
重磅发布:广州设计三年展2024及策展团队 Guangzhou Design Triennial 2024


As one of the earliest art museums in China to establish the triennial exhibition mechanism, Guangdong Museum of Art hosted the first Guangzhou Triennial Exhibition (2002) and “Guangzhou Image Triennial” (2017). In 2023, GDMoA launched the first “Guangzhou Design Triennial”, making it a national key art museum dedicated to research, collection and exhibition of modern design. “Guangzhou Triennial” has thus formed the structure of research on contemporary art, image art and design art.


The “Guangzhou Design Triennial”, as a research-oriented design triennial focusing on comprehensive design in China, aims to construct a creative system that transcends the realms of technology and ideas. It is giving design a narrative of creativity and vitality from the perspectives of history, sociology, and other humanities disciplines, reflecting people’s pursuit for aesthetics, rationality, creativity and human care. This year’s triennial is dedicated to building a platform to showcase the energy and achievements of design. Also, this platform is an opportunity for designers from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and even around the world to explore current and future design research concepts, design development and social values. We hope that this exhibition can impress the audience with “warmth” conveyed by the excellent design works with different cultural background. Moreover, through seeking more possibilities of calm, rational, intelligent and empathetic design, we aim to promote the long-term development of design history, contemporary concepts and creativity in China, which will inject new energy into the sustainable development of current culture and economy.

总策展人 / 王绍强





Director of Guangdong Museum of

Art, National Level-2 Researcher,

Professor, Doctoral Supervisor,

An Expert with State Council Special

Allowance, Curator, Art Educator

and Artist



Wang Shaoqiang serves as a member of China Artists Association, the vice-chairman of Guangdong Artists Association, the president of Guangdong Art Museums Association and a member of the Teaching Steering Committee of Higher Education, Ministry of Education. He has been selected for projects such as “Guangdong Provincial Talent Support Program” and “The New Century Tens, Hundreds, Thousands Talent Project” in Guangdong Province. He has been listed twice on “Chinese Art Power List” and was named one of the Influential Figures by National Arts Magazine. Wang was also awarded with Artist Award at the 22nd Napoli Cultural Classics.

He has been engaged in the research of modern art and contemporary art for a long time. He once planned large-scale exhibitions such as 2017 Guangdong Art Centennial Exhibition, Guangzhou Image Triennial 2017 and Guangzhou Image Triennial 2021, and served as the chief planner and curator of the 6th Guangzhou Triennial, the chief curator of the 7th Guangzhou Triennial, the chief curator of the 2023 Chengdu Biennale and other large-scale exhibitions with international influence.

主题展策展人 / 维姬·理查森



Head of Architecture and 

Drue Heinz Curator at the Royal Academy of Arts in London

维姬·理查森 (Vicky Richardson) 是伦敦皇家艺术学院建筑系主任和德鲁·海因茨策展人。她近期在那里策划了“赫尔佐格与德梅隆”大型展览。2010年至2016年,她担任威尼斯建筑双年展英国馆的专员,并于2015年获得英国皇家建筑师协会的荣誉院士。维姬是中欧设计协会的成员,该组织致力于促进中国与欧洲设计师间的交流与合作。作为英国文化教育协会的建筑、设计和时尚总监,她在中国组织了多场展览,包括托马斯·赫斯维克的大型回顾展。


Vicky Richardson is Head of Architecture and Drue Heinz Curator at the Royal Academy of Arts in London where she recently curated a major exhibition of Herzog & de Meuron. From 2010-2016 she was Commissioner of the British Pavilion at Venice Architecture Biennale and in 2015 received an Honorary Fellowship from the Royal Institute of British Architects. Vicky is a panel member of China Europe Design a new organisation that promotes collaboration between Chinese and European designers. As Director of Architecture, Design and Fashion at the British Council she organised several exhibitions in China, including a major retrospective of Thomas Heatherwick.

Vicky has previously held roles the Royal College of Art and London School of Architecture. She began her career as an architectural journalist before becoming Editor of iconic design magazine Blueprint. She has a Masters in Early Modern History from King’s College London, and a degree in Architecture from the University of Westminster.

