
桥计划 27 | 讲座:塔哈尔卡(Taharqa)法老:其人奇事

岳之祺 世界艺术史研究 2022-06-11




King Taharqa: The Man and the Myth




Rita Freed博士是哈佛大学哈钦森中心(Hutchins Center)的迈克尔·科恩艺术史研究员,她在此从事努比亚艺术(Nubian art)的研究。此外她还在韦尔斯利学院(Wellesley College)教授埃及和努比亚艺术。

Freed 博士在韦尔斯利学院取得学士学位,在纽约大学美术研究所取得埃及和古代近东艺术与考古学硕士和博士学位。她曾是孟菲斯大学艺术学副教授和埃及艺术与考古研究所的创始主任,之后前往波士顿美术博物馆,现在担任古埃及、努比亚和近东艺术部门的荣誉教授。

Freed 博士曾在埃及从三角洲(delta)到卡纳克(Karnak)以及以色列和塞浦路斯的许多地点进行了勘察和挖掘。她策划和共同策划的展览包括埃及的黄金时代(Egypt’s Golden Age)、古埃及的神圣之旅(A Divine Tour of Ancient Egypt)、拉美西斯大帝(Ramesses the Great)、太阳法老(Pharaohs of the Sun)、10A号古墓的秘密(The Secrets of Tomb 10A)和古努比亚(Ancient Nubia)。












在第 25 王朝统治埃及和努比亚(Nubia)的所有男性中,我们对塔哈尔卡(Taharqa)(公元前 690-664 年)的了解比对其他任何人的都多。他建造或扩建了更多的寺庙,创造了更多巨型雕像,留下的铭文材料比拉美西斯大帝(Ramesses the Great)以来的任何一位统治者都多。

他在埃及和努比亚的书面记载被亚述年鉴(Assyrian Annals)和圣经记录并扩充。生活在塔哈尔卡之后约 700 年的希腊地理学家斯特拉博(Strabo)将他誉为古代世界最伟大的征服者之一。尽管如此,他的名字和功绩在今天仍鲜为人知。



*发送电子邮件至 arce.dc.news@gmail.com 以获取注册此活动的链接。注册将在开始前一小时关闭。讲座和简短的问答将持续约一小时。

King Taharqa: The Man and the Myth

Event type: lecture

Address: ONLINE

Event dates: Saturday, June 11, 2022, at 1 p.m. (eastern US time)

Contact: arce.dc.news@gmail.com

Lecture Information:

Of all the men who ruled the great sweep of Egypt and Nubia during the 25th dynasty, we have more information about Taharqa (690-664 BCE) than for any other.  He built or augmented more temples, created more colossal statuary, and left behind more inscribed material than any ruler since Ramesses the Great.

His written records in Egypt and Nubia are augmented by accounts in the Assyrian Annals and the Bible.  And the Greek geographer Strabo, who lived some 700 years after Taharqa, listed him as one of the great conquerors of the ancient world.

Despite this, his name and exploits are little known by today’s public.

Taharqa wants us to believe he was a precocious and charismatic youth, a pious and caring man, a brilliant military strategist, and clever in the use of politics and marketing as a means to empower his vast and diverse empire.  Even in death, he singles himself out.

This lecture is an attempt to tell the story of the life of King Taharqa and, in doing so, tease out his humanity and creativity.

Email us at arce.dc.news@gmail.com for a link to register forthis event. Registration will close an hour before the start.The lecture and a short Q&A will last about one hour.

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Rita Freed is the Michael Cohen Fellow in Art History at the Hutchins Center, Harvard University, where she is pursuing research in Nubian art, and developing methods to make it more widely available.  She also teaches Egyptian and Nubian Art at Wellesley College.

Dr. Freed received her B.A. from Wellesley College and her M. A. and Ph. D. in Egyptian and Ancient Near Eastern Art and Archaeology from the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University.  She was Associate Professor of Art at the University of Memphis and founding Director of the Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology before going to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, to head the Department of Ancient Egyptian, Nubian, and Near Eastern Art, a position she now holds as Emerita.

Dr. Freed has excavated in Egypt at numerous sites from the delta to Karnak as well as in Israel and Cyprus.  Exhibitions she has curated and co-curated include Egypt’s Golden Age, A Divine Tour of Ancient Egypt, Ramesses the Great, Pharaohs of the Sun, The Secrets of Tomb 10A, and Ancient Nubia Now.

文案 | 岳之祺

排版 | 李思薇

审核 | 尹诗琪 邱弼君

