
新书推介 | Ten Lectures from Elizabeth Closs Traugott

认知语义学 认知语义学 2022-12-22

· 推荐书目 ·

Traugott, Elizabeth Closs. (2022). Ten Lectures on A Diachronic Constructionalist Approach to Discourse Structuring Markers. The Netherlands: Brill.

· 01 内容简介 ·

Book series

Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Linguistics

Language: English


History of Linguistics & Philosophy of Language, Language and Linguistics, Psycholinguistics & Language and Cognition

Lecturer: Elizabeth Closs Traugott

Overview: To date little work has been done on pragmatics within cognitive linguistics, especially from a historical perspective. The lectures presented in this volume give the first systematic account of how pragmatics can be incorporated into cognitive linguistics using a Diachronic Construction Grammar perspective. The author combines detailed study of the historical development of Discourse Structuring Markers like all the sameafter all and by the way and propose ways in which to model them. A number of topics are addressed including what a usage-based approach to language change is, differences between innovation and change, how to think about analogy and networks, how combinations of Discourse Structuring Markers like now then became a unit, and whether clause-initial and -final positions are constructions. Refinements of Diachronic Construction Grammar are proposed and tested.

· 02 本书目录 ·

· 03 本书主讲人简介 ·

· 04 本书编者 ·

· 05 DLCL系列图书简介 ·

The China International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics (http://cifcl.buaa.edu.cn/Speakers.htm) provides a forum for eminent international scholars to give lectures on their original contributions to the field of cognitive linguistics. It is a continuing program organized by several prestigious universities in Beijing.


Li Fuyin (Thomas): PhD/Professor, Beihang University

The text is published, accompanied by its audio disc counterpart, as one of the Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Linguistics (DLCL).

· 06 DLCL系列图书(纸质书)订购信息 ·

官网定价:每一本 €99.00 / $119.00