主题展策展人 / 又一山人(黄炳培)


Founder & Creative Director of 84000 Communications


历年来,黄氏的艺术、摄影、平面设计及广告创作,在国内及国际间获颁逾六百个奖项。其作品多次于海内外展出,获多间国际艺术馆永久收藏,包括香港西九M+及伦敦V&A Museum。黄氏获颁2011香港艺术发展奖之年度最佳艺术家奖(视觉艺术)大奖,及香港艺术馆颁发之香港当代艺术奖2012,2020年获选DFA世界杰出华人设计师。

Visual communicator, gained international awareness with his ‘redwhiteblue’ series, representing the ‘positive spirit of Hong Kong’ which he presented at the 51st Venice Biennale in 2005 representing Hong Kong. Established 84000 Communications in 2007, branching out his creative career.

Wong is the recipient of more than 600 local and international awards for his art, design, photography and advertising works. Many of his art works have been exhibited in local and overseas galleries and museums, while collectors include Hong Kong M+ and London V&A Museum. Wong was awarded the Artist of the Year 2011 (Visual Arts) from Hong Kong Arts Development Awards, and the Hong Kong Contemporary Art Awards 2012 from Hong Kong Museum of Art. In 2020, He was named DFA World’s Outstanding Chinese Designer.

主题展策展人 / 李德庚




Founder of Diameter Narrative Design (DND);

Doctor of arts;

Doctoral supervisor at Academy of Art and Design, Tsinghua University.

李德庚在首届“中国设计大展”、首届“北京国际设计三年展”、“2013上海设计艺术展”等重要设计展览担任策展人;他也是“社会能量”中国巡回展、“设计的立场” 中国巡回展、2013深圳OCT-LOFT创意节、“2011深圳建筑双年展——大运与深圳特别展”、2019北京世园会植物馆、张之洞与武汉博物馆、深圳同源馆群、沈阳味觉博物馆、深圳城市规划馆、珠海金山创想馆、天津运河创想中心的总策展人或主持设计师;著有《流动的博物馆》《没有展品的博物馆》《正在设计的未来》《平面设计死了吗?》,以及《今日交流设计》丛书、《欧洲设计现在时》丛书等十余本深具社会影响的设计书籍;他曾受邀在2009北京世界设计大会、2010荷兰建筑、时尚与设计大会、英国V&A博物馆、韩国东亚书籍设计论坛、平面设计在中国等国际重要设计学术会议上进行学术演讲或担任学术主持人;近年来专注于博物馆策展设计以及文化空间叙事的研究与实践。

Li Degeng has curated many design exhibitions such as the 1st China Design Exhibition (2012), The 1st Beijing International Design Triennial (2011) and Design Shanghai 2013. He was not only the chief curator of international exhibition such as Social Energy: Contemporary Communication Design from the Netherlands(2009), Taking a Stance: 8 Critical Attitudes in Chinese and Dutch Architecture and Design(2010), 2013 OCT-LOFT Creative Festival Exhibition and Universiade and Shenzhen (Special exhibition of 2011 Shenzhen & Hong Kong Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture), but also the chief designers of Botanic Garden of International Horticultural Exposition 2019 (Beijing), Museum of Zhang Zhidong (Wuhan), Diverse Homology Pavilion (Shenzhen), Taste Museum (Shenyang), Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art and Urban Planning, Kingsoft Innovation Museum (Zhuhai), The Grand Canal Creative Center (Tianjin) . He has edited and designed books with social impact such as Liquid Museum, The Museum without Exhibits, Design Edge: Inside/Outside, Is Graphic Design Dead?, “Today’s Discussion of Design” series and “The European Design Now” series.


In addition, he has been invited to give speeches and chaired the meetings at many important academic conferences such as Icograda World Design Congress (2009), Dutch DFA Conference (2010), V&A Museum (UK), East Asia Book Design Conference, GDC Conference, etc. In recent years, he has been focusing on curatorial narrative design for museum and studying on urban cultural space.

