
“刘海”屏科技界地道翻译?iPhone 13 让主流外媒失望! | 外刊精读解析

译介 译介 2022-06-09

2021苹果秋季发布会于北京时间9月15日凌晨1点“高光上线”,给“果粉”们带来了iPhone 13系列四款手机新品、新一代iPad mini以及Apple watch 7。

最受瞩目的当属iPhone 13系列:四款机型全都换上了A15处理器,起步容量从64G升至128G,屏幕的“刘海”终于变窄了,两款Pro机型的屏幕刷新率最高可达120Hz,电池寿命延长,相机性能也有不小的提升,新增“电影模式”,机身颜色新增了粉色与蓝色……

不过,尽管在诸多方面都有所升级,还是有不少用户调侃说“iPhone 13就是iPhone 12换个名字拿出来卖”,发布会结束后,苹果股价甚至由涨转跌。不过新品的起售价格甚至要比iPhone 12系列低一些,这是令人意想不到的,不少用户也表示“真香”。









Apple’s new iPhone 13 is better, but not by much.苹果新品iPhone 13性能有所提升,但总体变化不大
It is a story that now happens just about every September: Apple introduced new iPhones that have slightly bigger screens, faster speeds and better cameras — but no new major advances.目前,这是一件几乎每年9月都会发生的事:苹果公司推出屏幕更大、速度更快、相机更好的iPhone系列新品——但并没有什么重大的新进展。

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In a prerecorded infomercial, Apple executives framed the improvements in the new iPhone 13 as significant innovations, but they result in a device that looks and performs much like the iPhones that Apple touted last year.
在预先录制的产品宣传片中,苹果公司高管宣称iPhone 13的改进是重大的创新,但创新后的产品在外观和性能上与苹果去年兜售的iPhone (12系列)相差无几。


该词主要用于美式英语,表示“专题广告片,商品信息电视片”英文释义为“a long television advertisement, that contains a lot of information and seems like a normal programme”。
这个单词不难记忆,即“information + commercial”,commercial除了我们熟悉的作形容词使用外,也可以作名词表示“(电台或电视播放的)广告”。
*该单词所使用的构词法称为“blending”,指把两个词位(lexeme)的一部分拼在一起从而组成新词位。一般是把第一个单词的开头部分和第二个单词的最后部分结合起来。或许没学过语言学的同学听起来会感觉有点陌生,但看了下面几个常见的例子大家就明白了:Brexit (Britain + exit)brunch (breakfast + lunch)sitcom (situation + comedy)
frame作名词和动词时都有不少含义此处是个熟词僻义,用来表示“to express sth in a particular way”即“(以某种方式)表达;(小心措辞以)表达”。
Even as his political career died, he tried to frame his resignation as an act of public service: “It’s not about me, it’s about we.” (20210814)
You'll have to be careful how you frame the question.如何提出这个问题,你得慎重。
3、tout /taʊt/
①v. tout sb/sth (as sth): to try to persuade people that sb/sth is important or valuable by praising them/it表示“标榜;吹捧;吹嘘”
[例句]She's being touted as the next leader of the party.她被吹捧为该党的下一任领导人。
President Trump touted his economic record in front of world leaders at the 50th annual World Economic Forum in Davos.在瑞士达沃斯举行的第50届年度世界经济论坛上,美国总统特朗普向世界各国领导人吹捧自己在经济发展上取得的成绩。
②v.to try to persuade people to buy your goods or services, especially by going to them and asking them directly表示“兜售;招徕”
[例句]Minicab drivers are not allowed to tout for business.接受电话预定的出租车司机不允许私自拉生意。
He's busy touting his client's latest book around London publishers.他正忙于向伦敦多家出版商兜售他的委托人的一部新书。
③v. to sell tickets for a popular event illegally, at a price that is higher than the official price, especially outside a theatre, stadium, etc.表示“(尤指在剧院、体育场等外)倒卖高价票,卖黑市票”
④n. a person who buys tickets for concerts, sports events, etc. and then sells them to other people at a higher price作名词时,可表示“(音乐会、体育比赛等的)卖高价票的人,票贩子”,也就是我们俗称的“黄牛”。也可以写作“ticket tout”



Apple said the new iPhones have a brighter screen, longer battery life and more powerful cameras and computer processors. Having already pushed the screen nearly to the edge of the device, Apple slightly increased its size by reducing the small notch at the top of the screen. Apple kept the same flat-edge design of the phone that it has used in other recent models.


