
广州设计三年展2024 | 汇聚国内外学术力量,18位学术委员共筑学理新高度


Guangzhou Design Triennial 2024 will open to the public in January 2024! The Triennial has gained wide attention from the academic community since its preparation. Guangdong Museum of Art is honored to invite 18 scholars, who have long been deeply engaged in art theory research and have a high degree of concern, sensitivity and observation in Chinese contemporary art, art design and other fields, to participate in the Academic Committee of the Guangzhou Design Triennial. We believe that these domestic and foreign academic forces can contribute to the long-term development of Chinese design history, contemporary concepts and creativity. 


Resume of Academic Committee Members of 2024 Guangzhou Triennial (Guangzhou Design Triennial), Guangdong Museum of Art

List of Academic Committee Members [in alphabetical order by pinyin of surname]:



Paola Antonelli joined The Museum of Modern Art in 1994 and is the Museum’s Senior Curator in the Department of Architecture and Design, as well as MoMA’s founding Director of Research and Development. Her work investigates design in all its forms, from architecture to video games, often expanding its reach to include overlooked objects and practices. Her exhibitions, lectures, and writings contemplate design’s intersection and interaction with other fields (from technology and biology to popular culture) and with life—that of individuals, communities, all species, and all planets. Her goal is to promote people’s understanding of design, until its positive influence on the world is universally acknowledged.

An architect trained at the Polytechnic of Milan and a pasionaria of design, Antonelli has been named one of the 25 most incisive design visionaries in the world by TIME magazine, has earned the Design Mind Smithsonian Institution’s National Design Award, has been inducted in the US Art Directors Club Hall of Fame, and has received the AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Artists,) the London Design Medal, and the German Design Award, among other accolades.


Feng Boyi is an independent curator, art critic, and a researcher at the Institute of Art Sociology, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. He is currently based in Beijing. He served as the artistic director of He Xiangning Art Museum from 2007 to 2017, won the Curator of the Year Award of the “Art Power List” twice in 2010 and 2016, and awarded "Curator of the Year" of the 12th Award of Art China (AAC) in 2018. Since the late 1980s, he has been dedicated to curation, comment and editorial work of contemporary Chinese art, published hundreds of thousands of words of papers and commentary articles, and curated hundreds of contemporary art exhibitions. He is currently one of the most active independent curators and critics in China.


Born in Guilin in 1964, Feng Yuan holds a master's degree in Fine Arts and a PhD in Architecture. Currently, he serves as professor at the School of Journalism and Communication at Sun Yat-sen University, Director of the Visual Communication Research Center at Sun Yat-sen University, and Director of the Department of Art, Design and Creative Industry at Nanfang College Guangzhou. He has long been engaged in cultural research and art criticism, involving visual art, architecture, urban and regional culture, etc., and also engaged in spatial design, public art creation, conceptual art creation and curation practice.

托马斯·A·盖斯勒(Thomas A. Geisler),生于1971年,德国德累斯顿国家艺术收藏馆(SKD)装饰艺术博物馆馆长,维也纳设计周的联合创始人和董事会成员,清华大学艺术博物馆特展“交织的轨迹:德国现代设计1945-1990”总策划。作为设计策展人、评论家和文化制作人,于2019年被任命为第26届卢布尔雅那国际设计双年展(bio26)的首席策展人。参与策划维也纳双年展(2015年、2017年)、伦敦设计双年展(2016年、2018年、2021年、2023年)、维特拉设计博物馆等国际展览。曾担任奥地利布雷根茨沃尔德地区的工艺与贸易协会Werkraum Bregenzerwald的执行主任,维也纳MAK设计收藏的馆长与策展人,并在维也纳应用艺术大学帕帕内克基金会的建立中发挥了关键作用。在位于德累斯顿皮尔尼茨宫的装饰艺术博物馆中建立了“设计校园”(Design Campus),作为跨学科的研究和发展平台。

