
中国范儿135 平阳木偶:会“说话”的木偶人

Love English 2 2022-12-23

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Pingyang Puppet Show: A thriving traditional theatre

Puppet play, a form of entertainment that uses puppets to perform stories, is known as the "ancestor of opera".

Pingyang, Zhejiang has a thriving puppet show tradition and is known as "the hometown of puppet shows". Pingyang Puppet Show is a comprehensive stage performance art which mainly consists of marionettes, hand puppets, stick puppets and common puppets.

What is a marionette? Actors need to operate puppets behind the scenes, sing at the same time, and coordinate a series of complex actions with musical beats. As the saying goes, "One minute on stage is equal to ten years off stage”. What goes behind a lifelike puppet? The first step is to make a puppet head with a clever mechanism, give it rich facial expressions, then apply makeup, a headdress and other details to give it an air of glamour. It should seem as if they are making conversation with the audience.
Clothes make a man. And this is absolutely true when it comes to puppets. There are four roles in Chinese operas: the male, the female, the painted face and the clown. Puppets are also modeled after these four roles with a more distinctive image. A special characteristic feature of puppet actors is that their hand often touches their heart and is connected to filaments of the head, feet and other joints to make them appear more expressive when they tell stories of yore.
Pingyang puppet show has inherited stage art features of the traditional opera. Since the 1980s, the puppets have undergone a rapid transformation and many modern elements have been integrated into them. The sense of substitution of lighting and stage art is stronger. Puppet actors have also moved from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, performing kungfu or art shows with the puppets and bringing impressive experiences to the audiences.

Pingyang Puppet Troupe is one of the most influential professional puppet troupes in China. It gathered prominence between the late Qing dynasty and the early Republic of China era. In 1954, the puppet play “Broken Bridge” became very popular in Beijing. In 1981, the modern children’s play “flying clockwise” won the highest honor award of International Puppet Festival of Mexico. In 2008, Pingyang Puppet Show was listed in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List. Today, Pingyang Puppet Show has travelled abroad, making inroads in Europe, America, Africa, Southeast Asia and dozens of other countries and regions.

It’s the creativity and wisdom of puppet artists that make puppets “live and speak”. The puppets not only tell beautiful legends, but also preserve cultural heritage through oral history and folklore. Pingyang Puppet Show, with its unique cultural charm, has taken the Chinese voice to the world.



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