
学术会议 | 法国里昂第三大学2022年召开多模态隐喻会议

语言学通讯 语言学通讯 2022-06-09

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2022年国际学术会议 法国 里昂

The Linguistic Research Center (Centre d’Études Linguistiques – Corpus, Discours et Sociétés) is organizing an international conference on multimodal tropes in contemporary corpora at Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University on May 19, 20 and 21, 2022.

Multimodality is a quickly growing discipline (Forceville, 2019) now encompassing the Conceptual Metaphor & Metonymy Theory (CMMT). Modes “include, at least, the following: (1) pictorial signs; (2) written signs; (3) spoken signs; (4) gestures; (5) sounds; (6) music (7) smells; (8) tastes; (9) touch” (Forceville, 2009: 23). Monomodal metaphors have been studied extensively, paving the way for multimodal research, initially based mostly on metaphors, and metonymies. For this conference, other tropes can be investigated such as hyperbole, irony, allegory, oxymoron, etc., as we don’t only live by metaphors.

Thus, communications should focus on the following topics (among others): the interaction of modes, the interpretation of multimodal tropes, their functions and/or effects and the identification of patterns.

Any type of corpora or media is welcome (political discourse, films, comics, logos, music, teaching materials, etc.) as long as the analysis is based on a corpus and focuses on contemporary discourse. All languages can be studied and researchers from various disciplines are invited to submit their proposals here:


Call for Papers

According to Forceville (2019), the broadening of Conceptual Metaphor & Metonymy Theory (CMMT) “is excellent news for several reasons”, one of which being “the quickly growing discipline of “multimodality””. Forceville (2009: 23) defines monomodal metaphors as “metaphors whose target and source are exclusively or predominantly rendered in one mode”. These monomodal metaphors have been studied extensively, for example in the fields of literature and linguistics (verbal metaphors) or in the field of visual studies (pictorial metaphors). According to Forceville [2009: 23], modes “include, at least, the following: (1) pictorial signs; (2) written signs; (3) spoken signs; (4) gestures; (5) sounds; (6) music (7) smells; (8) tastes; (9) touch.” Müller (2009: 299), as for her, distinguishes between two different modes: “what is expressed orally and perceived primarily aurally as sound (the oral/aural modality)” on the one hand, and “bodily forms and movements in space which are primarily perceived visually (the spatial/visual modality)” on the other hand. Multimodal metaphors are defined as borrowing from different modes: “In contrast to monomodal metaphors, multimodal metaphors are metaphors whose target and source are each represented exclusively or predominantly in different modes” (Forceville 2009: 24). In other words, the source domain and the target domain are from different modes, for example the visual and the verbal modes, although one domain can be present in more than one mode.
These multimodal metaphors and metonymies have essentially been studied in advertisement, be it for profit, non-profit, institutional, promotional purposes, etc. (mostly for the combination of the visual and verbal modes), political discourse (mostly with the combination of the verbal mode and gestures, see Charteris-Black (2004), Müller (2009), Musolff (2016)), and films (see Coëgnarts (2012, 2015, 2019)). Such corpora can obviously be the focus of the presentations, but it seems interesting to study other corpora and other media as well, such as comics (see Forceville 2005, 2011), cartoons (see Górska 2019), op-ed illustrations, animation films (see Forceville and Jeulink 2011; Fahlenbrach 2017; Forceville and Paling 2018), logos, banners, placards, posters, street art and wall-paintings, memes, etc. (see Forceville 2019), but also music: “It is to be noticed, incidentally, that in most of this work the discussion of modes partaking in multimodal metaphor is restricted to the visual and the written-verbal mode. Multimodal metaphor research – and multimodal discourse analysis more generally – including the sonic and musical modes is still rare” (Forceville 2019: 374). The use of multimodal metaphor and metonymies in teaching will also be a relevant area of research for the conference.
If the main area of multimodal research was initially multimodal metaphors, a growing number of works started to investigate the role of multimodal metonymies. Forceville (2019: 371) rightly points out that we ‘live by metaphors’ – but we live by many other things – metonyms, stories, colour symbolism … – as well”, which calls for novel developments (see Forceville 2019): not only multimodal metaphors and metonymies should be studied, but also any multimodal tropes (hyperbole, irony, allegory, antithesis, oxymoron, onomatopoeia, etc.), following what Forceville (2019) calls “Cognitive Trope Theory”. The multimodal dimension of these tropes can be investigated, as well as the combination of multimodal metaphors and metonymies with the less frequently used tropes mentioned above.

Following the issues raised by Forceville (2019), the following questions can be addressed: see detailed list at https://multimod-tropes.sciencesconf.org/

Key dates:

November 15, 2021: deadline for submission of abstracts and keywords (1,500-3,000 characters, spaces included, selected bibliography not included) 

Late December 2021: notification of acceptance from the scientific committee 

May 19-21, 2022: conference


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