Thomas A. Geisler, born in 1971, is Drector of the Decorative Art Museum at Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (SKD) in Germany. He is a co-founder and board member of the Vienna Design Week and the Chief Director of the special exhibition "Crossing Parallels: German Design 1945-1990" at the Tsinghua University Art Museum. As a design curator, critic, and cultural producer, he was appointed as the Chief Curator of the the 26th Biennial of Design at the Museum of Architecture and Design in Ljubljana (Bio26) in 2019,participated in the curating of international exhibitions such as the Vienna Biennale (2015, 2017), the London Design Biennale (2016, 2018, 2021, 2023), and the Vitra Design Museum. He has served as the Executive Director of the Werkraum Bregenzerwald in the Bregenzwald, Austria, the Curator and Director of Design and Collection in Museum Für Angewandte Kunst (MAK), and played a key role in establishing Papanek Foundation at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. He established "Design Campus" in the Museum of Decorative Arts in Pillnitz Palace in Dresden as an interdisciplinary R&D platform.


Han Xu serves as Vice President, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of China Academy of Fine Arts, Chief Expert of "Research on Chinese Character Inheritance and Innovative Design", a key project in art section of the National Social Science Fund of China, Vice Chairman of the Design Education Special Committee of China Association of Higher Education, Deputy Director of Culture, History and Learning Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Political Consultative Conference, Vice Chairman of the National Design Terminology Approval Sub-Committee, Expert Member of Chinese Character Font Design and Research Center, and Director of Graphic Design Art Committee of Zhejiang Artists Association.


Jiang Hua serves as Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, and Director of Visual Communication Design at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and Member of the Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI). As a curator and critic, he has curated a series of key exhibitions like the International Poster Biennial, Ningbo, Social Energy: Contemporary Communication Design from the Netherlands, and Typojanchi: International Typography Biennale in Seoul. As a text artist and designer, Jiang has long engaged in teaching, researching, and creating Chinese character art. His works integrate Chinese characters and poetics, writing and printing, tradition and modernity. He has held solo exhibitions such as "Searching Stelae, Writing and Salute".


作品在本地及海外屡获殊荣,其中包括:香港十大杰出青年(1979) ,市政局设计大奖(1984) ,首位华人名列世界平面设计师名人录(1995) ,香港特区颁予铜紫荆星章勋衔(1999) 及银紫荆星章勋衔(2010) ,香港设计师协会终身荣誉奖(2016) 。其作品常展出海外各地,并获英国、美国和中国(包括香港、澳门、台湾地区)等地博物馆及个人收藏。


Kan Tai-Keung, an internationally renowned designer and artist, started his career in 1967 as an active member of the Hong Kong New Ink Movement, constantly blazing new trails. Since 1970, he has played an active role in art and design education, and taught a great number of outstanding students.

With his works, Kan Tai-Keung has won numerous awards both locally and overseas, including the Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Young Persons (1979) and the Urban Council Design Grand Award (1984). He is the first Chinese to be included in the "Who's Who in Graphic Design" (1995), a recipient of the Honor of Bronze Bauhinia Star (1999) and the Honor of Silver Bauhinia Star (2010) conferred by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and a winner of the Lifetime Honor Award of Hong Kong Designers Association (2016). His works are often exhibited overseas and collected by museums and individuals in the United Kingdom, the United States, and China (including Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan).

Kan is enthusiastic about promoting art and design. In 2005, he was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Design by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is currently the Honorary Dean of the Cheung Kong School of Art & Design of Shantou University, Fellow Member of Hong Kong Designers Association, Member of Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI), Art Advisor of Leisure and Cultural Services Department of Hong Kong, Honorary Advisor of Hong Kong Museum of Art, and Advisor of Hong Kong Membership Association of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

娄永琪,同济大学副校长、长江学者奖励计划特聘教授,瑞典皇家工程科学院院士,英国皇家艺术学院(Royal College of Art)荣誉博士。现任中国工业设计协会副会长、全国设计专业学位研究生教育指导委员会主任委员、第八届国务院设计学学科评议组秘书长、奥地利维也纳应用艺术大学国际咨询委员主席等学术职务。长期致力于社会创新和可持续设计实践、教育和研究,积极探索设计在新时代的新使命、新角色、新方法和新工具,并将“设计驱动式创新”应用到城乡交互、产业转型、创新教育、社区营造、政策研究等多个领域。任MIT出版《Design Issues》学报编委,Elsevier出版《She ji, the Journal of Design, Economics and Innovation》创刊执行主编。先后担任世界设计组织(WDO)执委、国际艺术设计与媒体院校联盟(CUMULUS)执委/副主席(2010-2016)、2021第九届IASDR(国际设计研究协会联合会)大会联合主席。

