
Faulkner Architects | 建筑与环境形成对话

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29


The most importantly is provide an overriding common sense view of building in an appropriate way.

— Faulkner Architects


福克纳建筑师事务所由Greg Faulkner于1998年成立,旨在追求高度精雕细琢的、对场地敏感的空间的发展。重点放在建筑师、客户和建造者之间的互动过程,允许业主密切参与设计。

Faulkner Architects was formed by Greg Faulkner in 1998 to pursue the development of highly crafted, site-sensitive spaces. Emphasis is placed on an interactive process between architect, client and builder through the duration of the project, that allows the inhabitants to be intimately involved with design.

01. Big Barn


A San Francisco family of four asked us to create a retreat from their urban lifestyle, reusing the footprint of an existing 1950s ranch house in Glen Ellen, California, while building in a consistent way with the area’s rolling hills and agricultural structures.

Glen Ellen有许多类似谷仓的房子,混合了两种设计元素,将现代住宅风格的屋檐和落地窗设计安在了谷仓中。相比之下,这个3900平方英尺的房子,从基地现有的大棚中获得了灵感,改造成了一个双层房屋。一个简单的矩形双层住宅。立面面向西南方向,通高百叶窗减少了建筑获得的热量,参照传统的谷仓建筑。

Glen Ellen has many barn-like houses that confusingly mash up two design vocabularies, pasting residential-style overhangs and fenestration on barn forms in a kitschy blend. In contrast, this 3,900-square-foot house, dubbed the “Big Barn,” draws authentic inspiration from the site’s existing Tack Barn, which we had previously renovated into a bunk house. A simple, rectangular, two-story form emerged with an asymmetrical gabled roof. The shorter side of the roof faces the southwest sun and reduces heat gain to the structure. Fenestration is limited to this exposure as well and is organized as thin, full-height ventilation shutters that reference traditional barn building.


The entry, a larger version of the vertical slit elements, is recessed for shading. The fireplace and chimney, foreign to the barn typology, are displaced from the structure with glazed joints. The east side is more open to the view and morning sun.


A continuous, building-sized assembly of steel sash glazing includes large sliding doors that pocket into the adjacent wall and open the kitchen to the rear terrace. The upper zone of the main space is void of windows and is reminiscent of the empty, shell-like spaces of barns. A large vertical wood shutter located on the southeast gable end is aligned axially with an internal access through the plan on both levels. When open at both ends, prevailing breezes flow through the mass, cooling it naturally.


In order to leave the hillside intact and avoid grading, the form is excavated into the site uphill and cantilevered over it downhill. A steel-grated bridge connects the upper sleeping level with the hillside and tack barn above. A minimal material palette of reclaimed redwood, corrugated Corten steel, and black steel sash windows, combined with integral gutters and a lack of overhangs, furthers the minimal feeling of the construction. Inside, the singular materiality is continued via California Oak for floors, walls, and ceilings.Radiantly heated floors and minimal cooling provided only at sleeping areas, coupled with enhanced glazing, insulation, and mechanical system efficiencies, mitigate energy use.

02. Miner Road

本项目的客户是一对环境科学家夫妇和他们的两个儿子,这次,他们要举家从奥克兰山(Oakland Hills)搬迁到气候更加宜人的Orinda。值得一提的是,客户非常重视可持续发展,希望这座住宅能够达到年净零能耗的能源标准,因此,建筑师将这一能效方面的考量融合进了整个设计过程。项目基地位于山脚下,旁边是一条季节性的小溪,这里曾是一座建于1954年的农舍,此次,设计团队将其改造为了一座三居室的住宅建筑。经过对场地和原建筑的考察,设计团队发现原有的建筑建构和土壤的品质并不适合改造和加建,多方讨论和沟通后,设计团队决定重新寻找项目基地。原建筑的附近生长着一棵郁郁葱葱的山谷橡树(Valley Oak),设计团队便将其树荫下的一部分原有基地划为本住宅的基地。经过上述的一番修整后,原建筑中用于结构支撑作用的、由混凝土围合而成的壁炉空间被保留了下来。这一举措使得额外的评级变得可有可无,而新住宅也可以像原有建筑一样,保有与老橡树之间的亲密关系。
The clients are a couple of environmental scientists who, along with their two sons, relocated from the Oakland Hills to the warmer climate of Orinda. Their commitment to sustainability, including a request for net-zero energy performance annually, was evident in their thinking throughout the design process. A three-bedroom program began as a remodel of a 1954 ranch house at the foot of a hill next to a seasonal creek. After finding the existing structure and soils to be unsuitable, the direction settled on reusing the existing footprint under the shade of a Valley Oak that had grown up close to the original house. The surviving portion of the original house is the fireplace which was wrapped in concrete and utilized for structural support. This made additional grading unnecessary and allowed the new house to maintain the same intimate relation to the old oak.

