
Viviane Déprez & Hedde Zeijlstra | 否定

2020年第59期 理论语言学五道口站 2021-03-17


《理论语言学五道口站》(2020年第59期,总第123期)继续与大家分享“Linguistics Flash-Mobs”系列线上会议。本次会议时间为2020年10月22日,辩论双方为罗格斯大学语言学系教授Viviane Déprez哥廷根大学语言学教授Hedde Zeijlstra。两位教授就“Negation (否定)”一题展开讨论,由博洛尼亚大学副教授Chiara Gianollo担任主持。

注:本次分享已由主办者法兰克福大学和帕多瓦大学双聘语言学教授Cecilia Poletto及其团队、主要参会者Viviane Déprez教授和Hedde Zeijlstra教授授权转载。


Linguistics Flash-Mobs


在当前的特殊时期下,我们特推出“Linguistics Flash-Mobs” 系列视频会议,以期保持语言学社区的紧密联系。接下来的每场会议中,两位著名学者将使用不同的框架对学界长期存在的理论问题进行一场场妙趣横生的“论战”!

此次线上活动由Cecilia Poletto主办,C. Gianollo, A. Giorgi, C. Guardiano, M. T. Guasti, M. R. Manzini, E. Pagliarini, E. Sanfelici, A. Tomaselli协办。

"Linguistics Flash - Mobs" is a series of video conferences thought to be a way to keep the linguistic community connected during this troublesome period. In each conference, two seminal scholars will face long-standing theoretical issues making use of different frameworks: fun is guaranteed with these "sword fights"!

This project has been thought and organised by Cecilia Poletto, with the help of C. Gianollo, A. Giorgi, C. Guardiano, M. T. Guasti, M. R. Manzini, E. Pagliarini, E. Sanfelici, A. Tomaselli.


Introduction to the key participants


Viviane Déprez 

Viviane Déprez,新泽西州立罗格斯大学语言学系教授,法国国家科学研究中心主任、高级科学家。她的研究兴趣为比较句法学、句法语义接口、罗曼语和克里奥尔语。

她目前的研究旨在理解罗曼语、克里奥尔语和二语习得中微观参数的变化,以及语义/语用和语法化特征(如定指、特异性、人称、数和否定)之间的关系。她有一个比较和实验语言学实验室,同时发表了许多具有广泛影响的著作,比如:Negation and Negative Concord: The view from Creoles(由Viviane Déprez和Fabiola Henri共同编著)。

Viviane Déprez is a Professor in the Department of Linguistics at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. As a senior scientist and director in CNRS, she is interested in comparative syntax, syntax/semantics interface, Romance and Creole languages. 

Her current research aims at understanding micro-parametric variations and the relations between semantics/pragmatics and the grammaticalization of features like definiteness, specificity, person, number and negation in Romance, Creole languages and L2 acquisition. She has a lab which is Comparative and Experimental Linguistics Lab. She is the author of many famous book, for example, Negation and Negative Concord: The view from Creoles, which is edited by Viviane Déprez and Fabiola Henri.

Hedde Zeijlstra

Hedde Zeijlstra,乔治-奥古斯都-哥廷根大学(简称哥廷根大学)语言学教授,哥廷根大学LinG团队成员。他的主要研究领域是句子意义和形式之间的关系:即句子意义是如何通过各部分表现出来的?在不同的语言中为什么有那么多不同的方式来表达相同含义?

He is a Professor of Linguistics at the Georg-August-University in Göttingen, where he is part of the Linguistics in Göttingen (LinG) platform. His main interest is the relation between sentence meaning and form: how does the meaning of a sentence follow from its parts, and why are there so many different ways of expressing the same meaning across languages?

Chiara Gianollo

Chiara Gianollo,博洛尼亚大学古典语言学和意大利语研究院副教授。她的研究侧重于历史语言学的经典问题:通过运用最新的理论语言学和定量语言学研究方法,这些问题可能从中得到新的启示与发展。她的研究领域主要包括:语义变化、形式历史句法、句法语义接口、参数系统的形式特点、语言与移民等。

She is the Associate professor at the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies of the University of Bologna. Her research focuses on classical problems of historical linguistics which may receive new inputs by current advances in general linguistic theory and quantitative linguistics. Her research questions mainly include: Semantic change, Formal historical syntax, Syntax-Semantics interface, Formal properties of parametric systems, Language and migration.








  1. How does semantic uniformity map into such a broad syntactic variation?

  2. Why are negative concord phenomena so widespread?

  3. How does negation interact with other operators?


Alec Marantz: What do linguists do?(上)

理论与方法专栏 | 头脑中的语言:心理语言学导论

Ian Roberts & Giuseppe Longobardi | 参数

人物专栏 | John B. Whitman教授访谈录

转载分享 | 论人性--乔姆斯基与福柯论辩录


编辑:高洁 陈金玉

排版:高洁 陈金玉

审校:  李芳芳 王丽媛

