





Chapter 1 The Accident

Bobby Jones swung his golf club and hit his ball very hard. Did the ball fly straight and upwards? No, it did not. It raced along the ground and into the sand in the bunker! Bobby, the fourth son of the vicar of Marchbolt, a small seaside town in Wales, swore. He was a pleasant-looking young man of about twenty-eight and his eyes had the honest brown friendliness of a dog’s eyes.

bunker n. (高尔夫球场中的)沙坑

vicar n. (英国国教的)教区牧师

‘I get worse every day,’ he said to himself sadly.

Bobby then hit his ball really hard twice. The third time he successfully hit the ball out of the sand and it now lay a short distance from the hole he had been aiming at. His friend, Dr Thomas, a middle-aged man with a cheerful face, had reached it with two good shots.

‘Well done,’ said Bobby.

They went on to the next hole. The doctor went first – a nice straight shot. Bobby sighed, shut his eyes, raised his head, lowered his right shoulder – everything he should not have done – and hit a beautiful shot down the middle of the course. His sad expression changed into one of great happiness.

‘I know now what I’ve been doing wrong,’ said Bobby – quite untruthfully.

Full of confidence, he again did everything he should not have done, and this time there was no miracle. The ball went to the right instead of to the front!

miracle n. 奇迹

‘If that had been straight …!’ said Dr Thomas with obvious relief.

If,’ said Bobby bitterly. ‘Hello, I thought I heard a shout! I hope the ball didn’t hit anyone.’

He looked to the right. But looking into the setting sun it was hard to see anything clearly and there was a mist rising from the sea. The edge of the cliff was a few hundred yards away.

cliff n. 悬崖

yard n. 码(长度单位,约等于91.4厘米)

‘The footpath runs along there,’ said Bobby, ‘and I do think I heard a cry. Did you?’

The doctor had heard nothing but they walked towards the cliff edge.

Far below the sea sparkled in the sun.

‘Doctor!’ Bobby exclaimed. ‘What do you make of that?’ Twelve yards below was a pile of what looked like clothes. By Jove! Somebody has fallen over the cliff.’

pile n. 堆

By Jove 天啊(旧时表示惊讶的一种说法)

There was a difficult path down and the two men made their way carefully to the dark pile. It was a man of about forty and he was still breathing, though unconscious. The doctor knelt to examine him. Then he looked up at Bobby and shook his head.

unconscious adj. 不省人事的

‘He is dying, poor fellow. There is nothing I can do for him – his back is broken. Well, I suppose he wasn’t familiar with the path and when the mist rose, he walked over the edge. I’ll go and make arrangements to have him brought up. It’s possible he may recover consciousness before the end; but very likely he won’t. Will you stay?’

fellow n. 家伙

consciousness n. 清醒

Bobby nodded. ‘Is there really nothing that we can do for him?’

The doctor shook his head. ‘Nothing, I’m afraid.’

As the doctor climbed the cliff, Bobby lit a cigarette. What terrible luck! A sudden mist, a slip – and life came to an end. Healthy-looking fellow, too, with a deep suntan. A man who had lived an out-of-door life – abroad, perhaps. Bobby studied him – the curly brown hair, the strong jaw. An attractive face ... As he thought that, the eyes suddenly opened. They were a clear, deep blue and looked straight at Bobby.

jaw n. 下巴

 He spoke. ‘Why didn’t they ask Evans?’

Then a shudder passed over him, the eyelids closed … The man was dead.

shudder n.(因恐惧或厌恶而产生的抖动)



The name Evans was a common surname in Wales, which is why Frankie thought there would be at least 700 Evanses in Marchbolt.


埃文斯是常见的威尔士姓氏,因此 Frankie才会认为 Marchbolt会有最少 700 个埃文斯。

 ( 以上内容节选自《悬崖上的谋杀》,图片来自网络)


  • 语言:英语专家精心改写,适合中高级英语学习者阅读
  • 文化:人物表和历史文化背景注释
  • 词汇:难词注释帮助学习和阅读
  • 听力:优美英音全文朗读(附二维码音频下载和点读功能)



《斯泰尔斯庄园奇案》(The Mysterious Affair at Styles)
《鸽群中的猫》(Cat among the Pigeons
《云中奇案》(Death in the Cloud)
《命案目睹记》(4.50 from Paddington)
《死亡约会》(Appointment with Death)
《国际学舍谋杀案》(Hickory Dickory Dock)
《古屋疑云》(Peril at End House)
《罗杰疑案》(The Murder of Roger Ackroyd)
《东方快车谋杀案》(Murder on the Orient Express)
《控方证人及其他》(The Witness for the Prosecution and Other Stories)
《尼罗河上的惨案》(Death on the Nile)
《穿棕色套装的人》(The Man in the Brown Suit)
《黑麦奇案》(A Pocket Full of Rye)
《悬崖上的谋杀》(Why Didn't They Ask Evans)
《弄假成真》(Dead Man's Folly)
《书房命案》(The Body in the Library)
《怪屋》(Crooked House)
《密码》(N or M?)
《魔手》(The Moving Finger)
《地狱之旅》(Destination Unknown)
《借镜杀人》(They Do It with Mirrors)
《寓所谜案》(The Murder at the Vicarage)
《葬礼之后》(After the Funeral)
《闪光的氰化物》(Sparkling Cyanide)




