
中国范儿136 苗绣:新时代的“绣”色可餐

Love English 2 2022-12-23

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Miao Embroidery: The color of embroidery in the new era

China is a unified multi-ethnic country. In this fertile land of "harmony and diversity", the cultures of various nationalities complement each other. Miao nationality is ancient and splendid and Miao Embroidery is a traditional embroidery art handed down from generation to generation.

Miao Embroidery originated from the national totem worship known as "historical books" on the body. Miao Embroidery has become an important carrier to reflect the pursuit of happiness, longevity and other good wishes and to record the development of the Miao nationality because of their lack of writing and several migrations in history.

Miao Embroidery is characterized by unique techniques, various stitches, symmetrical, substantial and gorgeous patterns, warm and cold contrast and coordination of beautiful colors. It is simple and colorful, displaying the enthusiasm, unrestrained, romantic character and distinctive national characteristics of Miao nationality. Miao women are skillful in embroidery and they seldom make drafts. A piece of embroidery is often completed by using several stitches and techniques, which fully demonstrates the high-quality craftsmanship of Miao women.

Miao Embroidery is different from the other four embroideries in China (Su Embroidery, Xiang Embroidery, Yue Embroidery and Shu Embroidery). It is mainly done on clothes and its patterns tend to be abstract and freehand. However, Su Embroidery and Yue Embroidery are more realistic, and their colors are more elegant than those in Miao embroidery, but they are mostly used for decoration and ornamental purposes.

With continuous changes in people’s aesthetic concept and taste, Miao Embroidery skills have not disappeared in the torrent of social development. On the contrary, they develop with the times, leading the Miao nationality in the new era to embark on an industrialized road to get rid of poverty. On May 20, 2006, Miao Embroidery was listed in the first batch of Intangible Cultural Heritage List of China. Now, many enterprises have established long-term cooperative relations with poor villages and embroidery artistes, selling Miao Embroidery works at home and abroad, and leading the Miao nationality out of poverty. At the same time, the local Miao people also set up Miao Embroidery companies to promote local employment and some companies can earn more than one million yuan annually. Miao Embroidery has also entered people's life through more and more novel ways. Some Miao Embroidery cultural creations are popular among the youth as well.

Nowadays, Miao Embroidery is contributing to the Miao nationality’s pursuit for a happy and healthy life. It is believed that in the future, many intangible cultural heritage projects like Miao Embroidery will integrate better with the industry, bringing prosperity to people in the new era.



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