
中国范儿142 川剧变脸:喜怒哀乐一张脸

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!



Face changing in Sichuan Opera:The faces of life

  Since the pre-Qin period (Paleolithic Period to 221 BC), Chengdu has been an important cultural town in Southwest China. But what really sets the city apart, culturally, is its opera, which is part of the Sichuan Opera tradition. An important aspect of Sichuan Opera is the magic of mask changing, also known as “face changing” where vividly coloured masks are changed within the blink of an eye, much to the amusement of the audience. In opera gardens and tea houses across the town, audiences wanting a glimpse of the local culture love to drink tea while listening to Sichuan Opera and watching face changing.

  It is believed that “face changing” has its roots in evolution. Early humans needed survival strategies to ward off predators and invaders. Often, aggressive facial gestures and non-verbal cues were part of it. The Sichuan Opera is said to have brought this range of spectrum of emotions on stage.

  Face-changing techniques generally fall into three categories: “wiping”, “pulling” and “blowing.” Among them, “pulling” is a more complex and frequently used technique in which faces are painted on layers of silk cloth and each mask is tied to a thread which is fastened and hidden in the costume. The adhesive used to stick the mask should be just the right amount — if it’s too much, the entire mask may come off. Once the performance starts, the actor keeps pulling down one mask after another in swift movements to convey different emotions. Astonishingly, no matter how close one is to the stage, they can’t tell how the masks change within the blink of an eye. For this, the actor must be very nifty and possess great skill. Face changing techniques are a closely guarded secret handed down from generation to generation of performers.

  Face changing is not simply an acrobatic skill, but it also has rich cultural implications. Different faces convey different psychological and emotional changes that characters in the play experience. The patterns of the facial makeup are borrowed from Chengdu and local customs of the region.

  The different kinds of characters and personalities that Sichuan Opera brings alive on stage can be found among common people in Chengdu as well. This is why its emotions will continue to resonate with people for a long time.



Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!



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