Lou Yongqi is Vice President of Tongji University, Distinguished Professor under the 2018 Chang Jiang Scholars Program, Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, and Honorary Doctor of the Royal College of Art in the UK. He now holds academic positions like Vice President of the China Industrial Design Association, Chairman of the National Guidance Committee for Graduate Education in Design, Secretary General of the 8th State Council’s Design Discipline Evaluation Group, and Chairman of the International Advisory Board of the University of Applied Arts Vienna in Austria. Lou has long been committed to social innovation and sustainable design practices, education, and research, actively explored new missions, roles, methods, and tools of design in the new era, and applied "design-driven innovation" to multiple fields such as urban-rural interaction, industrial transformation, innovative education, community building, and policy research. He also serves as the editorial board member of Design Issues (MIT), and the founding Executive Editor of She ji, the Journal of Design, Economics and Innovation (Elsevier). He successively served as Executive Director of the World Design Organization (WDO), Executive Director/Vice Chairman of the International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media (CUMULUS, 2010-2016), and Co-chairman of the 9th International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference (IASDR) in 2021.


Born in 1962, Lv Pinchang currently serves as Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President (in charge of administrative work) of Jingdezhen Ceramic University, professor and doctoral supervisor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Vice Chairman of Chinese Urban Sculpture Artists Association, Director of China Artists Association, Deputy Director and Secretary General of the Sculpture Art Committee of China Artists Association, Vice President of the China Sculpture Society, Vice Director of the Art Committee of the National Urban Sculpture Guidance Committee, Director of the Beijing Artists Association and Deputy Director of its Sculpture Art Committee, Special Sculptor of China Sculpture Institute of the Chinese National Academy of Arts, Special Sculptor of the Sculpture Institute of the Chinese National Academy of Painting, and member of the International Academy of Ceramics (IAC) of UNESCO. Since 1993, he has been entitled to special government subsidies from the State Council. In 2006, he was selected into the New Century Excellent Talent Support Program of Ministry of Education.


Song Xiewei, Dean, Professor and PhD Academic Supervisor of School of Design at Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA),Vice Dean of graduate school at Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), Deputy Director of  Academic Council at CAFA, Deputy Director of the Design Discipline Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, Director of the Chinese Artists Association, Deputy director of the national steering Committee for graduate education of design majors, Deputy Director of the Industrial Art Committee of the Chinese Artists Association, is also known as Committee Member of Alliance Graphique Interationale (AGI), Distinguished Expert of National Art Museum of China, Appraisal Member of China Scholarship Council (Fine Arts) and Professional Title Evaluation of Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China. SONG has been dedicating himself to the constant renewal of art practices and promotion of design with emphasis on new disciplines of design, enlightenment of innovation on novel academic ideas, having promoting the sustainable development of art design from global perspectives, top-rank national strategies and social issues.


Wang Xiaosong was born in Wuhan, China in 1964, graduated from the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts (now the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University) in 1987, and from the Universität der Künste Berlin in 1997 with a master's degree. Now, he is Vice President, Professor, and Doctoral Supervisor of the School of Art and Archaeology of Zhejiang University, Member of the National Design Graduate Education Guidance Committee, and Director of the Institute of Contemporary Art and Design of Zhejiang University. Important exhibitions in which Wang has participated in the past three years include: 2023 Chengdu Biennale; 2022 Wuhan Biennale; NordArt2022, Germany; and “AUSBLICK-DIE LANDSCHAFT AUF DER BRÜCKE: Ausstellung von Werken chiesischer Künstler in Deutschland” in 2022. And his main curatorial works include: "Compilation of Classics in the Flourishing Age: The Exhibitioin of Archievements in Compiling--A Comprehinsive Collection of Ancient Chinese Paintings" in National Museum of China, Ningbo Art Museum, Jiaxing Art Museum, Yunjian Huitang Cultural and Art Center in Songjiang, Shanghai, Zhejiang Exhibition Hall, China National Archives of Publications and Culture (Hangzhou Branch) and Zhejiang Art Museum.


