
"句法制图丝路之约"之Linda Badan篇



《理论语言学五道口站》(2020年第62期,总第126期)与大家分享 “Syntax Silk Road: Meetings in Cartography(句法制图丝路之约)” 系列线上讲座。“句法制图丝路之约”系列讲座由北京语言大学语言学系、帕多瓦大学及句法制图国际研究协会(澳门)共同组织。首场讲座时间为2020年11月20日,比利时根特大学Linda Badan教授作为特邀主讲人,进行了题为“Discourse Markers in the Regional Italian of Veneto”的报告,北京语言大学语言学系教师Giuseppe Samo博士担任主持。



Syntax Silk Road: Meetings in Cartography




20/11  Linda Badan


27/11  Masatoshi Honda


04/12  Caterina Bonan


11/12  Aquiles Tescari Neto




此系列讲座于zoom平台直播(发送邮件至samo@blcu. edu. cn, 您将在每场讲座开始24小时前收到会议链接及相关信息通知)。

The cycle of webinars entitled "Syntax Silk Road: Meetings in Cartography" organized is between the Beijing Language & Culture University and the University of Padua and co-organized with the International Association of Syntactic Cartographic Studies (based in Macao). During these events, held on a weekly basis on Fridays (19h Beijing Time, 12h Padua Time), researchers will discuss (advanced) presentations inCartography.

The calendar is set as follows.

20/11  Linda Badan 

(Ghent University)

27/11  Masatoshi Honda 

(Yokohama College of Commerce)

04/12  Caterina Bonan

(University of Cambridge)

11/12  Aquiles Tescari Neto



The event will be broadcast live on the zoom platform (send an email to samo@blcu.edu.cn, to be added to a mailing list which will provide the link 24 hours before the talk).


Introduction to the Speaker


Linda Badan教授,帕多瓦大学博士,根特大学翻译与传播学院二语习得及意大利语研究助理教授,其研究领域为理论语言学,尤其关注句法语义接口、句法韵律学接口、以及比较语言学等相关研究。

Badan教授曾获得多所大学的博士后交流资格,如她在香港城市大学做了汉语和意大利语的信息结构研究,在莱顿大学语言学中心以及阿姆斯特丹大学做了汉语和克瓦语动词结构的对比句法研究,在根特大学做了意大利语语篇标记词的句法研究。此外,Badan教授所负责的研究项目曾多次获奖,她所做的句法韵律接口层面的感叹结构研究在法国社会科学高等研究院东亚语言研究所举办的蒋经国国际学术交流会上获奖;所负责的汉语双及物结构研究获得了巴黎高等师范学院的奖学金资助(the International Fellowship for Experienced Researches Fernand Braudel IFER)。Badan教授近期关注二语习得及遗产语言的研究,在此方面,她所负责的意大利第二语言及遗产语言的语篇标记词研究被根特大学授予Startkrediet BOF奖。

Linda Badan obtained her PhD in Linguistics from the University of Padua. She is currently the Assistant Professor of Second Language Acquisition and Italian in the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication at Ghent University. She has done research in theoretical linguistics (particularly the syntax-semantics interface, the syntax-prosody interface, and comparative syntax).

She has obtained a number of postdoctoral fellowships at different universities, overarching different fields and topics in linguistics, such as information structure in Chinese and Italian (at City University of Hong Kong), comparative syntax in verb constructions in Chinese and Kwa languages (Leiden University Center for Linguistics & Amsterdam University), and the syntax of discourse markers in Italian (Ghent University). Prof. Linda Badan has also obtained an award with a project on exclamative constructions at the syntax-prosody interface by the Chiang Ching-kuo for International Scholarly Exchange host by the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales-CNRS-CRLAO in Paris. She has also been awarded the International Fellowship for Experienced Researches Fernand Braudel IFER at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris with a project on ditransitive constructions in Chinese. More recently, she became interested in second language acquisition and heritage language. On this topic, she has been awarded the Startkrediet BOF grant by Ghent university with a project on discourse markers in Italian L2 and heritage language.


Discourse Markers in the Regional Italian of Veneto




理论与方法专栏 | 合并 —(多主)句法中的二元性

Viviane Déprez & Hedde Zeijlstra | 否定

Alec Marantz: What do linguists do?(上)

理论与方法专栏 | 头脑中的语言:心理语言学导论


编辑:高洁 陈金玉

排版:高洁 陈金玉

审校:李芳芳 王丽媛