主题展策展人 / 王乃一

策展人,英国皇家艺术学院V&A/RCA History of Design博士候选人

Curator, PhD Candidate, V&A/RCA History of Design

王乃一是英国中英学术基金会 (Sino-British Fellowship Trust) 两届学术奖金的获得者,自2017年起,她在中央美术学院设计学院开设“设计批评与策展研究”方向课程,从事设计策展的教学和研究工作。近期策展实践专注于气候危机与生态缠绕等议题,先后策划了首届北京艺术与科技双年展“合成生态” (Synthetic Ecology),发起了国内首个通过艺术与科技推动气候行动的倡议“气候关怀” (Climate Care),并联合世界自然基金会 (WWF) 共同策划了气候行动周首个艺术公益展览“我们即自然” (WE ARE NATURE)。

王乃一于2023年担任伦敦设计双年展主题馆 (Care Pavilion) 策展人,2021年联合伦敦设计博物馆共同策划“万物生息” (Material Tales) 全球首展。她拥有丰富的策展经历,过去5年间在国际众多双年展与设计周中独立/联合策划展览项目,其中包括伊斯坦布尔设计双年展、伦敦设计周、米兰设计周、北京媒体艺术双年展 (BMAB)、亚洲数字艺术展 (ADAE) 等。近期著作《超越人类的设计:关于星球的跨学科对话》。

Wang Naiyi is a curator and researcher whose work concentrates on the juncture between ecology, technology, and expanded definitions of life and non-life from an intersectional perspective. She is a lecturer in MA Design Criticism & Curatorial Studies at d-School of Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) and a recipient of Sino-British Fellowship Trust (2016-2017, 2023-2026). She curated the inaugural Beijing Art and Technology Biennale (BATB) titled Synthetic Ecology (2022). She initiated Climate Care (2020–ongoing), and collaborated with World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to curate WE ARE NATURE, which is programmed with the inaugural China Climate Action Week (2022). 

She served as chief curator of Care Pavilion at London Design Biennale 2023. She co-curated Material Tales: The Life of Things (in collaboration with Design Museum London) in 2021. Previously, she curated/co-curated exhibitions at 4th Istanbul Design Biennial, London Design Festival, Milan Design Week, Beijing Media Art Biennale (BMAB), Asia Digital Art Exhibition (ADAE), among many others. She is the co-author of Design Beyond the Human: Transdisciplinary Conversations About the Planet (edited by Elio Caccavale and Prof Gordon Hush), which will be published by Bloomsbury in 2023.

社区项目策展人 / 胡智义



Graphic Designer

Founding Partner and Executive Creative Director of 3nity

1996年,胡智义与Leong Kah Fai、Luke Teong联合创办品牌识别咨询公司“三一设计(3nity)”。作为一名平面设计师,他近年来将重点放在教育和社区项目上。他积极向客户推广“社会创新”理念,鼓励他们同时满足本地社区的社会需求,以打造与众不同的业务。

2017-2019年,他联合创办kongsikl和rexkl,对吉隆坡的旧建筑进行场所改造和再利用,致力于为企业实现经济可行性并促进社会企业、艺术和文化在周边社区的发展。他在马来西亚理科大学艺术学院及DESIAP(亚太设计与社会创新) 领导力项目中均担任顾问委员会成员。

Joseph Foo is the founding partner of 3nity since 1996 – a brand identity consultancy in Malaysia – alongside two other partners, Leong Kah Fai and Luke Teong. A graphic designer by training, Joseph has in recent years placed his focus in education and community-led projects. He actively promotes the idea of “social innovation” to clients, encouraging them to make a difference with their business by also meeting the social needs of the local community. 

Between 2017 to 2019, he co-founded kongsikl and rexkl, a place-making and repurposing of old building in Kuala Lumpur to create both economic viability for businesses and promote development of social enterprise, arts and culture to the surrounding communities. He sits at the advisory board of DESIAP (Design & Social Innovation in Asia-Pacific) leadership mentoring program & School of the Arts, University of Science Malaysia.

学术会议策划 / 郦亭亭

独立学者 、作者与策展人

Independent Scholar, Author and Curator

长期致力于设计批评、翻译与教学;T-Lab 创始人, 学习组成员,英国设计研究学会DRS个人会员;香港理工大学设计学院设计策略与管理硕士,于2004-2006年期间师从John Heskett教授。

Li Tingting is also engaged in design criticism, translation, and teaching for a long time. She is the founder of T-Lab, a member of Study Group, and a member of DRS (Design Research of Society). MDes, Design Strategy & Management at HK PolyU. Tutored by Prof. John Heskett during 2004-2006.

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