The family desired an open living layout that connected directly to the landscape. A mezzanine plan evolved with a double height family space nested with a master bedroom and study stacked above the kitchen and nook. Downstairs, secondary bedrooms along an extendable hallway, wrap an outdoor dining area situated between the kitchen and family room.

A screened pacing deck for long phone calls shades the upper level from afternoon summer sun. For interior finishes, single use material selections produced acoustically insulated, unfinished oak ceilings and walls. The sum total of the limited and landscape-driven materials presents a relaxed and quiet built environment that allows the senses to focus on the natural environment. A haptic connection to the rhythms of our planet is evident.

A 14-gauge Corten rain screen provides a no-maintenance skin. High levels of insulation and glazing efficiency reduce heating and cooling loads. An 8.1kW photovoltaic system provides on-site renewable energy and produced more electrical energy than the house used the first year. Rainwater is collected via a waterfall from the roof at the end of the hallway. Buried tanks store water for use in toilets and laundry. Greywater is collected separately and reused for irrigation. Electronically commutated motors and variable speed heat pumps are used to further limit energy use and control heating and cooling. An energy recovery ventilator is used to provide fresh air.



03. Creek House

Creek House坐落在一个遍布着松树和冷杉的火山岩场地中,旁边是与山泉相连的Martis溪流。在Northstar California度假区的山脚附近,住宅的平面呈现为三个叠加的、穿插于岩石与树林之间的狭长矩形。面积最大的矩形包含了主要的起居空间和卧室。加在中间的矩形包含了入口和辅助空间,同时连接了双车位车库所在的第三个矩形。140英尺长的南向混凝土墙壁纵向地划分了空间,并将住宅与多山的场地连接在一起。
Set amidst a volcanic boulder field in a pine and fir forest, Creek House is a family retreat that inhabits an existing outcrop clearing at the edge of the spring fed Martis Creek. Near the base of Lookout Mountain at Northstar California Resort, the house is conceived in plan as three directional bars that slide between and alongside the boulders and trees. The largest contains the main living areas and sleeping quarters. A margin sized bar houses the entry and support spaces and connects the third bar that contains a tandem, drive-through garage to the house. A south facing, 140-foot long, insulated concrete wall demarks the spaces longitudinally and situates the house in the mountainous terrain.

A shift of the major bar to the west over the natural downslope of the site earns two requested rock gardens. The garden to the east is open to the sky and built into the void left by the displacement, with building height concrete walls retained to provide privacy for the master bedroom. The gravel surface, set with site native basalt stones and framed with water, can be viewed only through a low, three-dimensional glass box that allows the garden to penetrate the room. A rectangular basin captures snow melt to create a protective and ephemeral pool of water around this most private area of the house. 

The second garden to the west lives under the cantilevered house that shields the lower level from the west sun and contains the largest boulders of the site. A glazed hallway floor above reveals a dramatic drop in the topography and car sized boulders.

At the top of the slope, the one-story horizontal form presents a closed and secure face to the northwestern street exposure. Fire resistive steel rain screens and tempered glazing inhabit the territories earned by the concrete wall. The mass heavy house is designed as a long thin rectangle that faces the sun to maximize solar exposure during winter and minimize heat gain from the west and east in summer. The house is cooled by prevailing breezes that flow up and through the house from the west. Radiantly heated bluestone floors, solar assisted domestic hot water and LED electric light further reduce energy demands.



Faulkner Architects 

Faulkner Architects的工作之一是在结构和专业方面对每个项目严格把控。不负所望。

A strong commitment to the quality of every project is evident in the structures and professional relationships. Repeat projects for clients that become friends make up a third of the work at Faulkner Architects.


Evolution of the design into and through construction is an integral part of the process. Work begins with listening to the client and understanding their ultimate goals for the project. A measured response emerges after careful consideration and observation.

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