Wei Jie, a level-2 professor and doctoral supervisor, serves as Dean of the School of Design at Jiangnan University. She is one of the young scholars under "Changjiang Scholars Program" of the Ministry of Education, China Top 10 Educators for Industrial Design, 333 High-level Talents in Jiangsu Province, and young academic leaders in the "Qinglan Project" of Jiangsu Province. She is also Member of the National Design Graduate Education Guidance Committee, Member of the Art and Design Professional Committee of the Vocational College Teaching Guidance Committee of the Ministry of Education, Vice President of China Industrial Design Association, Deputy Director of Education Work Committee of China Arts and Crafts Society, Executive Director of the Design Education Committee of China Association of Higher Education, and Vice Chair of Jiangsu Association for Science Artists, Deputy Director of Jiangsu Provincial Art Graduate Teaching Guidance Committee. She has presides over multiple national research projects and published more than 20 academic works and textbooks. She won the second prize of National Teaching Achievement Award, the first prize of the China Light Industry Excellent Textbook Award, and the first and second prizes of Philosophy and Social Science Excellent Achievement Award of Jiangsu Province.


Wu Hongliang is currently Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Dean of the Beijing Fine Art Academy, Deputy Director and Secretary General of Curatorial Committee of China Artists Association, Deputy Director of the Art Museum Professional Committee of the Chinese Museums Association, and Vice Chairman of the Beijing Artists Association. Wu is specialized in research on Qi Baishi and art history in the 20th century, and is an influential curator. Under his auspices, the Art Museum of Beijing Fine Art Academy was selected as one of the first nine key art museums at national level, and its exhibitions have won more than ten national awards from institutions such as the Ministry of Culture and Tourism over the years. Wu participated in the curating of exhibitions on Qi Baishi’s works in countries and regions such as Macau, Hungary, Japan, and Greece. In 2016, he was awarded the title of Excellent Expert by the Ministry of Culture of China. In 2019, he curated the China Pavilion at the Venice Biennale. In 2022, he served as the Director of the Planning Committee of the Global Public Art Collection for the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics. He has participated in organizing influential academic projects such as "Curating in China" Forum and the International Forum of Qi Baishi’s Art.


Wu Jian is a senior engineer at professor level, He is Member of the National Design Graduate Education Guidance Committee under the Ministry of Education. Now he serves as Vice President of Haier Smart Home and General Manager of Haier Innovation Design Center, entitled to special subsidies from the State Council. Since joining Haier, he has successively served as product designer and overseas design manager, always working in the front line of product innovation. Currently, as the leader of product design of Haier Group, he is responsible for the full range of product innovation of multiple brands. Wu is also Vice Chairman of the China Industrial Design Association, Member of the National Standardization Committee, and Judge of the German iF Design Award, etc..


Yang Dongjiang graduated from the Department of Environmental Art Design of the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts in 1993 with a bachelor's degree, and stayed there as a faculty member ever since. He graduated from the Architecture School of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2006 with a doctoral degree. Currently, he serves as the Vice Dean, Director of Academic Committee, Deputy Director of the Teaching Committee, Vice Chairman of the Degree Sub-Committee, Director of Teaching and Research Center, and Doctoral Supervisor of the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, Deputy Director of the National Design Graduate Education Guidance Committee, Deputy Director of the Admissions Guidance Committee for Fine Arts and Design Examinations of the Ministry of Education, Secretary General of Design Education Committee of the China Association of Higher Education, Convener of the Fine Arts Design Sub-committee of the Art Degree Working Committee of Association of Chinese Graduate Education, Director of the Rural Art Construction Special Committee of the Rural Construction University Alliance, Vice Chairman of China Interior Decoration Association and Director of its Design Education Committee, Council Member of China Artists Association, and Director of Han Meilin Art Research Center at Tsinghua University. He is engaged in researches on interior space and modern lifestyle, the application of new materials and technologies in environmental design, development strategy and operation mechanism of urban public art, and mechanism of contemporary international design exhibitions.