本段介绍了新款iPhone的一些升级。开头的“brighter screen”直译过来就是“更亮的屏幕”,不过可能会让读者不太理解为什么屏幕要更亮。根据查阅到的资料,此处应该指的是手机屏幕在户外时的峰值亮度有所提升。
刘海屏一词最早来源于2017年9月苹果公司发布的苹果iPhone X。
在Medium(一个博客发布平台)的一篇文章中对此进行了介绍:You’ve undoubtedly noticed the notch at the top of the iPhone X or iPhone XS display. It’s that black part that houses the top speaker, camera, and Face ID technology that cuts into the display, leaving it to extend into two corners.

*那么正儿八经的刘海怎么说呢?美式英语是“bangs”(美式英语);英式英语中则是“fringe”:the front part of sb's hair that is cut so that it hangs over their forehead.



Apple is hoping that by adding new features and making slight design improvements, customers will keep shelling out more money. It is a strategy that has worked for a long time. The iPhone, now in its 14th year, remains one of the world’s best-selling products and the centerpiece of Apple’s business. Over the first half of the year, the latest period available, Apple said iPhone sales rose 58 percent to $87.5 billion over the same period a year earlier.


1、shell out
shell out (for sth) | shell sth↔out (for sth): to pay a lot of money for sth表示“付(一大笔钱);为…花费一大笔钱”
[例句]The band shelled out $100 000 for a mobile recording studio.该乐队花了10万元购置一间移动录音室。
①fork outfork out (for sth) | fork out sth (for/on sth): to spend a lot of money on sth, especially unwillingly表示“(尤指不情愿地)大量花钱,大把掏钱”
Why fork out for a taxi when there's a perfectly good bus service?有挺好的公共汽车,干吗要多掏钱坐出租汽车?
②splurge /splɜːdʒ / noun, verb1)可直接作名词使用,表示“an act of spending a lot of money on sth that you do not really need(乱花钱;糟蹋钱;挥霍)”2)作动词使用时,splurge (sth) (on sth) 表示“to spend a lot of money on sth that you do not really need”,即“乱花(钱);糟蹋(钱);挥霍”
③splash outsplash out (on sth) | splash sth↔out (on/for sth): to spend a lot of money on sth表示“花大笔的钱(买某物等)”[例句]
We're going to splash out and buy a new car.我们打算挥霍一下,买辆新车。He splashed out hundreds of pounds on designer clothes.他花了几百英镑买名牌服装。
④squander /ˈskwɒndə(r) / v.squander sth (on sb/sth): to waste money, time, etc. in a stupid or careless way表示“浪费,挥霍(金钱、时间等)”[例句]He squandered all his money on gambling.他把自己所有的钱都糟蹋在赌博上了。
2、over the same period a year earlier“与前一年同期比较”,也就是我们常听见的“同比”了
[拓展]表示“同比”还经常使用“year on year”
[短语](with) a year-on-year growth of…increase by … year on year
[例句](TE) Ford’s net profit fell by half in the second quarter, year on year, mainly owing to the chip crunch. (20210807)与去年同期相比,福特汽车公司(Ford)今年第二季度的净利润下跌了50%,主要原因就是芯片突然短缺。Spending has increased year on year. 与去年同期比较,开销增加了。
*环比则是“是表示连续2个统计周期(比如连续两月)内的量的变化比”:compared with the last (month, quarter, etc.)



Apple spent much of its advertisement showing off the iPhone’s new “cinematic mode,” a camera technology that can automatically follow and focus on a subject, resulting in videos that more closely resemble professional movies. Apple’s emphasis on advanced camera technology in its iPhones is a reflection of its hefty investment in artificial intelligence to compete with Google.


*本段介绍了苹果新品在iPhone相机上所下的功夫,又用到了一个带有一些感情色彩的词“show off”。不过小编个人认为iPhone的相机确实是其值得夸耀的一个方面。
这是个比较专业的术语,不过大家从前半部分的“cinema”估计也能猜出和电影有关~该词表示“connected with films/movies and how they are made”即“电影的;电影制作的;适宜于拍电影的;电影艺术的”
[短语]cinematic effects/techniques 电影制作效果/技术sb’s first cinematic appearance 某人的银幕首秀
不意外的是,相机仍是苹果在iPhone 13系列上提升的重点,而在这之中全新的电影模式应该算得上是最有意思的新功能了。通过A15 Bionic芯片和新感光器的配合,用户在开启这一模式后,就能拍出类似电影那样的自动平滑切换焦点效果。比如在某一场景中,焦点可以先落在处于前景的人物上,当其扭头去看后景的人物时,系统也会自动把焦点移到那个人身上(后期时也能手动调节焦点)。这样的效果可以大大丰富镜头语言,在vlog大行其道的今天它的吸引力应该会非常大呢。
不过需要注意的是,根据苹果官网所写,这个电影模式目前只能用来拍摄 1080p 30fps 的视频。这样的规格实话说是有点不够看的,或许更好的画质要等到明年更强的硬件出来才能实现了。(选自ZAKER新闻)



