
【学术视频】2019年广东省物理学会年会 | 华南师范大学徐小志研究员

KouShare 蔻享学术 2023-01-05

图 | 徐小志

题   目:Growth of a 100-square-centimeter single- crystal hexagonal boron nitride monolayer报告人:徐小志单   位:华南师范大学时   间:2019-12-08地   点:东莞理工学院



The development of two-dimensional (2D) materials has opened up possibilities for their application in electronics, optoelectronics and photovoltaics, because they can provide devices with smaller size, higher speed and additional functionalities compared with conventional silicon-based devices. The ability to grow large, high-quality single crystals for 2D components—that is, conductors, semiconductors and insulators—is essential for the industrial application of 2D devices. Atom-layered hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), with its excellent stability, flat surface and large bandgap, has been reported to be the best 2D insulator. However, the size of 2D hBN single crystals is typically limited to less than one millimetre, mainly because of difficulties in the growth of such crystals; these include excessive nucleation, which precludes growth from a single nucleus to large single crystals, and the threefold symmetry of the hBN lattice, which leads to antiparallel domains and twin boundaries on most substrates. Here we report the epitaxial growth of a 100-square-centimetre single-crystal hBN monolayer on a low-symmetry Cu (110) vicinal surface, obtained by annealing an industrial copper foil. Structural characterizations and theoretical calculations indicate that epitaxial growth was achieved by the coupling of Cu <211> step edges with hBN zigzag edges, which breaks the equivalence of antiparallel hBN domains, enabling unidirectional domain alignment better than 99 per cent. The growth kinetics, unidirectional alignment and seamless stitching of the hBN domains are unambiguously demonstrated using centimetre- to atomic-scale characterization techniques. Our findings are expected to facilitate the wide application of 2D devices and lead to the epitaxial growth of broad non-centrosymmetric 2D materials, such as various transition-metal dichalcogenides, to produce large single crystals.


徐小志研究员, 2017年博士毕业于北京大学,之后在北京大学继续从事博士后研究,20197月加入华南师范大学物理与电信工程学院。现为华南师范大学物理与电信工程学院高层次青年报尖人才,研究员。2019中国十大新锐科技人物,2020广东省重点研发计划首席科学家,2020广东省杰出青年基金获得者,国家博新计划入选者。徐小志研究员长期从事表面、界面调控二维单晶材料的设计、制造与表征研究。近五年共发表文章21篇,其中影响因子大于10的13篇,第一作者(含共一)13篇。包括Nature(2篇)、 Nature NanotechnologyESI高被引论文)、 Nature Chemistry, Advanced Materials, Chemical Society Reviews, Science BulletinESI高被引论文)。编著学术著作一部《石墨烯的结构与基本性质》(副主编)。共申请专利17项,授权9项。



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