

主流学者关注了 语言治理 2023-05-17












1. It is what it is.


比如,面对美国疫情失控的现状,特朗普就曾经轻描淡写地说过一句:It is what it is.(事儿就是这么个事儿。)

My mother says I can’t go out tonight even though I really want to. It is what it is I guess.


2. You don’t say.

很多小伙伴看到这句话的第一反应可能是你别说话,但其实,这句话种意思:第一种,表示惊讶,不会吧?真的吗?相当于oh my god

—'I'm a writer.' 


—'You don't say. What kind of book are you writing?' 



—Don't mock me! I'll beat him. 


You don't say!


3.Tell me about it.


—His attitude is driving me crazy.


Tell me about it.


4. A win is a win.

有底气说这句话的人凭的都是实力,这句话的意思是说:“赢了就是赢了。(服气吧!)”例如,跟别人比赛, 对方输了却怪东怪西,这时候你可以跟他说:"A win is a win."(不管你怎么说, 我是凭实力赢的)。

其实,英文中还有很多 n.+be动词+n. 表的表达方式。例如,Rules are rules的意思是“规则就是这个样子”。如果有人托你办事,你经过努力之后发现这个人的某个条件不达标,有心而无力,那就只好说一句:“I'm really sorry, rules are rules.”



1. nonsense 胡说,废话


This report is nonsense and nothing but a waste of paper.


2. tawddle 无聊的话、废话


She dismissed the findings as utter twaddle/a load 

of old twaddle.


3. yakety yak 废话、瞎扯

这一俚语来源于单词 yack/yakyak在作名词时表示“牦牛”,yack在作为动词使用的时候表示用令人厌烦的方式一直谈论一些不重要的事情, 对应中文场景的替换词为“瞎扯;废话;唠叨”。

They did some yakety yak for one hour . 


不过也有朋友认为废话文学应该用superfluous Literature 表示,


In a line familiar to all Chinese middle school students, the legendary 20th century scholar Lu Xun (鲁迅) wrote : “In my backyard, I can see two trees beyond the wall. One is a jujube tree. The other is also a jujube tree.”

Of course, this style can be employed not only by essayists, but is also found everywhere in contemporary popular culture, obsessed as it is with surface meaning over depth. The lyrics to “Song of the Fifth Ring Road (《五环之歌》),” a viral song performed by cross-talk actor Yue Yunpeng in 2016, are a perfect example: “Ah, the Fifth Ring! You are one more ring than the Fourth Ring...You are one ring less than the Sixth Ring!” Though completely meaningless, people couldn’t help but fall in love with the hilarious feihua lyrics.

TV dramas are another cradle of superfluous literature. In The Sword and the Fairy 3 (《仙剑奇侠传三》) a popular fantasy drama released in 2009, female lead Xue Jian quips to male lead Jing Tian: “You’re actually quite charming when your aren’t horrible.” Likewise, in the 2011 drama Empresses in the Palace (《甄嬛传》), the outraged emperor finds out about an economic crisis in the realm and demands “Where did all our silver go?” The eunuch Su Peisheng replies, in masterful feihua -style: “Silver, precious as it is, of course have places to go.”

Even the 1981 adaptation of the novel Journey to the West , one of China’s highest-rated TV shows of all time, has feihua lines. When the monk Tang Sanzang arrives at Biqiu State, he is perplexed to see a sign at the city gates which reads “Children’s Country.” In a moment of dialogue that no doubt should have been left on the cutting floor by the show’s editors, Tang asks a local resident: “Isn’t it Biqiu State here? Why has it changed to ‘Children’s Country?’” To which the local replies: “Yeah. Originally it was Biqiu State. Now it’s called Children’s Country.”Netizens’ complaints about feihua literature have morphed into admiration at how empty words can get one out of an awkward situation, with many finding the art of saying something without saying anything a useful linguistic weapon. It is particularly helpful when, for example, responding to uncomfortable questions:A: When will you find a boyfriend?
Nǐ shénme shíhou néng zhǎodào nánpéngyou?
B: When I become somebody’s girlfriend.
Dāng wǒ chéngwéi biérén nǚpéngyou de shíhou.
What do you think the boss is going to announce at tomorrow’s meeting?
Nǐ juéde míngtiān huì shang lǎobǎn huì xuānbù shénme xiāoxi?
You will definitely know the day after tomorrow.
Míngtiān de shì, hòutiān nǐ kěndìng zhīdào le.
Putting aside the facts, what you said is correct.
Pāokāi shìshí bù tán, nǐ shuō de shì duì de
If he wasn’t so ugly, he would be pretty good-looking.
Rǔguǒ tā bú zhème nánkàn, yīnggāi hái tǐng hǎokàn de.
More importantly, empty language can be used to counterattack feihua itself. Such as:The last time I heard words as meaningful as this was last time.
Shàngcì tīngdào zhème yǒu dàolǐ de huà háishì shàngcì.
But perhaps the most famous riposte to feihua literature, and one that also expertly incorporates superfluous speech, is adapted from an old saying which goes: “Hearing a single speech from you is worth more than ten years’ study of books (听君一席话,胜读十年书 Tīng jūn yì xí huà, shèng dú shínián shū).” The feihua -style version, on the other hand, reads: “Hearing a single speech from you is like hearing a speech (听君一席话,如听一席话 Tīng jūn yì xí huà, rú tīng yì xí huà).”


