




为了完成这个项目,阿斯利康将与包括英国伦敦的惠康基金会桑格研究所、芬兰赫尔辛基的分子医学研究所、基因组领域的带头人克雷格*文特尔在美国加利福尼亚的人类寿命(Human Longevity)生物技术公司开展合作。同时阿斯利康还计划从参与公司临床试验的参与者中选取500,000人进行基因组测序。



阿斯利康目前没有公布该测序项目的具体花费——“数十亿美金”这是阿斯利康革新药物计划执行副总裁Menelas Pangalos透露的唯一信息。三月份他在公开场合表示公司将利用这些测序数据指导药物研发部门从糖尿病到炎症和癌症的所有主要疾病领域的药物开发。

“基因组学家多年前就曾表示他们的研究领域将会对药物开发产生革命性的影响。”阿斯利康顾问,哥伦比亚大学遗传学家David Goldstein说,“我们终于站在了这个历史性时刻,基因组学将开始成为药物开发的基础。”


参考文献: Drug firm seeks genome bounty 【nature】

One of the world’s largest pharmaceuti­cal companies has launched a massive effort to compile genome sequences and health records from two million people over the next decade. In doing so, AstraZeneca and its collaborators hope to unearth rare genetic sequences that are associated with disease and with responses to treatment.

It’s an unprecedented number of partici­pants for this type of study, says Ruth March, vice-president and head of personalized health care and biomarkers at AstraZeneca, which is headquartered in London. “That’s necessary because we’re going to be looking for very rare differences among individuals.”

To achieve that, AstraZeneca will partner with institutions including the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Hinxton, UK, the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland in Helsinki and Human Longevity, a biotechnology company founded in San Diego, California, by genomics pioneer Craig Venter. AstraZeneca also expects to draw on data from 500,000 participants in its own clinical trials.

In doing so, AstraZeneca will be following a burgeoning trend in genetics research. For years, geneticists pursued common variations in human DNA sequences that are linked to com­plex diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. The approach yielded some important insights, but these common variations often accounted for only a small percentage of the genetic con­tribution to individual diseases.

Researchers are now increasingly focusing on the contribution of unusual genetic variants to disease. Combinations of these variants can hold the key to an individual’s traits, says Venter.

AstraZeneca did not disclose exactly how much it would be investing — “hundreds of mil­lions of dollars” over the course of ten years was all that Menelas Pangalos, executive vice-pres­ident of the company’s innovative medicines programme, would say. The company intends to use the data to inform drug development in all of its major disease areas, from diabetes to inflammation and cancer, says March.

Genomicists have long promised that their field would revolutionize drug development, says David Goldstein, a geneticist at Columbia University in New York City who advises Astra- Zeneca. Now, he says, “we finally have really turned a corner and genomics really will now become central in drug development”.



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