As in past years, Apple unveiled two separate versions of the new iPhone: the entry-level iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 mini, and the more expensive and advanced iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max. Apple largely kept prices flat from last year’s models.
与往年一样,苹果公司发布了两类iPhone机型:其一是初级的iPhone 13和iPhone 13 mini,其二是更昂贵、更先进的iPhone 13 Pro和iPhone 13 Pro Max。而新品的价格基本与去年的机型持平。

📒 精读解析:

1、unveil /ˌʌnˈveɪl / v.
①to remove a cover or curtain from a painting, statue, etc. so that it can be seen in public for the first timeveil本身有“面纱,面罩”的含义,那么unveil(去掉面纱)的意思就不难记忆了:表示“为…揭幕;揭开…上的覆盖物;拉开…的帷幔”[例句]The Queen unveiled a plaque to mark the official opening of the hospital.女王主持揭幕式,标志着医院正式启用。
②to show or introduce a new plan, product, etc. to the public for the first time表示“(首次)展示,介绍,推出;将…公诸于众”,文中就是取的该释义。[例句]Companies from across Europe are here to unveil their latest models.全欧洲的公司都来到这里展示其最新款产品。
①releaseto make sth available to the public表示“公开;公布;发布”[例句]
Police have released no further details about the accident.关于这次事故,警方没有透露更多的细节。
[短语]new products released onto the market投放到市场的新产品
②launchto make a product available to the public for the first time表示“(首次)上市,发行”。*release和launch的细微差别就藏在它俩的英文释义中,大家发现了吗?launch更强调首次出现在公众视野(for the first time)。[例句]The new model will be launched in July.新型号产品将在七月推出。
③issuethe act of supplying or making available things for people to buy or use表示“发行;分发”,不过一般用于股票、邮票、声明等的发布[例句]I bought a set of the new stamps on the date of issue.我在新邮票发行的当天就买了一套。
[短语]the issue of a joint statement by the French and German foreign ministers法德两国外交部长联合声明的发布



The dominance of the iPhone has also brought Apple increased scrutiny and criticism from app developers, regulators and lawmakers. Having an iPhone app has become a necessity for many companies, which has enabled Apple to build an enormous business by charging a commission of up to 30 percent on some app sales.



1、commission /kəˈmɪʃn /
①an amount of money that is paid to sb for selling goods and which increases with the amount of goods that are sold表示“佣金;回扣;提成”,文中使用的便是此义
[例句]You get a 10% commission on everything you sell.你可从你售出的每件商品中获得 10% 的佣金。In this job you work on commission (= are paid according to the amount you sell).你做这份工作按销售额提成。
②an amount of money that is charged by a bank, etc. for providing a particular service表示“(银行等的)手续费”
[例句]1% commission is charged for cashing traveller's cheques.兑现旅行支票收取1%的手续费。
③an official group of people who have been given responsibility to control sth, or to find out about sth, usually for the government表示“(通常为政府管控或调查某事的)委员会”,有时首字母会大写。
[短语]the European Commission欧洲联盟委员会
[例句]The government has set up a commission of inquiry into the disturbances at the prison.政府成立了一个委员会来调查监狱骚乱事件。
④the act of doing sth wrong or illegal表示“做错事;犯罪”,也常用动词形式commit
[短语]the commission of a crime 犯罪
[拓展]再给大家补充一个搭配:in/out of commission: available/not available to be used表示“可使用/不可使用”
[例句]Several of the airline's planes are temporarily out of commission and undergoing safety checks.这家航空公司有几架飞机暂时不能使用,正在接受安全检查。



But that practice has been at the center of legal and regulatory challenges in recent years. Last week, a federal judge ordered Apple to let app developers direct customers to other payment methods in their apps, which could enable them to avoid Apple’s commission. Regulators in the United States, Europe and India are also investigating Apple’s App Store practices.







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闭幕了,"It’s a little lonely"