袁由敏,中国美术学院教授,博士生导师,中国美术学院国际教育学院院长 中国美术学院南特设计联合学院院长,原中国美术学院美术馆副馆长、中国国际设计博物馆执行馆长。平面设计师,策展人。他旨在通过多元、系列的教学、研究、实践、公教等途径,致力于将东方传统智慧融入当代设计实践,让设计文化进入公共教育服务体系。他具有多次国际性展览、评审、获奖、策展以及参与国家项目的经历。作为“九月九号设计”创始人及艺术总监,带领团队执行并完成“第一届全国青运会视觉形象”、“杭州G20峰会会徽形象”、“ 杭州2022年19届亚运会会徽、亚运会体育图标系统”等众多国家级项目。

Yuan Youmin, the Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of China Academy of Art, Dean of the School of International Education of the China Academy of Art, Dean of the Nante School of Design of the China Academy of Art, former deputy director of the Art Museum of the China Academy of Art and executive director of the China International Design Museum. He has multiple identities such as curator, graphic designer and teacher. He is committed to integrating traditional oriental wisdom into contemporary design practice and  introducing design culture into the public education service system through a variety of channels including teaching, research, practice, public education, and more. He has experience in numerous international exhibitions, juries, awards, curating, and participating in national projects . As the founder and art director of "studio0909", Yuan was chief designer of the First National Youth Games, image of G20 Summit, image of the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou, and the sports pictograms for Asian Games Hangzhou 2022.


Zhang Zikang is currently Director of the Art Museum of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Editor-in-chief of Art Museum magazine, Vice Dean of the Institute of Arts and Technology at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Council Member of the Chinese Artists Association and Deputy Director of its Experimental Art Committee, and Deputy Director of Art Museum Professional Committee of Chinese Museum Association. He has planned, edited and published over a thousand literary and artistic books, and won national book awards for multiple times. He has curated numerous influential large-scale art exhibitions both domestically and internationally, such as the debut in China of "Mark Chagall: Color Magic", "Leandro Erlich: The Cconfines Of The Great Void", "Anish Kapoor", "Xu Beihong: Living Art Forever", the opening exhibition "Beyond" of the TAG Art Museum, and the theme exhibition of China Pavilion of the 59th Venice Biennale.


Zhao Jian, a level-2 professor, serves as Distinguished Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Shanghai University, Doctoral Supervisor at the Macau University of Science and Technology, Vice President of the China Interior Decoration Association, Deputy Director of Design Committee of China Association of Higher Education and Deputy Director of its Public Art Professional Committee. He formerly served as Vice Dean of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Chairperson of the Academic Committee of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, and Member of the Guangzhou Municipal Planning Commission, and Member of the Guangzhou Historic City Protection Committee. In 2010, he was a member of the expert group on exhibition design for Shanghai World Expo theme pavilions, and the leader of the expert group on overall visual image and landscape system design for the Guangzhou Asian Games. In 2011, he was the head of the expert group on the overall visual image system design of the FISU Summer World University Games in Shenzhen. In 2022, he was Senior Consultant of the Art and Design Research Center of the Hangzhou Asian Games and Chairman of the Art and Design Review Committee for National Subway Stations.


Learn more about the project




The Guangdong Museum of Art, among the first batch of national key art museums, is a non-profit modern art museum equipped with multiple functions. It focuses on modern art of China, especially of Guangdong and coastal areas, international art, contemporary art, and contemporary design, aiming to educate the public with art. Since its opening on November 28, 1997, during more than 20 years, the Museum has improved its six major functions of collection, research, exhibition, education, communication, and service. While clarifying its own functions, it has fit in its social roles and cultural responsibilities, constantly optimized them in practice, and explored management model and academic system with cultural purposes. As one of the first batch of national key art museums, the Museum conducts research with an open international horizon and a rigorous attitude towards art history, and establishes influential academic propositions in a diverse academic community. In public education, it invites the public with exhibitions, public education activities, and various other interactive forms, so as to spread art in a people-friendly and professional manner. At the same time, it strives to create a relaxed, enjoyable and leisurely image, and to carry out art projects in a beautiful and agreeable environment, subtly cultivating people with aesthetic education and the power of art.

来源:广东美术馆 |

编辑:赵娣 |

监制:博物馆头条 |




