lectures on Corpus Linguistics with R: Applications for Usage-Based and Psycholinguistic Research. The Netherlands: Brill.

· 01 内容简介 ·

Series: Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Linguistics

Language: English

Lecturer: Stefan Th. Gries


Languages and Linguistics; Applied Linguistics; Morphology & Syntax; Psycholinguistics & Language and Cognition; Writing & Communication

Overview: In this book, Stefan Th. Gries provides an overview on how quantitative corpus methods can provide insights to cognitive/usage-based linguistics and selected psycholinguistic questions. Topics include the corpus linguistics in general, its most important methodological tools, its statistical nature, and the relation of all these topics to past and current usage-based theorizing. Central notions discussed in detail include frequency, dispersion, context, and others in a variety of applications and case studies; four practice sessions offer short introductions of how to compute various corpus statistics with the open source programming language and environment R.

· 02 本书目录 ·

· 03 本书主讲人简介 ·

Stefan Th. Gries earned his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Hamburg in 1998 and 2000 and is currently (Full) Professor of Linguistics in the Department of Linguistics at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) as well as a part-time (Full/W3-) Professor of Corpus Linguistics (Quantitative Methods) of the Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen.
Methodologically, Gries is a quantitative corpus linguist at the intersection of corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics, and computational linguistics, who uses statistical methods to investigate linguistic phenomena (corpus-linguistically and experimentally) and tests and develops corpus-linguistic and statistical methods. Theoretically, he is a cognitively-oriented usage-based linguist. Gries has authored three books, co-edited seven volumes, and has (co-)authored dozens of articles, many in the leading peer-reviewed journals of his fields (Cognitive Linguistics and International Journal of Corpus Linguistics). He is general editor of the international peer-reviewed journal Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication, associate editor of Cognitive Linguistic Studies, and performs editorial functions for about a dozen other international peer-reviewed journals and book series. 

· 04 相关资料 ·


· 05 本书编者 ·

· 06 DLCL系列图书简介 ·

The China International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics (http://cifcl.buaa.edu.cn/Speakers.htm) provides a forum for eminent international scholars to give lectures on their original contributions to the field of cognitive linguistics. It is a continuing program organized by several prestigious universities in Beijing.


Fuyin (Thomas) Li: PhD/Professor, Beihang University


Yihong Gao: PhD/Professor, Peking University

Baohui Shi: PhD/Professor, Beijing Forestry University

Yuan Gao: PhD/Professor, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Sai Ma: PhD, Capital Normal University

The text is published, accompanied by its audio disc counterpart, as one of the Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Linguistics (DLCL).


版权方:Cognitive Semantics



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