
食四季 饮未醺

慢珊瑚设计 慢珊瑚设计


Entering is a world of fireworks
Retreat to the banks of the Fuchun River


In this atmosphere with strong urban attributes, explore nature from an artistic perspective and find a place to escape from the world. Four Seasons is not drunk, and you are surrounded by tall buildings, overlooking the banks of the Fuchun River. Tracing back to the essence of the landscape, nature extends indoors to create a unique sense of integration between interior and exterior.


Not Drunk


Symbiotic with nature and attached to Fuchun landscape. The original rough rocks still retain the traces of time polished by the tides. Starting from the local scenery, we pursue and explore the eternal blend of nature and space.


This is a testing ground for utopian spirit.
Continuously exploring inward, everything slowly unfolds outward as you step in: with the guidance of the light, a "primitive cave" opened up in the world begins to come into view. From the outside to the inside, from bottom to top, a primitive field as mysterious as alcohol is constructed.

未经打磨的山石,可以和空间、人之情感产生怎样的共振? 在「未醺」,这些问题是呈现,亦是答案。

山石,自然无序,其代表的“原始世界”: 演绎着生命力进化。设计以其背后所映射的自然本质为契机展开,亦是对原始肌理的一次回望。

How can unpolished rocks resonate with space and human emotions? In "Weijiu", these questions are both presented and answered.

Mountain rocks, naturally disordered, represent the "primitive world": interpreting the evolution of vitality. The design takes the natural essence reflected behind it as an opportunity to develop, and it is also a review of the original texture.


At this moment, darkness and light are intertwined, and in the hazy and slightly drunken environment, I unexpectedly encounter the sincere and beautiful heart in nature. The space is closely integrated with the surrounding environment, creating a relaxed tension, and the interlaced layers provide the existing reality under the psychedelic state of alcohol.


The strong sense of sculpture amplifies sensory experience and gives spatial perception through texture changes. Irregular columns resemble natural divisions and breaks between rocks, blurring spatial boundaries and becoming an important component of different scene functions. The ups and downs of the physical form not only enhance the tension of the picture but also enrich the visual layer, focusing the sight in the depth.


Black, like when you are slightly drunk, covers your heart with a veil, hiding yourself in it and gaining freedom. Using light and shadow to create a blurry dream, the rising and falling lights release emotions, surging like the tide of a river, spreading throughout the space, infiltrating every lonely and interesting soul. Blending the ultimate pure whiskey with just the right amount of lightness to create a tipsy atmosphere, leave the hustle and bustle behind and hide here.


Shi Yi


Japanese fusion cuisine - Shishi, abandons the superficial "shape" and focuses more on the "rhythm" of the landscape. Integrate the design into the local scenery and bring delicious food into a leisurely and comfortable space.


The traditional Japanese wooden frame structure architectural form is used to divide the indoor space, and two moving lines in front of the board and the box are set up in the irregular plane. Natural light guides visitors to the board, weakening the space decoration, and using light and shadow to highlight the fur-like texture. The collision with the dark space permeates rich visual layers.


If "not drunk" is about finding the hiddenness of the mountains, then "eating and drinking" is about the exquisiteness of the water.


Against a background dominated by black, light and darkness brew together, quite reminiscent of the shadowy beauty in Junichiro Tanizaki's works. Maximize the emphasis on the "darkness" of the space, and then use light to illuminate the dense and colorful strokes, forming a layered sense of light and dark.

The design draws inspiration from nature to break the boundaries between indoor and outdoor, conveys the atmosphere of landscapes within the framework of modern language, and constructs a humanistic artistic conception. Through the changes of "points, lines, surfaces" and "light and shade", it is fascinating in the transfer and gaze, and transforms abstract artistic expression. Create an exquisite and elegant dining environment with perceptible spatial intentions.

四季未醺  Four Seasons Not Drunk




Four Seasons Not Drunk

Project location: Hangzhou Fuchun River
Project type: Commercial catering & bar
Building area: 1600㎡
Design case: Slow Coral Design
Project photography:Ma Yigao
Completion time:  2023.10



西湖畔的秘境 . 遇湖湾餐厅

珀·法餐厅  AmbréCiel




